Title: ME6405 DAC Lecture
1ME6405 DAC Lecture
- Sunij Chacko
- Pierre Emmanuel Deliou
- Thomas Holst
- What is a DAC?
- General Characteristics of DACs
- Types of DACs
- Binary Weighted Resistor
- R/2R Ladder
- Common Errors in DACs
- Applications
3Digital to Analog Converter
- What is a digital to analog converter (DAC)?
- Converts digital input signal to an analog output
4Digital to Analog Converter
Analog Output Signal
Digital Input Signal
5What a DAC Looks Like
6General DAC Characteristics
- Resolution
- Linearity
- Speed
- Settling Time
- Reference Voltages
- The variation of the output voltage corresponding
to the variation of the least significant binary
bit (LSB) - Inversely proportional to the number of bits
- Commonly 12-bit because of tradeoff between cost
and resolution
- Consistency of step sizes
- Rate of conversion of a single digital signal to
its analog equivalent - Depends on
- Clock speed of input signal
- Settling time of DAC
10Settling Time
11Reference Voltages
- Non multiplier DAC Vref is fixedgiven by the
Manufacturer - Multiplier DAC Vref can be variable
- Multiplies digital word by analog Vref input
12Full Scale Voltage
- Full scale voltage is determined using the
reference voltage
13Types of DAC
- 2. Two types of DAC
- Binary Weighted Resistor DAC
- R-2R Ladder DAC
14Binary Weighted Resistor DAC
- R/2nR DAC
- Variation on the
- inverting summer
- op-amp circuit
15Binary Weighted Resistor DACAnalysis
- Recall inverting summer Op-Amp
- Set the input resistor values at
- multiple powers of two.
- Using KCL and Op-Amp properties
- V(-) V() 0 V
Inverting summer Op-Amp
Starting from V1 and going through V3, this would
give each input voltage exactly half the effect
on the output as the voltage before it.
16Binary Weighted Resistor DAC Analysis
Binary inputs so that each input is either 0
volts or full supply voltage, the output
voltage will be an analog representation of the
binary value of these bits.
A reference voltage defines the full scale of the
17Binary Weighted Resistor DAC
18Binary Weighted Resistor DAC
Full scale voltage
19Binary Weighted Resistor DAC
- Advantage
- Easy principle (low bit DACs)
- Disadvantages
- Requirement of several different precise input
resistor values one unique value per binary
input bit. (High bit DACs) - Larger resistors more error.
- Precise large resistors expensive.
- High number of bits lead to current changes in
the magnitude of noise amplitudes.
20R-2R Ladder DAC
- Network of R and 2R
- resistances
- Most commonly used
21R-2R Ladder DAC Analysis
- Weighting factors using Thevenin Analysis
- Summing Op-Amp Properties
22R-2R Ladder DAC Analysis
Thevenin Analysis
23R-2R Ladder DAC Analysis
Thevenin Analysis Example
24R-2R Ladder DAC Analysis
25R-2R Ladder DAC Analysis
26R-2R Ladder DAC
- Only two resistor values- R and 2R
- Does not need the kind of precision as Binary
weighted DACs - Easy to manufacture
- More popular
- Less errors
27Common DAC Errors
- 3. DAC Errors
- Gain Error
- Offset Error
- Non-Linearities
- Monotony
28Gain Error
- Distance between the theoretical value and the
real value measured on the last transition of the
converter and expressed in LSB. - Assumes the adjustment of the zero is completed.
29Offset Error
- Distance between the theoretical value and the
real value measured on the first transition of
the converter and expressed in LSB
- The linearity error of is due to the fact that
the resolution of the converter is not constant - Two types
- Integral non linearity
- Differential non linearity
31Integral non-linearity
- It is the maximum difference noticed on all the
range of conversion between the theoretical
values and the real values
32Differential non linearity
- It is the difference of tension obtained during
the passage in the next digital code.
- Should be 1 LSB in theory.
- Inflection in the transfer function
- For one Output value, two binary input are
34Overall Precision
- Its the sum of all previous errors.
- Its given in a percentage of the full scale.
- Conventional use
- Programmable gain OpAmps
- Programmable Filters
- Multiplier
36Conventional use
- Used at the end of a digital processing chain
when an analog signal is required. - It will be followed by a filter in order to
abolish the steps inherent to the
37Programmable gain OpAmps
- Voltage controlled Amplifier(digital input, Vref
as control) - Digitally operated attenuators(Vref as input,
digital control)
38Programmable Filters
- Integrate DACs in filters
- Variable cutoff frequency commended by a digital
- http//www.allaboutcircuits.com
- http//www.dwelle.de/rtc/infotheque/digital_signal
/conversion.pdf - http//hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu
- http//www.fujitsu.com
- Dr. I. Charles Ume
- Teaching Assistants
- Students from previous years.