Productline architecture: New issues for evaluation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Productline architecture: New issues for evaluation


Product-Line Architecture Evaluation: New Challenges. Two different architecture ... Product Families, In Robert L. Nord, editor, Software Product lines, Third ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Productline architecture: New issues for evaluation

Product-line architecture New issues for
  • Leire Etxeberria Elorza
  • University of Mondragon

Table of contents
  • Software Architecture Evaluation
  • Software product lines
  • Product-Line Architecture Evaluation New
  • Two different architecture types to evaluate
  • Different strategies
  • What to evaluate in each level?
  • New moments to evaluate
  • Architecture evaluation methods
  • Conclusions
  • Future research
  • References

Software Architecture Evaluation
Functional requirements
Quality attributes
Operational attributes performance, security,
availability, usability
Development attributes modifiability,
portability, reusability, integrability,
A great influence
Software Architecture
Analyse or evaluate the potential of a software
architecture to reach the required quality
levels. Why? To find the problems early in the
life cycle, when they are easier and less
expensive to correct
Software Product lines
  • Software Product Line (SPL) is a set of
    software-intensive systems that share a common,
    managed set of features satisfying the specific
    needs of a particular market segment or mission
    and that are developed from a common set of core
    assets in a prescribed way Clements and
    Northrop, 2002
  • The key core asset is the Product Line
    Architecture (PLA) since it is the generic
    structure that captures all the communality and
    the variability of the line. Product
    architectures are derived from this architecture.

Product-line Architecture (PLA)
Product Arch 1
Product Arch 2
PLA evaluation New challenges
  • Research Question How change architecture
    evaluation in a product-line context?
  • For evaluating architectures in the context of a
    product line new challenges and aspects arise
  • Two level of architectural abstraction or two
    architecture types and different requirements to
    evaluate in each one
  • It is vital to assure that product line
    architecture offers the required variability and
    extensibility to cover all the products of the
    envisioned scope as well as support new
    characteristics and products in the future
  • New evaluation moments arise before designing
    the PLA, during derivation
  • More stakeholders are involved and they may be
    far away from each other

Two architecture types to evaluate
Ensure that the PLA is flexible enough to support
different products and allow evolution.
Product-line Architecture
Two level of architectural abstraction

Product arch 1
Product arch 2
Ensure that each product architecture fulfils the
required quality attributes
What to evaluate in each level?
Product Line Architecture
  • Product Line quality attributes
  • Domain-relevant quality attributes
  • Common behaviour

  • Instanted quality attributes
  • Specific behaviour

Concrete architectures of products
What to evaluate in each level?
Product Line Architecture
  • Product Line quality attributes To be the basis
    for a set of related products as well as future
    new products.
  • Domain-relevant quality attributes
  • Common behaviour

Modifiability (Variation over time)
Extensibility, Portability, Scalability...
Variability or Flexibility
Configurability (Variation over space)
Reusability, composability, interoperability...
Concrete architectures of products
What to evaluate in each level?
Product Line Architecture
  • Product Line quality attributes
  • Domain-relevant quality attributes Important
    quality attributes for the specific domain
  • Common behaviour

Performance, Safety, Security, Reliability,
Availability, Usability ...
Concrete architectures of products
What to evaluate in each level?
Product Line Architecture
  • Product Line quality attributes
  • Domain-relevant quality attributes
  • Common behaviour the behaviour viewed as common
    across product line members

Concrete architectures of products
What to evaluate in each level?
Product Line Architecture
  • Product Line quality attributes
  • Domain-relevant quality attributes
  • Common behaviour

Instated Variability
  • Instated quality attributes
  • Specific behaviour

Concrete architectures of products
Different strategies
  • To evaluate all the products is not
  • The product architecture evaluation is a
    variation of the product line architecture
    evaluation, just as the product architecture is a
    variation of the product line architecture
    Clements and Northrop, 2002
  • Product architecture evaluations can be shortened
    because many issues have been previously dealt
    with in the evaluation of the product line
  • There are different strategies to shorten the
    product evaluations
  • Evaluate only a set of products
  • A reference product
  • Extreme products
  • Automate the evaluation
  • Reuse evaluation assets (checklists, scenarios)

Evaluation techniques
  • For quality evaluation
  • Questioning techniques
  • Scenarios, questionnaires, checklists
  • Measuring techniques
  • Simulations, prototypes, experiments,
    mathematical models (metrics, RMA)
  • For Functional requirement evaluation
  • Model Checking
  • Theorem Proving
  • In some cases, these techniques have to be
    adapted to use them in a product-line context

New evaluation moments
Product Line Architecture
Assures reference architecture compliance to
product-line quality attributes, domain relevant
qualities and common behaviour.

PLA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
Assures instantiated quality attributes and
product specific behaviour.
PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
Concrete architectures
New evaluation moments
Analyse or compare existing product architectures
to use them as a basis for the product line.
Existing PA Evaluation
Product Line Architecture

PLA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
Concrete architectures
New evaluation moments
Existing PA Evaluation
Product Line Architecture

PLA Evaluation
Assess the impact of variants on quality
attributes and help to select between variants or
variant versions
Evaluation during Derivation
PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
Concrete architectures
New evaluation moments
  • Determine the ability of the product line to
    support a new product, a new requirement
  • Assure that the architecture continue meeting
    its quality goals
  • Architectural conformance to determine if an
    existing product can be part of the product line

Existing PA Evaluation
Product Line Architecture
Evolution related PLA evaluation

PLA Evaluation
Evaluation during Derivation
  • Assess the conformance of the instated
    architecture to the reference architecture
  • Assure that the architecture continue meeting
    its quality goals

Evolution related PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
Evolution related PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
Evolution related PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
Concrete architectures
Architecture evaluation methods
  • For evaluating existing product architectures
  • Pinzgers architectural recovery (Pinzger et al,
  • MAP (Mining Architectures for Product lines)
    (Stoermer and OBrien, 2001)
  • SACAM (Software Architecture Comparison Analysis
    Method) (Stoermer et al, 2003)
  • Korhonens approach (Korhonen and Mikkonen, 2001)
  • For evaluating product line architectures
  • FAAM (Family Architecture Assessment Method)
    (Dolan, 2002)
  • AQA (Architecture Quality Analysis) (Dobrica and
    Niemela, 2000)
  • REDA (Reliability Evaluation of Domain
    Architectures) (Auerswald et al, 2001)
  • D-SAAM (Distributed SAAM) (Graaf et al, 2005)
  • Gannods approach (Gannod and Lutz, 2000)
  • Maccaris approach (Maccari, 2002)
  • Rivas approach (Riva and Del Rosso, 2003)
  • SBA (Scenario-Based Architecting) (America et al,
  • Wijnstras approach (Wijnstra, 2004)
  • COSVAM (The COVAMOF Software Variability
    Assessment Method) (Deelstra et al, 2004)

Architecture evaluation methods
  • For evaluating derived product architectures
  • TPA (Timing Property Assessment) (Alonso et al,
  • Zhangs method (Zhang et al, 2003)
  • Use service utilization metrics (Van der Hoek et
    al, 2001)
  • Rahmans metrics (Rahman, 2004)

Single system architecture evaluation methods
  • Product line architecture evaluation becomes more
    important than single system architecture
    evaluation because an error in the PLA can be
    spread to a lot of products
  • All the methods focus on a specific type of
    architecture existing product architecture,
    product line architecture or derived product
    architecture, and they do not take advantage of
    the relation between these evaluations.
  • There are few methods that reuse assets (to
    evaluate derived architectures)
  • Single-product architecture evaluation is quite a
    mature field so the methods and techniques used
    in single product architecture evaluation should
    be adapted to use them into product-line context

Future research
  • Some ideas
  • New strategies and techniques to shorten product
  • To develop a framework to encourage reuse among
  • Reuse the knowledge got during evaluation, during
    others activities (evolution, derivation).
  • Open issues
  • Adaptation of techniques
  • Measuring quality
  • Organizational aspects

Future Research Encourage reuse
  • An open framework for evaluations in a
    product-line context
  • Interconnect evaluations
  • Encourage the reuse of evaluation assets among
    different evaluations
  • Provide feedback between evaluation types. This
    help to get a complete vision of the quality of
    the line for instance, the feedback from product
    evaluations give information about the PLA, if it
    is sufficiently flexible
  • An open framework where different techniques and
    methods can fit in.
  • Benefits
  • Make easier the evaluation process through
  • Increase the evaluation quality
  • Provide a global view of the product line quality

Future Research Encourage reuse
Architectural Evaluation Framework for
Product-Lines (AEF)
Existing PA Evaluation
Product Line Architecture
Evolution related PLA evaluation
PLA Evaluation

Evaluation during Derivation
Evolution related PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
Evolution related PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
Evolution related PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
Concrete architectures
Future Research Reuse knowledge
  • All the information and knowledge obtained in
    evaluations can be gathered and reused during
    other activities such as derivation or evolution
  • During derivation, variants are selected and
    these variants may influence quality attributes,
    so information about how they influence qualities
    can be very useful.

Product Line Architecture

PLA Evaluation
Get Knowledge
PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
PA Evaluation
Concrete architectures
  • Alejandro Alonso, Marisol García-Valls, Juan A.
    de la Puente, Assessment of Timing Properties of
    Family Products, In Frank van der Linden (Ed.)
    Development and Evolution of Software
    Architectures for Product Families, Second
    International ESPRIT ARES Workshop, Las Palmas de
    Gran Canaria, Spain, 1998, Proceedings. Lecture
    Notes in Computer Science 1429 Springer 1998
  • Pierre America, Dieter Hammer, Mugurel T. Ionita,
    Henk Obbink and Eelco Rommes, Scenario-Based
    Decision Making for Architectural Variability in
    Product Families, In Robert L. Nord, editor,
    Software Product lines, Third International
    Conference, SPLC 3, Boston, USA, 2004,
    Proceeedings, volume 3154 of Lecture Notes in
    Computer Science, Springer, 2004
  • Marko Auerswald, Martin Herrmann, Stefan
    Kowalewski, Vincent Schulte-Coerne,
    Reliability-Oriented Product Line Engineering of
    Embedded Systems, In Frank van der Linden (Ed.)
    Software Product-Family Engineering, 4th
    International Workshop, PFE 2001, Bilbao, Spain,
    2001, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer
    Science 2290, Springer 2002, pp 83-100
  • Paul Clements, Linda Northrop, Software Product
    Lines Practices and Patterns, Addison Wesley,
  • Sybren Deelstra, Jos Nijhuis, Jan Bosch, Marco
    Sinnema, The COVAMOF Software Variability
    Assessment Method (COSVAM), 2nd Groningen
    Workshop on Software Variability Management, 2004
  • Liliana Dobrica, Elia Niemelä, A strategy for
    analyzing product line architectures, VTT
    Publications, 2000
  • Thomas J. Dolan, Ph.D. Thesis, Architecture
    Assessment of Information-Systems Families,
    Department of Technology Management, Eindhoven
    University of Technology, February 2002
  • Gerald C. Gannod, Robyn R. Lutz, An Approach to
    Architectural Analysis of Product Lines, ICSE
    2000, Proceedings of the 22nd International
    Conference on Software Engineering, June 4-11,
    2000, Limerick Ireland. ACM, 2000, pp 548 557
  • Bas Graaf, Hylke van Kijk, Arie van Deursen,
    Evaluating an Embedded Software Reference
    Architecture Industrial Experience Report-
    Accepted for CSMR 2005
  • Mika Korhonen, Tommi Mikkonen, Assessing Systems
    Adaptability to a Product Family, In Proceedings
    of the International Conference on Software
    Engineering Research and Practice (SERP03), pp
    135-141, Las Vegas, 2003
  • Alessandro Maccari, Experiences in assessing
    product family software architecture for
    evolution, Proceedings of the 22nd International
    Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2002,
    Orlando, Florida, USA. ACM 2002, pp 585-592
  • Martin Pinzger, Harald Gall, Jean-Francois
    Girard, Jens Knodel, Claudio Riva, Wim Pasman,
    Chris Broerse, Jan Gerben Wijnstra, Architectural
    Recovery for Product Families, In Frank van
    Linden, editor, Software Product-Family
    Engineering, 5th International Workshop, PFE 5,
    Siena, Italy, November 2003, Revised Papers,
    volume 3014 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
    Springer, 2004
  • Asim Rahman, Metrics for the Structural
    Assessment of Product Line Architecture, Master
    Thesis Software Engineering, Thesis nº
    MSE-200424, 2004
  • Claudio Riva, Christian Del Rosso, Experiences
    with Software Product Family Evolution, 6th
    International Workshop on Principles of Software
    Evolution (IWPSE 2003), Helsinki, Finland. IEEE
    Computer Society 2003, pp 161-169
  • Christoph Stoermer, Liam OBrien, MAP Mining
    Architectures for Product Line Evaluations,
    Proceedings of the Third Working IFIP Conference
    on Software Architectures (WICSA 01), Amsterdam,
  • Christoph Stoermer, Felix Bachman, Chris Verhoef,
    SACAM The Software Architecture Comparison
    Analysis Method, Technical Report,
    CMU/SEI-2003-TR-006, 2003
  • André van der Hoek, Ebru Dincel, Nenad
    Medvidovic, Using Service Utilization Metrics to
    Assess and Improve Product Line Architectures,
    9th IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium
    (METRICS 2003), Sydney, Australia. IEEE Computer
    Society 2003, pp 298-308
  • Jan Gerben Wijnstra, Evolving a Product Family in
    a Changing Context, In Frank van Linden, editor,
    Software Product-Family Engineering, 5th
    International Workshop, PFE 5, Siena, Italy,
    November 2003, Revised Papers, volume 3014 of
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2004
  • Hongyu Zhang, Stan Jarzabek, Bo Yang, Quality
    Prediction and Assessment for Product Lines, In
    Johann Eder, Michele Missikoff (Eds.) Advanced
    Information Systems Engineering, 15th
    International Conference, CAiSE 2003, Klagenfurt,
    Austria, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer
    Science 2681 Springer 2003, pp 681-695

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