Title: Productline Architecture in Industry: A Case Study
1Product-line Architecture in Industry A Case
- Jan Bosh
- University of Karlskrona/Ronneby
Vanilson Burégio vaab_at_cin.ufpe.br
2Product-line Architecture in Industry A Case
- A case study investigating the experiences from
using product line Architecture in two companies - Axis Communications AB
- Securitas Larm
- The study identified a collection of problems and
- Context
- Case Study Method
- Case Study organizations
- Problems
- Issues
- Conclusions
- Product-line architecture (PLA) have received
special attention in software industry - Increase reuse
- minimize product-specific development
- Competitive advantage
- The paper reports on a product-line architecture
case study involving two Swedish organizations
5Case Study Method
- The goals
- Understanding of the PLA state of pratice in
small- and medium-sized interprises - Identify research issues that are more relevant
to software industry - The used method interviews
- with the system architects and technical managers
- The main focus process and technological issues
6Case Study Organizations
- Case 1 Axis Communications AB
- Case 2 Securitas Larm AB
Since the beginning of the 90s, both
organizations have adopted PLA based software
development and use of O.O. frameworks and
reusable assets.
7Case 1 Axis Communications AB
- Started its business in 1984
- With Development of a IBM-pecific printer server
product - Todays Products
- IBM-specific and general printer servers, CD-ROM
and storage servers, network cameras and scanner
servers - Maintains a PLA and a set of reusable assets that
are used for product construction
8Case 1 Axis Communications AB
Product-line architecture
Printer-server architecture
Storage-server architecture
camera-server architecture
scanner-server architecture
IBMprinter-server architecture
General printer-serverarchitecture
CDROM-server architecture
File server architecture
Domain of study
9Case 1 Axis Communications AB
- Organization model
- System development was organized into business
units - Need to increase the focus on individual products
- PLA and assets is shared between the business
units and assets responsible are assigned - Evolution products is a major challenge
10Case 2 Securitas Larm AB
- Business domain
- Develops, sells, installs and maintains safety
and security systems, intruder alarm systems,
passage control systems and video surveillance
systems - Focus in larger buildings and complexes
- Requiring integration between the systems
11Case 2 Securitas Larm AB
12Case 2 Securitas Larm AB
- Organization Model
- Single develoment Departament
- Acts a an internal supplier to business units
responsible for marketing, installation and
maintenance of the products
- Background knowledge
- Information Distribution
- Multiple versions of assets
- Dependencies between assets
- Assets in new contexts
- Documentation
- Tool support
- Effort estimation
- Domain engineering units
- It is unclear if and, if so, in what cases an
organization should have separate domain
engineering - The explicit division was not present at
interviewed companies - When to split off products from product-line
- Deciding to include or exclude a product in the
product-line is a complex decision to make...
- Business units versus development departament
- There are no general answers to wich
organizational form is best - Time-to-market versus asset quality
- The lack of economic models clearly showing the
return on investiment of PLA and reusable assets - Commom feature core versus feature superset
- What to include in the PLA and what to include in
the product-specific and product variation
specific code
- A number of problems were identified in the case
study organization, but the general consensus si
that PLA approach is beneficial - Research issues
- High-level abstractions are not present
programming language - Documentation
- Tested and simple aconomic model
- Programming and architecture description language
17Analysis of a software product line architecture
an experience report
- Robyn R. Lutz a,Gerald C. Gannod
- The Journal of Systems and Software 66 (2003)
18Analysis of a software product line architecture
an experience report
- Describes experiences with the architectural
specification and tool-assisted architectural
analysis of high-performance software product
- The process used in analyzing
- Overview of the application
- Architecture recovery and specification
- Architecture evaluation (using scenarios)
- Tool assisted architecture analysis
- Considerations
20The process used in analyzing
- Structured analysis of an existing product line
architecture using - Architecture recovery and specification
- Architecture evaluation
- Model checking of behavior to determine the level
of robustness and fault tolerance at the
architectural level
21Overview of the application
22Architecture recovery and specification
- Process
- Inputs project documentation, source code, and
communication with developers - Steps
- Study of the product-line requirements
- Recovery a draft architecture from the available
information and compared with an existing
23Architecture recovery and specification
24Architecture recovery and specification
- Planned products in the product line
25Architecture recovery and specification
- Lessons learned for product lines
- Resolving discrepancies between actual and
documented architectures - some product lines are not originally designed as
product lines but evolve into them as new
products are created - Abstraction
- Some systems in the product line (e.g., testbeds)
use a single copy of this building block - Advantages of ADL specifications
- encouraged communication and review by experts
- graphical view provided a front-end that
represented the abstract architecture
26Architecture evaluation using scenarios
- Process
- Study the modifiability of the interferometry
product line architecture - determine to what extent the architecture was
amenable to a product line development approach - Identify four categories of modifiability
- extensibility
- deleting capabilities
- portability
- Restructuring
27Architecture evaluation using scenarios
- Analyzing the architectures modifiability via
28Tool assisted architecture analysis
- Process
- Architecture specification in an ADL
- Formal specifi-cation of behavior
- Analysis of behavior to determine fault-tolerance
and robustness - Used tools and languages
- ACME provides an infrastructure for high-level
architecture specification and ADL - Wright, was used for the formal specification of
behavior - Spin Model Checker is a model checker that has
been used for verifying the behavior of a wide
variety of hardware and software applications - Promela, the input specification language for
29Tool assisted architecture analysis
Wright specification.