Title: Dual Criteria Decisions
1Dual Criteria Decisions
- Steffen Andersen
- Glenn Harrison
- Morten Lau
- Elisabet Rutström
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3Single Criteria Models of Decisions
- Utility or expected utility
- Multi-attribute models reduce to one scalar for
each prospect - Non-EUT models such as rank-dependent EU or
prospect theory also boil down to a scalar - Some lexicographic models, but still single
criteria at each sequential stage - Prospect theory with editing and then evaluation
stage - Similarity criteria, and then EU
4Dual Criteria Models Motivation
- Mixtures of EU and PT
- Could be interpreted as two criteria that the
same decision-maker employs for a given choice - Psychological literature
- Lopes SP/A model
- Heuristics and cues, emphasis on plural
- Capital city cue?
- Natural language cue?
5Lopes SP/A Model
- Designed from observation of skewed bets
- The shape of the distribution of outcomes seemed
to matter - Subjects had preferences for long-shots over
symmetric bets, with same EV - Same as obscure arguments by Allais
- Two criteria emerged from verbal protocols
- Security Potential (SP) criteria
- Aspiration (A) criteria
- How are these combined?
- Weighted average, so ends up as a single criteria
6SP Criterion, Just RDEU
- Decision weights
- Cumulative probabilities used to weight utility
of prospects - Interpreted as probability of at least X
- Same as Quiggin, JEBO 1982
- Special case may be RDEV, the dual-risk model
of Yaari Econometrica 1987 - Used by Tversky Kahneman in cumulative prospect
theory, JRU 1992
7A Criterion, Just An Income Threshold
- Weights given to outcome to reflect extent to
which they achieve some subjective threshold - Fuzzy sets Lopes Oden, JMathPsych 1999
- Some probability weight is all we need
8Aside Income Thresholds
- NY city taxi drivers
- Tend to quit early on busy days, once they meet
their threshold tend to work longer on slow days - Shouldnt they substitute labor time from slow
days to these busy days? - Camerer, Babcock, Lowenstein Thaler, QJE 1997
thoroughly critiqued by Farber, JPE 2005 - No controls for risk attitudes or discount rates
- No controls for how many days worked
- Others with flexible work hours
- Stadium vendors (Oettinger, JPE 1999)
- Bicycle messengers (Fehr Goette, AER 2007)
9Deal Or No Deal
- Natural experiment with large stakes
- Simple rules, nothing strategic
- Replicated from task to task
- UK version
- Prizes from 1p up to 250,000 (460k)
- Average earnings 16,750 in our sample
- Divers demographics in sample
- Limited demographics observable
- Some sample selection?
- N461
10Skewed Distribution of Prizes
EV 25,712 Median prizes 750, 1,000
11Dynamic Sequence
- Pick one box for yourself
- Round 1
- Open 5 boxes
- Get an offer 15 of EV of unopened prizes
- Round 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Open 3 boxes per round
- Offer 24, 34, 42, 54, 73 of EV
- Round 7
- Only 2 boxes left
12Optimal Choices Under EUT
- In round 1, compare U of certain offer to
- EU of virtual lottery from saying ND, D
- EU of virtual lottery from saying ND, ND, D
- EU of virtual lottery from saying ND, ND, ND, D
- EU of virtual lottery from saying ND, ND, ND, ND,
D - EU of virtual lottery from saying ND, ND, ND, ND,
ND, D - EU of just saying ND in every future round
- Say ND if any EU exceeds U(offer)
- Similarly in round 2, etc.
- Likelihood of observed decision in each round
- Prob(ND) Fmax (EU) - U(offer)
- Easy to extend to non-EUT models
- Close approximation of fully dynamic solution
See our Risk Aversion in Game Shows paper for
13Applying Various Models
- Expo-power with IRRA
- CRRA when allow for asset integration
- Subjects are not myopic
- Significant evidence of probability weighting
- No evidence of loss aversion
- What is the true reference point??
See our Dynamic Choice Behavior in a Natural
Experiment paper for details
14The SP Criterion
- Utility function
- CRRA u(x) x(1-r)/(1-r) for r?1
- Probability weighting
- ?(p) p? / p? (1-p)?1/?
- Decision weights
- wi ?(pipn) - ?(pi1pn) i1,,n-1
- wn ?(pn)
- Overall RDEU or SP criterion
- RDUi ? wi u(xi)
15The Aspiration Function
- Pick some über-flexible cdf
- Monotone increasing
- Continuous
- No real priors here
- Cumulative non-central Beta distribution
- Three parameters
- Orrible to see written out in daylight
- But an intrinsic function in Stata, GAUSS etc.
16How To Combine SP and A?
- Mixture modeling
- View SP as one psychological process
- View A as another psychological process
- Occurs within subject, for each choice
- Illustrates why we are so agnostic on this in
Weddings modeling - Likelihoods
- Likelihood of choice if using SP only
- Likelihood of choice if using A only
- Weighted, grand likelihood of SP/A
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24Lab Experiments
- Lab as complement to field
- More controls, such as the task design
- Different country formats
- Different bank offer functions
- Information on earnings, especially the
distribution - More information about subjects
- Is the lab reliable?
See our Risk Aversion in Game Shows paper for
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28Lab Design
- UCF student subjects
- N125 in total, over several versions
- Normal procedures
- Prizes presented in nominal game-show currency
- Exchange rate converts to 250 maximum
- Subjects love playing this game
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- Dual criteria models
- Way to integrate various criteria, including
those with descriptive and non-normative
rationale - Natural use of mixture modeling logic
- SP/A is also rank-dependent and sign-dependent
- Both criteria in SP/A seem to be used
- Deal Or No Deal
- Not just utility-weighting going on
- But there is some utility-weighting
- In comparable lab environment subjects seem to
use a very simple decision heuristic