Title: Rama Thirunamachandran
1- Rama Thirunamachandran
- Director for Research and Knowledge Transfer,
- Brief history of dual support and the RAE
- Potential issues with the old RAE model
- Reform of the RAE
- RAE 2008 - process
- RAE team at HEFCE from Summer 2004
3Sources of research income ( million)
for HE institutions in England (2001-02)
TOTAL 2.9 billion
4Dual Support (1)
- HEFCE funding is one arm of dual support
- the well found laboratory, infrastructure and
staff to support project funding from other
sources - continuity, dynamism and the freedom to undertake
blue skies research and to respond quickly to
new ideas
5Dual Support (2)
- Funding from 6 Research Councils plus one
- Economic and Social
- Engineering and Physical Sciences
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
- Particle Physics and Astronomy
- Medical
- Natural Environment
- Arts and Humanities Research Board soon to
become a Research Council
6Assessing excellence Research Assessment
Exercise (RAE)
- RAE a system for assessing research that both
informs funding and demonstrates the power of the
national research base - Periodic UK-wide assessment exercises covering
the whole HE research base (1986, 1989, 1992,
1996, 2001) - Reviewed in 2003
7How RAE works
- Peer review 68 subjects
- HEIs submit under subjects they choose
- Submissions in standard format staff
publications grants research student data
strategy - Peer review panel make judgements on a 7 point
scale 1 5
8Improvement over time submissions
9Improved ratings for total submitted staff over
- Distortion of institutional mission
- Effects on sustainability of research
- Games playing behaviour on publications staff
recruitment etc - Administrative burden
- The need to recognise all aspects of excellence
- Disciplinary structure of the RAE
- Identifying pockets of excellence
11 RAE 2008 - the story so far
Roberts Review (May 2003)
Consultation closed 30/09/03. Funding bodies then
agreed line and cleared with the four governments
Funding bodies decisions
Published as RAE 01/2004 Initial decisions of
the UK funding bodies
Consultation published as RAE 02/2004 Panel
configuration and recruitment
Initial Decisions (Feb 2004)
Proposed panel configuration (March 2004)
Consultation closes 21 May 2004. Identity of
panels announced July 2004.
12Key reforms
- Grade profile
- Two tier panel structure greater consistency
- Fairer treatment of applied, practice-based and
inter-disciplinary research - Greater use of discipline specific metrics
13Former RAE rating to be replaced by quality
14RAE 2008 panel structure
67 Units of assessment
prepare submissions in
assessed by
67 sub-panels
provide quality profiles to
provide advice to
15 main panels
RAE team
finalise results
15Who is in charge?
- The RAE is operated by HEFCE on behalf of
- the four UK funding bodies
- HEFCE will host the RAE Team and provides
- support services for the exercise
- Funding decisions are taken by each funding
- body acting independently of the others
16What Next?
July 2004 Finalise panel configuration Summer
2004 RAE Manager in position July-Nov 2004
Recruit panel members November 2004 Guidance
for panels (generic rules of the RAE)
published Jan/Feb 2005 Panel meetings begin June
2005 Guidance on submissions published August 20
05 Draft panel criteria and working methods
published for consultation November
2005 Final criteria and working methods