Title: Health and Safety During Afterschool Programs
1Health and Safety During Afterschool Programs
- Healthy Communities Conference
- September 29, 2009
Presented by Jean Berger 4-H Youth
Development Agent Marathon County
UW-Extension Debbie Moellendorf 4-H Youth
Development Agent Lincoln County UW-Extension
2Out-of-School Time Key to Childrens Success
- Programs children engage in play a key role in
- Ongoing learning by providing opportunities for
exploring interests - Gaining important lifelong skills such as problem
solving, conflict resolution, teamwork and
leadership - Providing opportunities to positively connect
with adults - Source Schools Out! Out-of-School Time Key to
Childrens Success, A WisKids Policy Brief, Fall
2006, Wisconsin Council on Children and Families
3Growing Body of Research suggests.
- Afterschool programs have positive effects on
outcomes such as, - Motivation
- Engagement in Learning
- Expectations of Success
- Social Competencies
- Source Schools Out! Out-of-School Time Key to
Childrens Success, A WisKids Policy Brief, Fall
2006, Wisconsin Council on Children and Families
4After-school Programs also
- Keep youth out of trouble by providing a safe and
structured time during critical afternoon hours. - Provides an important ingredient to parents
employment stability. - Source Schools Out! Out-of-School Time Key to
Childrens Success, A WisKids Policy Brief, Fall
2006, Wisconsin Council on Children and Families
5Quality Out of School Time Makes a Difference in
- Children of color and children from low income
families gain the most ground when they have
access to high-quality out of school experiences - Math scores improved when youth participated in
afterschool programs - Youth who have access to summer enrichment
programs avoid the summer slide - Quality programs are those which provide
- access to sustained participation
- appropriate supervision and structure, well
prepared staff and intentional programming - partnerships with families, other organizations
(4-H clubs) and schools - Source More than Fun and Games Quality Out of
School Time for All Kids Makes a Difference in
School WisKids Count Issue Brief, Summer 2008
6People agree.
- From education experts to law enforcement to
parents, there is universal agreement that
afterschool programs reinforce student learning
and provide safe havens and enrichment
opportunities during non-school hours. - Source Schools Out! Out-of-School Time Key to
Childrens Success, A WisKids Policy Brief,
Fall 2006, Wisconsin Council on Children and
7UW-Extensions Role
- Assessment of Need
- Support for Grant Writing and other Funding
- Provide Training and Curriculum Resources
- Work with Older Youth to Teach Programs in
Afterschool Settings - UW-Ext. Staff Teaching Programs
- Implement Afterschool Programs
- Integrate youth into 4-H Clubs
- Evaluate Impact of Afterschool Programs
8Assessment of Need
- Survey community, parents and students to
determine need - Survey of community afterschool programs to
determine what was already in place and where
there are gaps - Work with key partners to determine appropriate
role for UW-Extension
9Grants and Other Funding
- Collaborate on 21st Century Grants
- CYFAR Federal Funding
- Safe and Stable Families Funding
- MetLife Afterschool Funding
- Solicit Community Donations, including in-kind
contributions - Support from 4-H Leaders Organizations
10Provide Training and Curriculum Resources
- Training for Day Care Providers, School Staff and
Afterschool Staff - Provide access and support for use of 4-H
Curriculum in afterschool setting - Facilitate participation in regional and state
afterschool training opportunities
11Work with Older Youth to Teach Programs
- Train Middle School Youth to work with summer
elementary program - Train 4-H Ambassadors to lead 4-H projects and
anti-bullying programs (Boomerang) - 4-H Ambassadors facilitated community service
projects and wrote grants
12UW-Extension Staff Teach
- Teach 4-H project related curriculum
- Basketry
- Knitting and Crocheting
- Rocketry
- Cake Decorating
- Science and Engineering
- Foods and Nutrition
- Multi-cultural programming
13Implement Afterschool Program
- Organize Steering Committee to implement
afterschool program for middle school - Coordinate and supervise afterschool staff
- Manage funds for afterschool program
14UW-Extension Website
- 4-H Afterschool Website
- Curriculum
- Evaluation
- Training Opportunities
- Marketing ideas
- Link to http//www.uwex.edu/ces/4h/afterschool/i
15After the Bell
- A free opportunity for middle school youth to
participate in enrichment activities through the
support of community organizations and
businesses, Merrill Area Public Schools and
Lincoln County UW-Extension 4-H Youth
16After the Bell
- The program allows students a safe place to play
board games, complete homework, make crafts,
visit with friends and have a snack. In
addition, special enrichment program are offered
each day.
17Nutrition and Fitness Programs
18Program Participants create Thank Yous and
Present Them to Program Supporters
19After the Bell Plus
- A tutoring component held in conjunction with
the After the Bell program which is supported
through a grant that the Merrill School District
received for the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08 and
2008-09 school years.
20A Quote
- The After the Bell program has caught a few of
our students that could otherwise, very easily
have fallen through the proverbial crack. Not
having anyone at home to involve them in
worthwhile, fun and engaging activities, those
students are having a crucial need fulfilled. - 7th Grade Teacher
- 2005-06 Survey
21One More Quote
- The PRMS After the Bell program is one of the
best after school programs I have ever seen in
operation. The students just love it! It has
been growing by leaps and bounds! Our own staff
tutors the students and have made unbelievable
bonds! Kudos to Lincoln County Extension service
for the vision to make this happen for our kids! - Principal during 2005-06 School Year
22Newcomers at Their 1st Fair!
23Incorporating Nutrition
24Working Across Cultures
25Group Planning
26Older Youth as Mentors
27Youth also take on leadership roles
- Serve as members of the Steering Committee
- Market the program to others
- Provide input at the program
- Give back to the community through service
opportunities - Teach and/or serve as helpers at the program
- Conduct fundraisers
- Recognize those who make program possible
- 4-H youth hired to staff summer programs
28Evaluate Impact
- Utilize UW-Extension evaluation tools to assess
impact of programs - Tools are issued to students, parents/guardians,
and school staff - Prepare impact reports for funders and other key
29Thank you