Title: Gilmore Research Group
1Gilmore Research Group
Presented by Jeanne Wintz, Ph.D., Executive
V.P.Patricia Glazer, V.P. and Senior
Moderator Gilmore Research Group
2About the company
- Full service marketing research firm
- In business over 50 years
- In-house data collection assures quality control
- Telephone
- Internet
- Mail
- In-person
- Focus groups
- Mixed-mode
- Data entry / tabulation specialists
- Full range of analytic techniques
- 500 studies annually over 250,000 quantitative
interviews and qualitative participant recruits
3- Headquarters and two branch locations
Seattle, Washington - Headquarters Professional
staff Custom Research Division
Focus Division Support Staff (HR, IT,
Accounting) Three focus suites Telephone
center Survey data collection Focus Group
Portland, Oregon Professional staff Custom
Research Outside Field Research Focus group
suite Bremerton, Washington Telephone
interviewing center
4Industry Challenges
5Technology challenges
- Caller ID
- Call blocking
- Call screening via answering machines
- Cell Phones (13 cell only Households)
- Voice over IP (internet phones)
- Portability of phone numbers
- Call forwarding
6CASRO response rates on-going telephone study
DNC List
7Society changes
- Telemarketing/DNC Registration
- Privacy and confidentiality issues
- Increasing non-English
- Company policy no interviews
- Hard to reach young adults
- Professional respondentspanels and focus group
databases - Stress / lack of time / apathy
8Methodological Concerns
- Sample selection
- Response Rates (Increase in Ring-No Answer)
- Non-response bias who is not responding?
- Hard to reach vs. Never reach
- Cooperation Rate (importance of first 9
seconds) - Weighting data
9How to counter challenges?
- Professionalism, quality control
- More opt-in and advance notice
- Short interviews
- Mixed mode
- Salient topics, well-constructed questions
- Multiple attempts on same number
10Questionnaire Design
- After the question or problem is identified, the
client and research company design the
questionnaire. - Each question is carefully worded to ensure that
it is understandable to all respondents. - The wording and order of the question is designed
to obtain specific information from the
11Confidence LevelsHow likely is it that the
results of the sample group are similar to the
entire population?
- A 95 confidence level says that these results
would be similar in 95 out of 100 random samples
from the same target population - A confidence interval of / 5 percentage
points means that the results of a sample will
not vary by more than 5 percentage points from
the true opinion of the entire population - A confidence level of 95 with a confidence
interval of / 5 points is a generally accepted
standard for survey precision, but variations can
be made depending on the project needs
12Confidence LevelsSample Size?
- When sample is randomly selected from the
population, sample size can determine confidence
13Sample Size for Subgroup Analysis
- To be able to confidently report results for
subgroups, sample size for each subgroup must be
14Segment Groupings for Analysis
- 2324 Eastlake Ave. E.
- Seattle WA 98102 206-726-5555
- 2701 NW Vaughn Street, Suite 780Portland, OR
97210 503-236-4551 - www.gilmore-research.com