Title: Medical Image Display and Analysis Group
1Medical Image Display and Analysis Group Projects
of a multidepartmental research group at UNC,
March 2002 Contact http//midag.cs.unc.edu
(919) 962-1768
Radiation oncology Object extraction
Morphology in psychiatric illness
For cancer treatment planning
Multi-object extraction in prostate cancer
Kidney extraction in abdominal cancer
Kidney m-rep
Analysis of neonatal cerebral ventricles
Incorporating breathing motion in radiation
treatment of lung cancer
3D ultrasound
M-rep model
Surgical intervention Augmented reality
Neurosurgery Radiology vessels tumors
AR guidance system in use on a breast biopsy
training model (below) and on a human subject
View through HMD
Video see-through HMD
Etta Pisano, MD
View through HMD
Breast biopsy patient
Parametric design tool for improved video
see-through HMDs (left) and resulting design
(right) Reflections by two mirrors geometrically
match the camera and eye positions in the final
Credits for research and poster construction
Jeremey Ackerman, Stephen Aylward, Delphine Bull,
Elizabeth Bullitt, Miranda Chakos, Edward Chaney,
James Chen, Tom Fletcher, Yonatan Fridman, Henry
Fuchs, Graham Gash, Guido Gerig, John Gilmore,
Jean-Philippe Guyon, Gentaro Hirota, Sean Ho,
Michael Jiroutek, Julien Jomier, Sarang Joshi,
Kurtis Keller, Cherie Kuzmiak DO, Joohi Lee,
Jeffrey Lieberman, Weili Lin, Peter Lorenzen,
Nathan Moon, Keith Muller, Jin Park, Etta Pisano,
Stephen Pizer, Michael Rosenthal, Mathieu Ruffin,
Remi Seriot, Keith Smith, Andrei State,
Martin Styner, Andrew Thall, Gregg Tracton, Sue
Weeks, Hua Yang, Paul Yushkevich