Title: Verbs
2Verbs areDOINGwords
3For example
4To Work To Buy To Swim
5Trabajar Comprar Nadar
6These are all Infinitives
7Infinitives are the pure versions of a
verb(before you give them a context)
8Verbs are conjugated
9i.e.the verb endings change according to who or
what is doing the action
10I SpeakYo hablo You Speak Tu hablas He
Speaks El habla
11I SpeakYo hablo You Speak Tu hablas He
Speaks El habla
Notice that in English the verb ending only
changes when you are talking in the third person
12I SpeakYo hablo You Speak Tu hablas He
Speaks El habla
But in Spanish all the endings are different!
13Here are some more examples
14Pure Verbs(These are known as
Trabajar To WorkComprar To BuyNadar To Swim
15Conjugated Verbs
Lets complete this table together
16Conjugated Verbs
17Conjugated Verbs
18Conjugated Verbs
19Conjugated Verbs
20Conjugated Verbs
21Conjugated Verbs
22Conjugated Verbs
Can you see a pattern ?
23Conjugated Verbs
24Conjugated Verbs
25Conjugated Verbs
26Conjugated Verbs
27Conjugated Verbs
Spanish Verbs (Infinitives) ending in ar will
follow this pattern
28Conjugated Verbs
Spanish Verbs (Infinitives) ending in ar will
follow this pattern (usually!)
29Ok so far?
30She follows the same pattern as He
31She WorksElla TrabajaHe WorksEl Trabaja
32She BuysElla CompraHe BuysEl Compra
33She SwimsElla NadaHe SwimsEl Nada
34The two other common types of verb
35Which well show you another day
36Anyone for tapas?