Title: Social Studies Grade 7 Vocabulary Game
1Social Studies Grade 7 Vocabulary Game
Instructions Find a partner to listen while you
practice the vocabulary words for this year. Ask
your partner to keep score of how many vocabulary
words you can match to the definition before the
correct word appears on the screen. You will earn
1 point for each vocabulary word you correctly
identify. After playing, keep score for your
partner. Choose eitherEasy Version includes
hintsHarder Version no hints
2a formal agreement or treaty between two or more
nations to cooperate for specific purposes
a _ _ _ _ _ _ e
3a formal agreement or treaty between two or more
nations to cooperate for specific purposes
4the profession of designing buildings, open
areas, communities, and other artificial
constructions and environments
_ r c _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _
5the profession of designing buildings, open
areas, communities, and other artificial
constructions and environments
6the scientific study of historic or prehistoric
peoples and their cultures
_ r _ _ _ _ o _ _ _ y
7 the scientific study of historic or prehistoric
peoples and their cultures
8an economic and political system characterized by
a free market for goods and services and private
control of production and consumption
c _ _ _ _ _ l _ s _
9an economic and political system characterized by
a free market for goods and services and private
control of production and consumption
10an advanced state of human society, in which a
high level of culture, science, industry, and
government has been reached
_ i _ _ _ _ _ a t _ _ _
11an advanced state of human society, in which a
high level of culture, science, industry, and
government has been reached
12the system of fundamental principles according to
which a nation, state, or corporation is governed
_ o _ _ t _ t _ _ _
13the system of fundamental principles according to
which a nation, state, or corporation is governed
14a particular form or stage of civilization, as
that of a certain nation or period
c _ l _ _ r _
15a particular form or stage of civilization, as
that of a certain nation or period
16something that is used as a medium of exchange
_ _ r r _ _ _ _
17something that is used as a medium of exchange
18to make a difference in treatment or favor on a
basis other than individual merit
_ _ s c _ _ m _ _ _ t _
19to make a difference in treatment or favor on a
basis other than individual merit
20a sequence of rulers from the same family, stock,
or group
_ y _ a s _ _
21a sequence of rulers from the same family, stock,
or group
22a form of government in which the supreme power
is vested in the people and exercised directly by
them or by their elected agents
_ _ m _ _ _ a _ y
23a form of government in which the supreme power
is vested in the people and exercised directly by
them or by their elected agents
24the management of the resources of a community or
country, especially with a view to its
e _ _ _ o _ _
25the management of the resources of a community or
country, especially with a view to its
26a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an
emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or
_ m p _ _ _
27a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an
emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or
28extreme and general scarcity of food starvation
f _ _ i _ _
29extreme and general scarcity of food starvation
30half of the terrestrial globe or celestial sphere
_ _ m _ _ p h _ _ _
31half of the terrestrial globe or celestial sphere
32something that comes or belongs to one by reason
of birth
_ e r _ _ _ g _
33something that comes or belongs to one by reason
of birth
34the policy of extending the rule or authority of
an empire or nation over foreign countries
_ _ p _ r _ _ l _ s _
35the policy of extending the rule or authority of
an empire or nation over foreign countries
36the angular distance north or south from the
equator of a point on the earth's surface,
measured on the meridian of the point
l _ t _ _ u _ e
37 the angular distance north or south from the
equator of a point on the earth's surface,
measured on the meridian of the point
38angular distance east or west on the earth's
surface, measured by the angle contained between
the meridian of a particular place and some prime
_ _ n g _ _ _ d _
39angular distance east or west on the earth's
surface, measured by the angle contained between
the meridian of a particular place and some prime
40devotion and loyalty to one's own nation
_ _ t _ _ n _ _ _ s _
41devotion and loyalty to one's own nation
42A member of a group of people who have no fixed
home and move according to the seasons from place
to place in search of food, water, and grazing
n o _ _ _
43A member of a group of people who have no fixed
home and move according to the seasons from place
to place in search of food, water, and grazing
44the doctrine or belief that there is only one God
_ o _ _ t _ _ i s _
45the doctrine or belief that there is only one God
46the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends,
customs, or information by means of speaking
_ _ a _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ o n
47the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends,
customs, or information by means of speaking
oral tradition
48the rational investigation of the truths and
principles of being, knowledge, or conduct
_ h i _ _ _ _ p _ _
49the rational investigation of the truths and
principles of being, knowledge, or conduct
50the introduction of harmful substances or
products into the environment
_ o _ _ _ t _ o _
51the introduction of harmful substances or
products into the environment
52the doctrine of or belief in more than one god or
in many gods
p _ _ _ _ h _ _ s _
53the doctrine of or belief in more than one god or
in many gods
54a political order in which the supreme power lies
in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote
for officers and representatives responsible to
r _ p _ _ l _ _
55a political order in which the supreme power lies
in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote
for officers and representatives responsible to
56a broad group in society having common economic,
cultural, or political status
_ o _ i _ _ _ _ s s
57a broad group in society having common economic,
cultural, or political status
social class
58insufficiency or shortness of supply
s c _ _ _ _ t _
59insufficiency or shortness of supply
60an amount or quantity greater than needed
_ u _ _ _ _ s
61an amount or quantity greater than needed
62a formal agreement between two or more states in
reference to international relations
_ _ e a _ _
63a formal agreement between two or more states in
reference to international relations
64SCORE29-31 Excellent 25 28 Good0 24
Keep PracticingPlay Again or play the Harder
65a formal agreement or treaty between two or more
nations to cooperate for specific purposes
66a formal agreement or treaty between two or more
nations to cooperate for specific purposes
67the profession of designing buildings, open
areas, communities, and other artificial
constructions and environments
68the profession of designing buildings, open
areas, communities, and other artificial
constructions and environments
69the scientific study of historic or prehistoric
peoples and their cultures
70 the scientific study of historic or prehistoric
peoples and their cultures
71an economic and political system characterized by
a free market for goods and services and private
control of production and consumption
72an economic and political system characterized by
a free market for goods and services and private
control of production and consumption
73an advanced state of human society, in which a
high level of culture, science, industry, and
government has been reached
_ i _ _ _ _ _ a t _ _ _
74an advanced state of human society, in which a
high level of culture, science, industry, and
government has been reached
75the system of fundamental principles according to
which a nation, state, or corporation is governed
76the system of fundamental principles according to
which a nation, state, or corporation is governed
77a particular form or stage of civilization, as
that of a certain nation or period
78a particular form or stage of civilization, as
that of a certain nation or period
79something that is used as a medium of exchange
80something that is used as a medium of exchange
81to make a difference in treatment or favor on a
basis other than individual merit
82to make a difference in treatment or favor on a
basis other than individual merit
83a sequence of rulers from the same family, stock,
or group
_ y _ a s _ _
84a sequence of rulers from the same family, stock,
or group
85a form of government in which the supreme power
is vested in the people and exercised directly by
them or by their elected agents
86a form of government in which the supreme power
is vested in the people and exercised directly by
them or by their elected agents
87the management of the resources of a community or
country, especially with a view to its
88the management of the resources of a community or
country, especially with a view to its
89a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an
emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or
90a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an
emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or
91extreme and general scarcity of food starvation
92extreme and general scarcity of food starvation
93half of the terrestrial globe or celestial sphere
94half of the terrestrial globe or celestial sphere
95something that comes or belongs to one by reason
of birth
96something that comes or belongs to one by reason
of birth
97the policy of extending the rule or authority of
an empire or nation over foreign countries
98the policy of extending the rule or authority of
an empire or nation over foreign countries
99the angular distance north or south from the
equator of a point on the earth's surface,
measured on the meridian of the point
100 the angular distance north or south from the
equator of a point on the earth's surface,
measured on the meridian of the point
101angular distance east or west on the earth's
surface, measured by the angle contained between
the meridian of a particular place and some prime
102angular distance east or west on the earth's
surface, measured by the angle contained between
the meridian of a particular place and some prime
103devotion and loyalty to one's own nation
104devotion and loyalty to one's own nation
105A member of a group of people who have no fixed
home and move according to the seasons from place
to place in search of food, water, and grazing
106A member of a group of people who have no fixed
home and move according to the seasons from place
to place in search of food, water, and grazing
107the doctrine or belief that there is only one God
108the doctrine or belief that there is only one God
109the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends,
customs, or information by means of speaking
110the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends,
customs, or information by means of speaking
oral tradition
111the rational investigation of the truths and
principles of being, knowledge, or conduct
112the rational investigation of the truths and
principles of being, knowledge, or conduct
113the introduction of harmful substances or
products into the environment
114the introduction of harmful substances or
products into the environment
115the doctrine of or belief in more than one god or
in many gods
116the doctrine of or belief in more than one god or
in many gods
117a political order in which the supreme power lies
in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote
for officers and representatives responsible to
118a political order in which the supreme power lies
in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote
for officers and representatives responsible to
119a broad group in society having common economic,
cultural, or political status
120a broad group in society having common economic,
cultural, or political status
social class
121insufficiency or shortness of supply
122insufficiency or shortness of supply
123an amount or quantity greater than needed
124an amount or quantity greater than needed
125a formal agreement between two or more states in
reference to international relations
126a formal agreement between two or more states in
reference to international relations
127SCORE29-31 Excellent 25 28 Good0 24
Keep PracticingPlay Again or play the Harder