Title: Folie 1
1 Round Table for with Finlands Prime
Minister and current President of the
European Council
Matti Vanhanen by The New
Club of Paris _at_ TEKES, Finland The main
future challenges of Finland Contribution made
to the Round Table on Nov. 14th, 2006, by Günter
Koch General Secretary of The New
Club of Paris Chairman of execupery
2 The New Club of Paris
The New Club of Paris is an organization open
to everyone who is qualified to make
contributions by scientific work or who has
proven his / her competence by personal
commitment. It is an association of scientists
and intellect entrepreneurs dedicated to
research and promotion of the idea of supporting
the transformation of our society and economy
into a knowledge society and a knowledge economy
In public we address decision-makers,
specifically in politics, to embark on the new
knowledge paradigm and to engage in developing
new strategies which go far beyond the repetition
of old recipes to make the future, or
variations on the same theme.
3Foundation of The New Club of Paris as a
continuation of CECs RICARDIS project, on a
global scale, in the framework of a Worldbank
Conference in Paris, June 2006. Initiators Leif
Edvinsson (S), Günter Koch (D-A-CH) Ahmed
Bounfour (F)
4FINLAND What gift can you present to someone, who
already has everything ?
5Discourse on Finlands transfor- mation into a
Knowledge Society
Inward Projection
Outward Projection
People, people, people
Wis- dom Society
Knowledge Acquisition Learning
Finances Investment
Knowledge Society
Transdisci- plinary RD
Information Society
Visualisation by Architecture Design
Industrial Society
Technology Infrastructure
Culture, Ambience Environment
ICT Literacy
7 Challenges identified for Finland (beyond the
evident ones)
- 5. Setting up a national K-Program
- More external investments
- Demo Visualisation of own
- potentials (Branding)
- Kb services as business
- Projection to the world
- Leapjump innovation
- Cognitive mental mastering
6Discussion with Members of the Finnish Parliament
and, in specific, PM Matti Vanhanen
Thank you for having spent your time and interest
in this contri- bution, on how to turn
Finland into a knowledge society,
thereby introducing knowledge economy.
7For continuation of discussion, or, for
organising a Round Table, please, contact
Thank you for having spent your time and interest
in this contri- bution, on how to turn
Finland into a knowledge society,
thereby introducing knowledge economy.
Prof. DI Günter Koch Gen. Secr. of The New Club
of Paris execupery _at_ TechGate Donau-City 1 A-1220
Wien, Austria Tel. 43-699-19412152 e-mail
koch_at_execupery.com www.execupery.com
8(No Transcript)