Title: Security 3
1Security 3
- Distributed Systems
- Lecture 16
- Steganography
- Digital Watermarking
Taken from An Analysis of Steganographic
Techniques by Popa
- First evidence in 440BC
- Histiaeus persian revolution messages
- Apparently neutral?s protest is thoroughly
discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade
issue affects for pretext embargo on by-products,
ejecting suets and vegetable oils.? ? - Pershing sails for NY June 1? can be retrieved
- Integrity of hidden information must be preserved
- Stego object must not visibly change
- Changes in the stego object must not affect the
watermark - Always assume the presence of watermark is
- Private vs public
- Private Require secret key
- Public Can look at watermark, but cannot tamper
it - Private
- Type I Require original and modified objects,
ouput watermark - Type II Require Orginal, Modified and Watermark,
answer yes or no
7Fingerprinting vs watermarking
- Fingerprints are user specific
- Encrypted checksum user ID
- Watermarks are vendor specific
- Independent of users
- Protect against illegal copies
- Watermarks more feasible for mass produced
- Audio
- Frequency masking
- Temporal masking
- Source codea 5b 7c 9
- Move around unordered statements to to encode a
detectable pattern - Useful for binary code as well
- Text-based techniques
- Line-shift coding
- Word-shift coding
- Feature coding
- White-space
- Content-based
Visible watermarking taken from Jonathan et al
univ of birmingjam
11Least-significant bit encoding
Host Pixel 10110001 Secret Pixel 00111111 New
Image Pixel 10110011
12More techniques
- Image DCT
- Round off coefficient
- Sound
- MP3 use parity bits
- Video
- Lots of room for sneaking in additional
Results of StirMark. Taken from Information
Hiding - A Survey by Peticolas et al.
14Mosaic Attack
15More attacks
- Intrepretation Attacks
- Confuse the watermark checker
- Implementation Attacks
- Digimarc was compromised by using a debugger to
crack the ID checking part