Title: Is Your Student ready for High School
1Is Your Student ready for High School?
2How do I choose a high school?
- Parents point of view
- Transportation
- Open campus
- Academics
- School focus
- Student body
- Extra-curricular activities
- Fit for my child
3How do I choose a high school?
- Kids point of view
- Where are my friends going?
- Where are my friends going?
- What have I heard about the school?
- Where are siblings going?
- Academics
- Extra-curricular activities
- Impressions from experiences at the school (OE
4How to say it to teens.
- Listen to your child (There are many fears and
concerns around high school) - Ask your child to talk about his/her direct
experience with the schools (Not just what they
have heard) - Ask your child to rate in importance the things
he/she want to consider when making a school
choice - Prioritize your considerations/requirements for
high school - Take time to discuss the possibilities for school
- Remember you are the parent and the decision is
5The Four Year Plan
- Students in the 8th grade will be registering for
classes in February - They will be asked to begin planning their
academic journey through high school - This journey is. The Four Year Plan!
6Graduation Requirements
- As students begin their four year plan they will
become aware of the fact that the BVSD graduation
requirements are not necessarily the same as the
course requirements to enter different colleges - Parents and students should sit down together to
discuss the childs interests - Parents and students can make an appointment to
visit the career center at the high school
7Ninth Grade Courses
- One year of
- Language Arts
- Math
- Science
- One semester of
- Government
- World Geography
- Physical Education
- Electives
- A combination of full year and/or semester
electives so that you are taking six to seven
courses per semester (depending on your high
8A typical ninth grade schedule could look like
9(No Transcript)
10Course Selection Timeline
- Mid-January to February
- Go to with your student to the high schools
website - Look at courses that your student must take and
the ones s/he is interested in taking - Look at course guidelines
- Notice the courses grade level, whether it is
- a semester or year long course, prerequisites,
- and fees
11- Courses can be looked up by their
department. - Example
- Finance Course is located in Business.
- French 2 is located in World Languages.
- Weight Training is located in Physical Education.
12January or February
- Attend the Eighth to Ninth Grade Parent/Student
Transition Night - This is a night during which the high schools
explain course selection, answer questions about
courses and on-line course selection, and
introduce you to their school.
- On-line Course Selection
- All students will select courses through Infinite
Campus. - Students will need their own (not parents)
Infinite Campus password to do so. - Students will select their classes online at Platt
14If you are open enrolling
- If you have accepted open enrollment to a high
school, you may select courses at that high
school. - Otherwise, you need to select courses at your
neighborhood high school until it is - confirmed that you will be attending a
- different high school.
- How students earn it
- How they can lose it.
- Why it is necessary..
16- Students earn FIVE credits for each semester
class that they pass. - All Freshmen need to pass at least six-seven
classes per semester which will equal at least 60
credits per year.
17- Students lose credit by
- Failing a class
- OR
- Missing too many classes in a semester (be sure
you know your schools policy). -
18Predictors of High School Success
- Success is directly tied to
19- Good Choices
- Realistic Expectations
- Knowing and Using Available Resources
20Realistic Expectations
- Choose courses that challenge but dont overwhelm.
21Knowing and Using Your Resources
- There is ALWAYS someone willing to help.
Students need to advocate for themselves. - Parents can ask questions, email teachers, ask
for appointments.
22Predictors of High School Success
- Setting goals
- Getting involved
- Balance time
- Being organized
- Attending class on time
- Trying, even when its hard or they dont feel
like it.
23Transition to High School
- Begins now!
- 8th grade students are feeling the pull of high
school even before they finish middle school - Some students may experience conflicting and
intense emotions at this time - They really do need to focus on middle school and
stay present in the present
24Stressors for Students
- Feelings of loss and grief for relationships
- Fears about fitting in socially
- Fears about academic success
- Judgment from classmates about their high school
25What Parents can do to help
- Talk with your child about his/her feelings about
the transition to high school - Honor their feelings of loss
- Encourage them to focus on honing their study
skills now that will help them in high school - Encourage them to check into the extracurricular
activities they can take part in that take place
in August - Remind them that while they are leaving some of
their friends behind there will be ways to
continue their friendships outside of school
26Additional tips for parents
- Dont hesitate to contact your students teachers
- Learn about your students high school freshman
seminar class - Get to know the parents of your students new
friends - Have discussions surrounding your expectations
about how your student uses his/her free period
at the high school
27School Course Selection Information Nights
- New Vista Parents Night only May 4th
- Fairview Parents and Students Feb 18th _at_ 6PM
- Boulder Parents and Students Feb 18th _at_ 6PM
- Centaurus Parents and Students Feb 9th_at_ 630
28What schools will do to help..
- Students will get information from a high school
counselor to learn about the four year plan and
how to register for classes - High schools will have an evening for parents and
students of incoming 9th graders to discuss the
particulars of their school and the registration
process - Fairview and Boulder High Schools will visit
Platt on February 26th to help students register
for all Boulder Valley high schools online - High school students will come to visit all 8th
grade students to talk about the high school
29Working Together we will
- Help all students transition into high school
with the best possible experience! - Hold on to your hats and enjoy the fun!