Title: A Model of Hong Kongs Money Market
1A Model of Hong Kongs Money Market
- Liquidity provision is important under HKs
currency board arrangements gt need to minimise
interest rate and exchange rate volatility - Little scope for discretionary actions to
influence liquidity - Thus need to create robust institutional
structures intervention points and amounts
discount window functioning etc.
2Model Characteristics
- Daily frequency rational expectations
- Key relationships
- 1. investor demand for HK assets
- 2. banks demand for liquidity
- 3. discount window borrowing
- 4. HKMA FX market activity
- Determine
- 1. money market interest rates
- 2. exchange rate
- 3. banks borrowed and nonborrowed clearing
3Uses of Model
- Pedagogical deterministic simulations to
understand how currency board arrangements work - System design stochastic simulations to
evaluate tradeoffs - Stress testing event studies to simulate how
system would work in extreme cases
4Example Volatility Tradeoff