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Lecture 4 more cryptography


Lecture 4 - more cryptography. We will cover: entropy as a measure of uncertainty ... in some books you will mistakenly find block ciphers defined as ciphers that ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 4 more cryptography

Lecture 4 - more cryptography
  • We will cover
  • entropy as a measure of uncertainty
  • block and stream ciphers
  • perfect secrecy
  • the role and importance of keys
  • one way functions and their use
  • digital signatures
  • types of cryptographic attacks
  • Reading - Pfleeger, chapter 2

Entropy information
  • fundamental concepts here are entropy and
    information (in a technical sense)
  • entropy is a measure of uncertainty and
    information is a measure of how much an event
    reduces uncertainty
  • basically we have a number of possible
    alternative events only one of which has happened
    or can happen - the uncertainty is our lack of
    knowledge (information) about which alternative
    event has or will happen

  • our uncertainty is at its greatest for a given
    set of alternatives when all the alternatives are
    equally likely (given our knowledge) i.e. we have
    not got a clue as to what is more likely to
    happen - for a normal coin, it is equally likely
    that it would give a head or a tail if it was
    tossed, but a coin that you knew had been
    interfered with may give one side more frequently
    than the other - my degree of uncertainty with an
    unbiased coin is greater than a biased coin. The
    uncertainty can be seen as inversely proportional
    to the probability of guessing correctly the
    outcome from your current knowledge

  • when the degree of uncertainty is measured it is
    normally called entropy
  • Entropy is measured in bits - 2(21 ) equally
    likely alternatives give an entropy of 1 bit
    (and a probability of a correct guess of 1/21/21
    ), 4 ( 22 ) equally likely alternatives give an
    entropy of 2 bits (and a probability of a correct
    guess of 1/41/ 22), etc.
  • in general m equally likely alternatives give an
    entropy of n bits where m2n - this is true even
    if m is not an integer power of 2 i.e. n can be
    fractional and you can measure entropy in
    fractions of a bit

  • for equally likely alternatives - entropy log2
    m log is the inverse of raising to a power so
    log2 mn because 2nm - this is often called
    information because it is a measure of how much
    uncertainty reduces when we find out which event
  • since m1/(probability of m) then log2 m log2
    1/(prob. of m)
  • given that log2 1/n - log2 n (whatever n is),
    then log2 1/(prob. of m) - log2 (prob. of m)
  • so entropy (information) of an individual event
    - log2 (probability of event)
  • this generalisation enables us to measure the
    entropy of a stream of events e.g. occurrence of
    symbols where the events are not all equally
    likely to happen

  • the equation gives the mean entropy of the event
  • mean entropy - sum over all events (prob of ith
    event log2 prob of ith event)
  • this gives you a reasonable measure of the
    uncertainty over the sequence of events (in our
    case sequence of symbols)
  • the information that you obtain about the actual
    occurrence of an event reduces your uncertainty
    (i.e. entropy) about what event will happen to 0
    (you know what happened and there is no
    uncertainty) - information is therefore sometimes
    also called negentropy (negative entropy)

Stream block ciphers
  • 2 general ways of organising ciphers - stream
    ciphers and block ciphers
  • They both divide the plaintext message into
    blocks of symbols (although it could be a block
    of size 1) and use a key value in an encryption
    algorithm to produce the ciphertext for each
    block in turn
  • A Block cipher uses the same key value as the
    parameter to the encryption algorithm for all the
    blocks of the plaintext (of course it may use
    different keys for different plaintexts). Thus
  • ciphertext blocki encryption(key, plaintexti)

  • A Stream cipher effectively uses a keystream
    generator to generate a sequence of key values
    k1,k2....ki....kn where the ith key value is used
    as a parameter in the encryption of the ith block
    of plaintext symbols
  • ciphertext blocki encryption(keyi, plaintexti)
  • The sequence of key values generated by the
    keystream generator may repeat after some given
    number of key values (in which case it is called
    periodic) or it may never repeat (in which case
    it is called aperiodic)

  • Ideally the sequence of key values in the
    keystream should be random - this is not in
    practice achievable as the key generator must use
    an algorithm to produce the keystream - hence it
    is pseudo-random
  • where the sequence of key values generated is
    dependent only on the starting key value (called
    the Seed), then it is called a synchronous stream
  • where the sequence of key values is also
    dependent upon previous plaintext blocks or
    ciphertext blocks as well as the seed, then it is
    called a non-synchronous stream cipher

  • in some books you will mistakenly find block
    ciphers defined as ciphers that operate on fixed
    sized blocks and stream ciphers defined as
    ciphers that operate on one symbol at a time as
    we have seen this is technically wrong.
  • They are often defined in this way, because
    typically the size of a unit that is operated on
    in a stream cipher is small - 1 bit or 8 bits (1
    byte) - whereas the unit size for block ciphers
    is typically 64 bits or 128 bits. However, this
    is not essential - a stream cipher can operate on
    64 bits just as well as on 8 bits.

  • Stream ciphers tend to operate on small blocks of
    data (1-8 bits) because the security in the
    system comes from the generation of an
    appropriately keystream sequence. The encryption
    operation can then be very simple e.g. in many
    applications the key values in the keystream are
    simply XORed with the bits of the plaintext
    message to produce the ciphertext message.
    Fundamentally it is an n-gram substitution where
    the size of n is equal to the period of
    repetition of the keystream sequence - and the
    period size may, depending on the key generator
    used, be thousands to many billions in length.

  • On the other hand with block ciphers the security
    comes from the use of a more complex series of
    encryption operations (permutations and
    substitutions) using a relatively small single
    key value (e.g. 64 bits, 128 bits, etc.)

Perfect Secrecy
  • An ideal cryptographic system should be one in
    which the ciphertext gives the cryptanalyst no
    information that will help him/her in identifying
    the original plaintext.
  • the ciphertext must not give any information i.e.
    reduce the uncertainty of the probability of the
    occurrence of various plaintexts
  • a cryptographic system that provides this
    property is said to provide perfect secrecy

  • to achieve perfect secrecy each individual symbol
    replacement mapping must be independent of every
    other individual symbol replacement mapping
  • 2 events are independent if the probability of
    event A given the occurrence of event B is the
    same as the probability of event A alone e.g. the
    probability of getting a heads on the next toss
    of a coin is the same whether you have just got a
    head or a tails, whereas the probability that the
    next card drawn from a pack of cards is dependent
    upon the values of any cards that have already
    been drawn from the pack (assuming the cards are
    not replaced)

  • the sequence of key values defines the sequence
    of symbol replacement mappings used, thus for the
    sequence of symbol replacement mappings to be
    independent the sequence of key values must also
    be independent events i.e. they must be random.
    This implies
  • 1. the sequence of key values must not be
    periodic i.e. The sequence must not repeat - it
    would not be random if it did
  • 2. such a cipher cannot be a block cipher where
    the same key is used in the transformation of
    each block, it must be a stream cipher
  • 3. the key value sequence must be as long as the
    plaintext message itself i.e. Keystream length is
    not fixed

  • 3. in turn implies that there will be as many key
    value sequences as possible plaintexts and any
    given ciphertext may have been produced by any of
    the key value sequences from some possible
    plaintext message of the same length. This means
    that all plaintexts are just as likely as any
    other from a knowledge of the ciphertext alone.
  • However a BIG problem - the requirement that the
    key be as long as the plaintext message and the
    requirement that the key be kept secret makes the
    perfectly secret cipher system impractical in
    most circumstances.

One Time Pad
  • One-time pad is the name given to a cryptographic
    system that has perfect secrecy
  • it is one-time because the sequence of key values
    that are used are destroyed after one use (a
    one-time use). This is an important requirement
    for a one-time pad encryption. If the pad
    (sequence of key values was to be used more than
    once, then it would become a periodic (repeating)
    key sequence and would thus lose the
    characteristics of perfect secrecy.

Vernam cipher
  • Vernam cipher was an example of a one-time pad.
    It produces ciphertext by simply XORing plaintext
    with a non-repeating sequence of random numbers
    that forms the key.
  • XOR is a simple reversible operation and provides
    powerful encryption when used with a one-time
    pad, however if used with a periodic key sequence
    it becomes a particularly weak form of encryption
    (see handout on problems with XOR)

Role of the key
  • Throughout the following discussion we are
    looking at keys that are of a fixed size (not the
    variable sized keys required in perfect secrecy)
  • the role of the key parameter in substitutions
    and permutations is
  • 1. to determine exactly how symbols are
    substituted for by other symbols (i.e. which of
    many different mappings to use at a given
    location in the plaintext)
  • 2. to determine exactly how symbols are permuted
    (i.e. What exact rule is going to be used to
    perform the re-ordering or mixing up of the

  • encryption and decryption algorithms map from
    ltkey,symbol stringgt pair to a symbol string
  • one-to-one mapping i.e. One ltkey,symbol stringgt
    pair will be associated by the algorithm with one
    output symbol string i.e. Only One output symbol
    string is consistent with the proper execution of
    the algorithm
  • for encryption the input symbol string is the
    plaintext message to be encrypted, while for
    decryption the input symbol string is the

  • However, without the key the algorithm ceases to
    be one-to-one but becomes one-to-many - this
    means that in the absence of a key the encryption
    and decryption algorithms associate with each
    plaintext (for encryption) and ciphertext (for
    decryption) - a large number of possible output
    symbol strings i.e. A large number of output
    symbol strings would be consistent with the
    proper execution of the algorithm.
  • In general there are as many output symbol
    strings for a given input symbol string for a
    given algorithm as there are possible keys

  • so in decryption without a key the given
    ciphertext would be consistent with as many
    possible candidate plaintexts as there are
    possible keys
  • thus the number of possible keys is very
  • one way of attempting to decrypt a ciphertext
    when you dont have the key is to guess the key
    used - you systematically search through all the
    possible keys and try each one in turn until you
    recover the plaintext - called a brute force

  • you would need to know which algorithm to use -
    in practice this is not often difficult because
    the standard algorithms are in the public domain
    and there are not that many of them - some people
    advertise how secure their systems are by telling
    everyone which algorithm they use (so you can be
    impressed) - it is safest to assume that any
    attacker knows which algorithm you are using
  • to defeat a brute force search you need to have a
    large a number of possible keys to search through
    - the number of alternatives to try is called the
    search space - so we must have such a large
    search space that it is infeasible to do the

  • the number of possible keys is related to the
    size of the key value that can be used as a
    parameter to the algorithm - because we are
    working with digital keys that have a given
    number of bits and thus the number of possible
    keys is fixed by the size in bits of the key
    value that can be used as a parameter to the
  • number of possible values that can be represented
    in n bits is 2n - thus the larger the size of the
    key value in bits the larger the number of
    possible keys
  • size of the key - example - a 40 bit key can have
    240 approx. one trillion possible keys

  • for a search to be infeasible means that the
    resources needed to search through enough keys so
    that you have a 50 chance of finding the correct
    key is so large that it is impractical - normally
    the resource constraint that is quoted is that of
    time e.g. it would take a machine that could test
    1000 billion (1 trillion) keys per second approx.
    239 seconds approx. 1.5 billion years to have
    50 chance of finding the correct key when the
    key size is 80 bits

  • of course note
  • improvements in technology in general leads to a
    doubling in processing power in computers of a
    given cost every 1½ years
  • the increasing use of distributed systems of
    computers can of course also greatly increase the
    effective computing power available
  • But still the difficulty of guessing the correct
    keys looks practically insurmountable - hurrah
    for the keys!

  • BUT - these results are true for random keys
    only i.e where the choice of key value made by a
    user is random and thus the entropy for the key
    is maximum (all n-bit keys are equally likely) -
    giving n bits of entropy (uncertainty as to which
    key is correct and which one to guess)
  • However, many keys are not random, because the
    choice of key value on many systems is related to
    a choice of a password or pass-phrase chosen by a
    user that is then converted into a key value -
    e.g. a 10 character password may be converted to
    a 80 bit key value

  • BUT such passwords/pass phrases are usually not
    random - they are often intelligible English, -
    thus not all keys are equally likely - entropy is
    less than maximum
  • passwords typically have an actual entropy value
    of 4 bits per character, thus our 80 bit key will
    have an effective entropy of 40 bits and not 80
    bits - this means that on average it would take a
    machine that could only test 1 billion keys per
    second about 8 minutes to find the correct key
    50 of the time

  • somebody should tell Microsoft this since they
    often base their 128 bit key encryption
    (wonderful huge key) on the users normal password
    (dismal - any key cracking software would try
    names of people/places (including uncommon ones)
    very early on including versions with 0,1,2,3,
    etc after them and 0s substituted for os and 1s
    for is etc - all the common tricks) - about as
    secure as a babys bottoms tendency to be dry!
  • So best to use keys generated from some random
    number generator, but if you have to use a
    password or pass-phrase try to be both memorable
    (for you) but also obscure!

  • thus another way to find a key is to use
    heuristic search on the set of possible keys
    (again assuming we know the algorithm) -
    heuristic search means that you search
    systematically using clues and information you
    have available to reduce the entropy of the key
    you are trying to find and reduce the size of the
    search space - you try those keys that are more
    likely first, less likely next, etc.
  • Attacks based on checking all the words that
    occur in a dictionary is called a dictionary
    attack and succeeds more often than is comfortable

Recognising plaintext
  • how does an attacker recognise the output symbol
    string from decryption as the plaintext that was
    encrypted rather than other text that could have
    been encrypted but was not
  • this is easy because most decryptions with the
    wrong key do not exhibit the structure of the
    appropriate type of plaintext e.g. the decrypted
    output looks nothing like English

  • this is because the number of possible strings of
    characters that are valid English is very very
    small compared to the number of possible
    non-English combinations of letter values
  • the larger the text being decrypted the smaller
    the probability of finding a valid English text
    by chance. i.e. for a given ciphertext the
    probability that more than one of the possible
    keys will map onto something meaningful is very
    (very!) small. note - as we have seen this is
    not true of systems with perfect secrecy

one way or hash functions
  • one way or hash functions map some text onto
    something that is normally called a hash value or
    a message digest
  • strictly speaking a one way function is something
    that maps an input onto an output, but there does
    not exist a way of reversing the process to
    reconstitute the original input from the output
    directly - the best you can do is simply input
    values, calculate the output and keep a record of
    the ltinput,outputgt pair for later reference

  • this is different from encryption where the
    decryption algorithm with the correct key allows
    the original plaintext to be computed from the
  • in practice functions where it is very difficult
    to invert the computation (rather than
    impossible) are used
  • hash value hash_function(input text)
  • a pseudo-random function is usually used for a
    hash function

  • a pseudo random function is one that is not
    actually random in that its output is the result
    of an algorithm, but the output it produces is
    indistinguishable from a true mathematical random
    function according to various statistical tests
    that can be run on its output - it looks random
    and hence the output does not contain any useful
    information about the input - you cannot make
    predictions about the input from your knowledge
    of the output

Uses of one way functions
  • one way functions are used to provide
    authentication of identities and messages
  • in password verification systems - user inputs
    password, one way function is applied to
    password to give hash value, the hash value is
    then compared with a stored password hash value
    for that user - thus the system can verify
    whether the password is correct, but without
    needing to store the actual password on the
    system. The original password cannot be recovered
    from the hash value (because it is one way).

  • in message authentication - you want to be sure
    that the message has not been tampered with, so
    sender perform hash(messageSender sent) to give
    hash value which is encrypted along with the rest
    of the message, the recipient then decrypts the
    message (including the hash value), the recipient
    then performs hash(messageReceiver decrypted) to
    get a hash value - if the hash value is the same
    as the hash value sent with the message then the
    message has not been tampered with - because if
    the message the receiver received was different
    from that the sender sent or if the hash value
    had been changed then the computed hash value
    would be different from that sent

Digital signatures
  • you can use an asymmetric key system in which the
    encryption (locking) key is private and the
    decryption (unlocking) key was public - this
    would seem to be the opposite of security - all
    could read the messages you encrypted
  • however, it provides a mechanism for
    authenticating that a message came from the
    source that claimed to have sent it - like a real
    signature it is meant to authenticate the source
    of the item as coming from the right person
  • a hash function is used to produce a
    representation of the message (the message

  • this is encrypted using the senders private key
    and accompanies the full message (possibly
    encrypted but not necessarily)
  • Once received, if the whole message was encrypted
    then it will have to be decrypted then
  • the recipient can use the public key of the
    sender to decrypt the message-digest, then apply
    the hash function to the message and if the
    message digest it produces matches the actual
    message digest value that was decrypted along
    with the message then the message can only have
    come from the person who holds the private key
    that belongs to the public key you used to
    decrypt the signature - the sender

types of cryptographic attack
  • 3 types of attack in general
  • 1. ciphertext only attacks - the attacker only
    has the ciphertext available to determine the key
    - the brute force and heuristic searches we have
    considered previously are examples of ciphertext
    only attacks

  • 2. known-plaintext attacks - the attacker has
    both the ciphertext and the plaintext (if you
    have the plaintext why bother to find the key -
    but there may be other messages that could be
    decrypted once you have the key - an example of
    having a known plaintext is knowing that you have
    a word document - the headers (first few hundred
    bytes) to word documents are fixed and known -
    this provides cracker with more information
    greatly reducing the entropy of the key used

  • 3. Chosen-plaintext attack - attacker can choose
    which plaintext is to be encrypted - this
    provides even more information than 2. so that
    the entropy of the key can be further reduced
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