Title: Management of Technology OM476
1Management of Technology (OM476)
- Project Selection
- March 20, 2006
- S. Fisher
- Methods for choosing RD projects
- Financial
- Economic
- Strategic
- Customer-based
3In-class writing
- Which product development project(s) should
Microsoft focus on, and why? - Improving security across the board
- Next version of Windows (Vista)
- Developing next version of Office
- New search engine
- New version of Xbox
- New games for Xbox
- Windows mobile software (for cell phones, PDAs)
- Another project?
4Net Present Value
- Will this project make money? Is it worth the
investment? - Discounting future cash flows to account for risk
and time value of money - NPV Present value of cash inflow Present
value of cash outflows - If NPV gt 0, project is predicted to have positive
value - Can compute multiple NPV scenarios based on
various levels of risk, discount rates - IRR is the discount rate that results in NPV 0
5NPV Example
6Real Options
- Investment in RD purchase of real call option
on the technology - Options include
- Right to commercialize technology
- Right to acquire partner
- Differences in key assumptions between stock
market and RD applications?
7More Qualitative Analysis of Costs and Benefits
- Screening questions (some quantitative data in
these questions) - Role of customer
- Role of capabilities (e.g., maintaining knowledge
stocks) - Project timing and cost
- Mapping RD portfolio
- Q-sort
8Some screening questions for the Microsoft
- How many customers would the upgrades affect?
What is the size of the installed base? - Are there alternatives to which customers could
switch? - Does the project leverage the firms core
competencies? - Will the project help the firm build new
capabilities that will allow it to achieve its
strategic intent?
9Portfolio Management
- Alignment with business strategy
- Balance in project types
- Long term and short term
- High risk and low risk
- Radical and incremental
- Project stages, product lifecycles
10Balancing Across Business Segments
- Allows the company to balance risk
- Look at product portfolios for
- W.L. Gore
- 3M
- How does a company like Boeing balance its risk?
11Project Selection at Gore
- Project champion recruits other employees to work
on a project If you cant find enough people
to work on it, maybe its not really a good
idea. - Real, Win, Worth exercise
- Is the opportunity real? Will someone buy this?
- Can we win? What do the economics look like?
- Is it unique and valuable? Can we have a
sustained advantage?
Source Harrington, A. (2003). Whos afraid of a
new product? Fortune, 148(10), p. 189.
12Googles Project List
- Used to maintain a prioritized list of Top 100
projects - When the list grew to 270 projects, they stopped
using the list - Googles decision making guidelines include
- Dont be evil beneficial social impact
- Fearlessness launch early and often
- What allows Google such freedom in NPD?
Source Elgin, B. (October 3, 2005). Managing
Googles Idea Factory. Business Week.
13Conjoint Analysis
- Estimating value placed on certain attributes of
a choice - Collect data about preferences using interviews,
surveys, etc. - Estimate relative importance using
regression-based techniques - Could be used at the project level or the product
feature level
14Data Envelopment Analysis
- Typically used in operations research, hence the
focus on efficiency - Allows firms to compare across different types of
measures - Can use it to find the best linear combination of
project attributes and compare all other projects
to this efficiency frontier - An efficient NPD project would maximize returns
based on minimal inputs
15Example Efficiency Frontier
Source http//people.brunel.ac.uk/mastjjb/jeb/or
16Common Errors in Project Selection
- Picking too many projects
- Lack of focus
- Leads to insufficient resources (money, staff)
for any one project - Picking too many low risk projects
- Mediocre, small projects are low risk, low return
Source Cooper and Edgett ( 2003). Overcoming
the crunch in resources for new product
development. Research Technology Management,
46(3), 48-58.
17Back to Microsoft
- Winning the web seen as their biggest strategic
challenge - Over 80 of revenues come from old products
(Windows, Office) - Xbox and Windows Mobile are still losing money
- Does this change your initial answer at all?
18For next class
- Enterprise case discussion
- Team 6 presenting
- Team 2 review/questions
- All others exec summary
- On Monday, March 27 Eli Lilly case