Title: HEPIX Talk
1TCO Study at GSI Spring 1999 Helmut Kreiser GSI
2TCO Study
- Analyse of the DV division of GSI in 1999
- Management consulting company
- criteria
- OS
- Systems
- Personal
- Infrastructure
- Applications
- Interviews
- estimate costs per system per year
All Costs in (1 2.33 DM)
3Analyse Structures
4Actual Inventory
- Plattform AIX LINUX NT VMS
- Desktopsystems (PCs) 83 90 520 147
- " (X-Terminals) 90 40 90
- System-Server 16 30 10 8
- Application-Server 30 4 5
- MassStorage (Gbyte) 530 1300 300 1250
- Users (cross work) 180 180 520 ---
- active LAN Components 84
- active Workstations 1070
- LAN Printers/Plotters 101
- MAC adresses 1930
5Analysed Systems
- Systems to be analysed
- AIX (Catia)
- Linux
- WinNT (Office)
- WinNT Science
AIX (Catia) only CAD systems
NT Standard system (NoName) IDE Discs,
small Ram, 15/17 Monitor NT scien. extended
system (NoName) 21 monitor, SCSI, gt CPU,
gt RAM, Applications Linux extended system
(NoName) 21 monitor, SCSI, gt CPU, gt RAM
(no monitor for servers)
6Costs 1
Lifetime of the components Printers 8 years pa
ssive LAN 10 years Cabels aktive
LAN 5 years PC/Workstation 4 years (5 years in
GSI) misc. Systeme 10 years Mass Storage robot,
central AIX-Systems LINUX-Farm 4 years
Costs / year hardwareprice / lifetime
Calculated rental of the computing centre area
power costs 100,- / m² m² Part
RZ PC workshop 76,9 37,28 LINUX
17,8 8,63 NT 15,8 7,66 Roboter
20,7 10,04 AIX 27,7 13,42 VMS 20,2 9,79
LAN 14,6 7,08 WAN 12,6 6,10 RZ 386,3
100,00 Restarea (GSI) 743,7
7Costs 2
Central systems
- Operating Costs
- Hardware Support
- Software Support
- License costs
- WAN costs
- external support
- workshops
- consulting
- lessons
- cabelworks, paper,...
- Costs AIX AIX(Catia) Linux NT LAN Common
- 100 12 (10) gt1 7 35 35
- Linux Server / 4 years
- Hardware (No name systems)
- Disc Storage, RAID
- Tapes
- Racks
- Monitor Switching system
- Software, license (OSF Motif, LSF)
- NT Server / 4 years
- Hardware
- Monitor Switsching System
- Racks
- MS Server License
- AIX Server / 10 years
- Hardware
- license
- Mass Storage robot
- Magnet Tapes
8Costs 2
Common costs not attached to a OS (costs of the
LAN, Printers, ...)
MAC Addresses
- Operating
- Printers
- central Servers
- Area costs
780 per System
9Costs 3
Function Common NT LINUX VMS AIX Leitung
DV 1,5 Application Le
ader 0,2 Support
2,3 Training 0,9 CAD-Support 0,5 Pu
blic Domain 0,1 WWW
0,3 Databases
0,7 System Leader
0,2 AIX 0,7 VMS 1,0 Netz
2,2 Mass Storage
0,5 LINUX 1,6 NT 1,8 ADSM (EE)
1,0 Operating Leader
0,7 Accounting, Postmaster
1,0 PC-Support 2,5 0,7 Printer
1,1 Telekom
0,7 Telefon 1,1 Operating
1,0 Help/Errorsupport
1,0 Asset-Management
1,0 Sum 17,7 4,3 2,3 1,0 1,2
10Costs 3
Personal costs per System
to Units CATIA
(AIX) LINUX NT NT 522 NT-Clients 412
LINUX 190 LINUX-Clients 606 VMS
248 VMS-Clients AIX 138 AIX-Clients
430 DV-Personal 1229 Systems
720 720 720 Sum 1150 1326 1132
11Costs 4
- Additional common costs (only estimated) for a PC
workplace 3570,- per year - (200 Working days, 250 per day)
- Trainee for the PC workplace (10 days in 4
years) - Help Desk from other than DV staff personal
- systemfailure and blackouts (no exact numbers
12Total Costs of Ownership
scien. DV-Common 780 780 780 780 System 2680 92
5 375 1080 Personal DV-Division 1150 1325 1130 11
30 Personal additional 3575 3575 3575 3575 ext.
Support operating 2910 35 130 130 Application 1
20 0 375 2030 estimated costs () 11330 6640 636
5 8840 (DM)
26.000 15.000 15.000 20.000
- Other Companies
- 2100 - 9000
- without LAN
- personal costs