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The Invertebrates


Include clams, oysters, mussels and scallops. Bivalves have shells divided into two halves. ... Sessile mussels secrete strong threads that cling to rocks ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Invertebrates

The Invertebrates
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Phylum Porifera
General Characteristics
  • 9,000 species (100 live in fresh water the rest
    are marine).
  • Sessile, and asymmetrical.
  • Resembles a sac perforated with holes.
  • Porifera (poh-RIF-ur-uh) means pore bearers.
  • Water is drawn through the pores into a central
    cavity spongocoel, then flows out of the sponge
    through a larger opening called the osculum. This
    is how the sponge carries out feeding,
    respiration, circulation, and excretion.
  • Suspension-feeders- collect food particles from
    the water passed through some kind of
    food-trapping equipment.
  • Sponges have a simple skeleton. In harder
    sponges, the skeleton is made up of spicules,
    (spike-shaped structures), made up of calcium
    carbonate or glasslike silica. Softer sponges
    have an internal skeleton of spongin. (bath

  • Lining the inside of the body are flagellated
    choanocytes (collar cells). The flagella create
    a water current, collars trap food particles and
    ingest them by phagocytosis. Amoebocytes take
    nutrients to other cells.
  • Sponges can reproduce either sexually or
  • Most sponges are hermaphroditic and produce both
    eggs and sperm by meiosis. The eggs are
    fertilized inside the body (internal
    fertilization). Sperm are released from one
    sponge and carried by water currents to another
    sponge. They form a zygote and later a larva
    which is motile and uses the water current to
    settle on the sea floor. This sponge is not
    genetically identical to its parents.

  • Sponges can reproduce asexually by budding where
    part of the parent sponge breaks off, settles to
    the sea floor, and grows into a new sponge. This
    new sponge is genetically identical to its
  • Least complex of all animals, capable of
    extensive regeneration (replacement of lost
  • Lack organs, cell layers, no nerves or muscles.
  • Individual cells can sense and react to changes
    in the environment.
  • Sponges provide habitats for marine animals such
    as snails, sea stars, and shrimp. Sponges also
    form partnerships with photosynthetic bacteria,
    algae, and plantlike protists. (Mutualism both
    partners benefit).

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General Characteristics
  • Cnidarians (ny-DAYR-ee-ans) are soft-bodied,
    carnivorous animals that have stinging tentacles
    arranged in circles around their mouths. They
    are the simplest animals to have body symmetry
    and specialized tissues.
  • Members of phylum Cnidaria include hydras,
    jellyfish, sea anemones and coral animals. Some
    live as individuals, while others live in
    colonies in freshwater and oceans.
  • Cnidarians get their name from cnidocytes, or
    stinging cells, that are located along their
    tentacles. Cnidarians use these for defense and
    to capture prey. Within each cnidocyte is a
    nematocyst. A nematocyst is a poison-filled,
    stinging structure that contains a tightly coiled
    dart. When a shrimp or small fish brushes up
    against the tentacles, thousands of nematocysts
    explode into the animal, releasing enough poison
    to paralyze or kill the prey.

Form Function
  • Cnidarians are radially symmetrical. They have a
    central mouth surrounded by numerous tentacles
    that extend outward.
  • Cnidarians have a life cycle that includes two
    different-looking stages a polyp and a medusa.
  • Polyp

  • A polyp is a cylindrical body with arm-like
    tentacles. Polyps are sessile with their mouth
    pointing upward.
  • A medusa has a motile, bell-shaped body with a
    mouth on the bottom.
  • Cnidarians have a body wall that surrounds an
    internal space called a gastrovascular cavity.
    This is where digestion takes place. Nutrients
    are transported through the body by diffusion.
  • Cnidarians respire and eliminate their waste by
    diffusion through their body walls.
  • They are able to gather information from their
    environment using specialized sensory cells or a
    nerve net. They can detect stimuli such as light
    and touch.

Reproductive Cycle
  • Cnidarians move in different ways. Sea anemones
    have a hydrostatic skeleton (layer of circular
    and longitudinal muscles) while medusas move by
    jet propulsion.
  • Jellyfish (Class Scyphozoa) means cup animals.
    Jellyfish live their lives primarily as medusas.
    The polyp form is limited to the larval stage,
    and no colonies form. Jellyfish reproduce
    sexually and may grow up to 4 meters in diameter
    with tentacles more than 30 meters long.
  • Hydras (Class Hydrozoa) contains hydras and other
    related animals. The polyps of most hydrozoans
    grow in branching colonies. Within the colony,
    polyps are specialized to perform different
    functions. (ex. Portugese man of war). Hydras
    are different from other cnidarians in their
    class as they lack a medusa stage. Instead they
    live as single polyps and reproduce asexually or

  • Sea Anemones and Corals (Class Anthozoa) These
    flower animals include the sea anemones and
    corals, animals that have only the polyp stage in
    their life cycle. Many species are colonial, or
    composed of many individual polyps.

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The Worms
The Flatworms
  • The phylum Platyhelminthes (plat-ih-hel-MIN-theez)
    consists of the flatworms.
  • Flatworms are soft, flattened worms that have
    tissues and internal organ systems. They are the
    simplest animals to have three embryonic germ
    layers, bilateral symmetry and cephalization.
  • Flatworms are known as acoelomates meaning
    without coelom. A coelom is a fluid filled body
    cavity that is lined with tissue.
  • Flatworms are thin therefore materials can pass
    easily into and out of their body cells. They
    rely on diffusion for respiration, excretion, and

  • Flatworms are free-living or parasitic.
  • Free-living flatworms can be carnivores, or
    scavengers. They have a digestive cavity with a
    single opening or a mouth, through which food and
    wastes pass.
  • Parasitic worms feed on blood, tissue fluids, or
    pieces of cells within the hosts body. Many
    parasitic worms obtain nutrients from foods that
    have already been digested by their host. As a
    result they have a very simple digestive system.
    Tapeworms have no digestive system.
  • In free-living flatworms a head encloses several
    ganglia, or groups of nerve cells, that control
    the nervous system. Parasitic worms have a less
    complex nervous system.

  • Free-living flatworms typically move by using
    cilia on their epidermal cells and through muscle
  • There are three main groups of flatworms the
    turbellarians, flukes and tapeworms. Most
    turbellarians are free-living while the other
    flatworm species are parasites.
  • Turbellarians The free-living flatworms belong
    to the class Turbellaria. Most live in marine or
    fresh water. Most species live in the sand or
    mud under stones and shells. Planarians are the
    most familiar flatworms.
  • Flukes Members of the class Trematoda are known
    as flukes. Flukes are parasitic flatworms. Most
    flukes infect the internal organs of their host.
    (ex. The blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni needs
    two hosts a human and a snail and causes

  • Tapeworms Members of the class Cestoda are
    called tapeworms. Tapeworms are long, flat,
    parasitic worms that are adapted to life inside
    the intestines of their hosts. The head of an
    adult tapeworm contains a scolex with suckers or
    hooks allowing it to attach to the intestinal
    wall. Transmitted through intermediate hosts
    such as cows, fish which are improperly cooked
    and consumed by humans.

The Roundworms
  • The phylum Nematoda, are among the most numerous
    of all animals. A single rotting apple can
    contain as many as 90,000 roundworms.
  • Roundworms are slender, unsegmented worms with
    tapering ends. They range in size from
    microscopic to a meter in length.
  • Most species are free-living inhabiting soil,
    salt flats, sediment and water. Many others are
    parasitic and live in the hosts of almost every
    kind of plant and animal.
  • Roundworms develop from three germ layers and
    have a pseudocoelom. It is a false coelom
    because the body cavity is lined partially with

  • Unlike flatworms, roundworms have a digestive
    tract with two openings a mouth and an anus.
  • Roundworms reproduce sexually and most species
    have separate sexes.
  • Their response and movement is similar to
    flatworms. They exchange gases and excrete waste
    through their body walls using diffusion.
  • Parasitic roundworms include trichinosis-causing
    worms, filarial worms, ascarid worms, and
  • Humans get trichinosis by eating raw or
    incompletely cooked pork. Causes terrible pain
    in organs.
  • Filarial worms lead to elephantiasis where the
    affected part of the body swells enormously.
    These threadlike worms affect the lymphatic
    vessels and are transmitted through biting

  • Ascaris lumbricoides is a serious parasite of
    humans and other vertebrates which causes
    malnutrition in more than one billion people
    worldwide. It is spread through eating unwashed
    vegetables and food. This is why puppies are
    wormed when they are young.
  • Hookworms affect as many as one-quarter of the
    population. They live in the soil and use sharp
    tooth-like plates and hooks to burrow into the
    skin of an unprotected foot. They enter the
    bloodstream and suck the hosts blood causing
    weakness and poor growth.

The Segmented Worms
  • Phylum Annelida refers to the ring-like
    appearance of annelids body segments.
    Earthworms, seaworms and leeches are examples of
  • Annelids are worms with segmented bodies. They
    have a true coelom that is lined with the tissue
    derived from mesoderm.
  • Annelids range from filter feeders to predators.
  • Annelids typically have a closed circulatory
    system, in which blood is contained within a
    network of blood vessels.
  • Land-dwelling annelids breathe through their
    moist skin, while aquatic annelids breathe
    through their gills.

  • Annelids produce two kinds of waste. Digestive
    waste passes out the anus. Nitrogenous waste
    passes out the nephridia.
  • Most annelids have a well developed nervous
    system consisting of a brain and several nerve
  • Annelids move using two groups of body muscles
    longitudinal and circular. Earthworms have
    bristles called setae to prevent slipping.
    Marine annelids have paddle-like appendages
    called parapodia on each segment for swimming and
  • Most annelids reproduce sexually. Some use
    external fertilization and have separate sexes.
    Others are hermaphrodites. They rarely fertilize
    their own eggs however.

  • Annelids are divided into three classes-
    oligochaetes, hirudinea, and polychaetes.
  • The class Oligochaeta (AHL-ih-goh-keets) contains
    earthworms and their relatives. Most live in soil
    or fresh water, have streamlined bodies and
    relatively few setae.
  • The class Hirudinea (hir-yoo-DIN-ee-uh) contains
    the leeches, most of which live in moist habitats
    in tropical countries. Leeches are external
    parasites that suck the blood and body fluids of
    their host.
  • The class Polychaea (PAHL-ih-keets), contains
    sandworms, bloodworms and their relatives.
    Polychaetes are marine annelids, that have
    paired, paddle-like appendages tipped with setae.

Phylum Mollusca
Phylum Mollusca soft bodies
  • Snails and slugs, oysters and clams, and
    octopuses and squids are all mollusks.
  • 50,000 species mostly marine, some inhabit fresh
    water and snails / slugs live on land.
  • Mollusks are soft-bodied animals, but most are
    protected by a hard shell made of calcium
  • Squids and octopuses have reduced shells that
    have been internalized

  • All mollusks have a similar body plan with 3 main
  • a muscular foot, usually for movement, a visceral
    mass, containing most of the internal organs, and
    a mantle, a heavy fold of tissue that may secrete
    a shell.

Class Gastropoda
  • The largest of the molluscan classes (40,000 sp)
  • Most gastropods are marine, but there are also
    many freshwater species and garden snails and
    slugs that have adapted to land.
  • Protected by single, spiraled shells into which
    the animals can retreat when threatened.
  • Shell is often conical, sometimes flattened
  • Slugs and sea slugs have lost their shells during
    their evolution

  • Many have distinct heads with eyes at the tips of
  • Gastropods inch along by a rippling motion of the
    elongated foot.
  • Most gastropods graze on algae or plant material.
    Several other groups, however, are predators.
  • Aquatic gastropods respire using gills,
    terrestrial gastropods have a lung.
  • Among the few invertebrate groups to have
    successfully populated the land.

Gastropod Pics
Class Bivalvia
  • Include clams, oysters, mussels and scallops.
  • Bivalves have shells divided into two halves.
  • Two parts of the shell are hinged at the
    mid-dorsal line and powerful adductor muscles
    draw the two halves tightly together to protect
    the soft-bodied animal.
  • Bivalves contain gills that are used for feeding
    as well as gas exchange.
  • Most are suspension feeders, they trap fine food
    particles in mucus that coats the gills.

  • Water flows into the mantle cavity through the
    incurrent siphon, passes over the gills and then
    exits the mantle cavity through an excurrent
  • No distinct head lead rather sedentary lives
  • Sessile mussels secrete strong threads that cling
    to rocks
  • Clams pull themselves into the sand or mud using
    the muscular foot
  • Scallops dig and skitter along the seafloor by
    flapping their shells

Bilvalve Pics
Class Cephalopoda head foot
  • Unlike sluggish gastropods and the sedentary
    bivalves, cephalopods are built for speed, an
    adaptation that fits their carnivorous diet.
  • Squids and octopuses use beaklike jaws to bite
    their prey they then inject poison to immobilize
    the victim.
  • The mouth is at the center of several long
  • The shell is usually either reduced and internal
    (squids) or missing altogether (octopuses).

  • A squid darts, usually backward by drawing water
    in and then firing a jet stream of water through
    the excurrent siphon that points anteriorly.
  • Steers by pointing in different directions.
  • Octopuses live on the seafloor where they creep
    and scurry about in search of crabs and food.
  • Only mollusks with a closed circulatory system.
  • Have a well developed nervous system with a
    complex brain. Why?
  • Ability to learn and behave in a complex manner
    is more critical to fast moving predators.

Cephalopod Pics
Phylum Arthropoda
General Characteristics
  • Arthropoda means jointed feet.
  • Nearly one million arthropod species have been
    described, mostly insects.
  • Most successful phylum of animals, in all
    habitats. Their success is related to their
    segmentation, hard exoskeleton, and jointed
  • All arthropods have the same basic body plan or
    some variation of it. The body is made up of
    three segments the head, thorax, and abdomen.

  • The body of an arthropod is completely covered by
    a cuticle, an exoskeleton made up of protein and
    chitin. Exoskeleton can be modified into thick
    hard armor or paper thin and flexible.
  • One Problem. In order to grow an arthropod must
    shed its old exoskeleton and secrete a larger
    one. This process is called molting and it takes
    a lot of energy and leaves the animal
    temporarily vulnerable to its environment.
  • The first arthropods appeared in the sea 600
    million years ago. Since arthropods have moved
    to all habitats. They have evolved specialized
    appendages for feeding, movement and other

  • Arthropods tune into their environment with well
    developed sensory organs including eyes (simple
    and compound), olfactory receptors for smell, and
    antennae for touch and smell. Cephalization is
  • Arthropods have an open circulatory system where
    fluid called hemolymph is pumped by the heart
    through short arteries and then into spaces
    surrounding organs and tissues.
  • Terrestrial arthropods have a tracheal system
    which consist of open tubes that connect to the
    outside by spiracles (pores in the cuticle).

  • Arthropods are classified based on the number and
    structure of their body segments and appendages-
    particularly their mouthparts.
  • Arthropods are divided into four subphyla
  • Trilobitomorpha- trilobites (extinct).
  • Chelicerata- spiders, mites ticks, scorpions.
  • Uniramia- insects, centipedes, millipedes.
  • Crustacea- crabs, lobsters, shrimps, barnacles,
    crayfish etc.

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Review Questions
  • 1. What is the term for an organism which can
    produce both sperm and eggs?
  • 2. Why are sponges classified as part of the
    animal kingdom?
  • 3. Why is it helpful for an organism to be able
    to reproduce both sexually and asexually?
  • 4. How does a jellyfish obtain food?
  • 5. How has the digestive system of planaria been
    improved over that of the jellyfish?
  • 6. How does an animal in the phylum
    Platyhelminthes obtain oxygen? Why is this
    sufficient for these organisms?
  • 7. A tapeworm is a parasite that lives in the
    intestines of its host. What system would you
    expect to be missing from the tapeworm that would
    be found in other flatworms? By not having this
    system, the tapeworm has created extra space in
    its body. How do you think the worm has used this
  • 8. How have the digestive systems of the
    roundworm and segmented worm been improved
    compared to that of flatworms?
  • 9. What is meant by segmentation? How is
    segmentation an evolutionary advantage?
  • 10. Some organisms have a circulatory system with
    blood but the blood has no hemoglobin. What is
    the function of the blood in these organisms? Why
    is it an advantage to have hemoglobin in the
  • 11. How is the annelid coelom different from the
    body cavity of the roundworm.
  • 12. Why is a simple circulatory system important
    for the earthworm?
  • 13. In a parasitic worm, why would it be useful
    to be hermaphroditic?
  • 14. Give a possible reason why bivalves have not
    tended toward cephalization.
  • 15. Why have more complex organisms such as
    molluscs had to develop gills?

  • 33. How is the circulatory system of most
    molluscs different from the annelids? Is this
  • 34. Describe feeding in the gastropods, bivalves,
    and cephalopods.
  • 35. How are cephalopods different from other
  • 36. Explain how the gills of bivalves perform two
    separate functions?
  • 37. How is the closed circulatory system an
    advantage to cephalopods?
  • 38. List some characteristics of arthropods.
  • 39. Why does the presence of an exoskeleton
    require the presence of jointed appendages?
  • 40. Why is molting necessary?
  • 41. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
    an exoskeleton?
  • 42. What factors limit the size of the insects?
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