Title: Super Micro IPMI 1.5 Solution
1Super Micro IPMI 1.5 Solution IPMI solution is
available for most of the Supermicro Dual Xeon
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7Which Model support Supermicro IPMI 1.5 Solution?
9What SUPERMICRO IPMI can do for you ?
10The new interfaces in IPMI 1.5 facilitate the
management of rack-mounted Internet servers and
systems in remote environments over serial, modem
and LAN connections. IPMI 1.5 also includes new
capabilities to automatically alert Information
Technology (IT) managers of system errors. These
new capabilities, combined with the remote
management functionality, allow IT managers to
manage their servers and systems, regardless of
system health, power state or supported
communication media. IPMI 1.5 is backward
compatible with version 1.0 and includes
extensions to support existing and emerging
11Super Micro IPMI Features Highlights 1.
IPMI 1.5 Compliant (IPMI over LAN, Serial Port
and Modem) 2. Support Emergency Management
Port by COM LAN 3. Dedicated Serial
Port. 4. Shares LAN controller with main
board, and uses out-of-band bandwidth. 5.
Support Hardware Monitor on a. CPU /
System Temperature b. System Fan CPU Fan
status c. System Voltage 6. Support
Event Log information a. BIOS event b.
Hardware Monitor Event c. System Event
127.Support remote manage when system dead or in
power standby.
a)Remote Power control for
Control through OS
Power Cycle
Control directly through buttons on chassis ,
Reset, Power down, Power UP, Power Cycle
1. Support Pager Alert, SNMP trap (multiple
destinations). 2. Text Console Redirection
through both LAN and Serial Port. 3. OS
independent User, Password security control
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14Server Management IPMI 1.5(Intelligent Platform
Management Interface)
15IPMI 1.5 Overview
- Management of rackmounted Internet servers and
system in a remote environments over serial,
modem, and LAN connections - Allow IT managers to manage their servers and
systems, regardless of system health, power state
or supported communication media. - Backward compatible with existing IPMI v1.0
commands - Session Security Control
- Session management
- Increases scalability for enterprise-class
servers - Session must be activated before it can be used
- LAN channel is multi-session
- Serial/Modem channel is single-session
- Security control
- User name
- Passwords BIOS and OS
- Privilege Admin, Operator, User
16IPMI 1.5 Feature
- IPMI over LAN
- - Ability to send and receive IPMI messages
directly to BMC via LAN - LAN Alerting
- - Via PET (Platform Event Trap/ SNMP trap)
- Serial/Modem Alerting
- - With TAP (alphanumeric) or Dial Pager (numeric)
options - Event Log
- BIOS event
- Hardware Health Monitor Event
- System Operation Event
- OS Platform Independent
- Hardware Health Monitor
- System/CPU temperature
- Fan speeds
- Voltage
17Supermicro Proprietary IPMI Features
- Optional daughter card
- Dedicated serial port
- Share LAN controller on serverboard
- UDP/IP protocol. Can use either same IP with
serverboard or private IP from serverboard - Text Console Redirection
- BIOS Setup
- DOS Operation
- Remote Power Control
- Control through OS shutdown / reboot / power
cycle - Control on chassis power up / power down /
power cycle / reset - In Production now
18IPMI Events - 1
Event Log
19IPMI Events - 2
BMC Setting
User Setting
Console Redirection