Title: Transport Schemes for HighResolution Atmospheric Simulation
1Transport Schemes for High-Resolution
Atmospheric Simulation
24 h accumulated precip, valid 12 UTC 5 June
2005 blue gt 12 mm
Stage 4 analysis
ARW forecast, no PD adv.
2Moisture Transport in ARW
1D advection
ARW scheme is conservative, but not positive
definite nor monotonic. Removal of negative q
results in spurious source of q .
3ARW Transport
Continuous eqn. (PDE)
Spatial discretization ARW - divergence terms
2-6 order accuracy (for constant u, v, w).
Instantaneous fluxes defined on control volume
4ARW Transport
Time integration - RK3 ODE solver
5ARW Transport
For constant u, v, ? - 3rd order accurate in
space and time Conservative Consistent with the
ARW continuity equation Not positive
definite Not monotonic
1D test Cr 0.5, 1 revolution (200 steps)
6Forward-in-Time Transport Schemes
Continuous eqn.
Integrate in time
Integrate in space over the control volume
7ARW-RK3 and Forward-in-Time Schemes
FIT schemes
Final RK3 step looks like an FIT scheme - hence
some PD and monotonic FIT corrections can be used
in RK3 integration.
8RK3 PD/monotonic limiter
Following Zalesak (1979, JCP)
Existing RK3 transport scheme
9RK3 PD/monotonic limiter
Existing RK3 transport scheme
replace with
10RK3 PD/monotonic limiter
(1) Decompose fluxes
(2) 1st order upwind update
(3) Preliminary update for min/max values.
(4) Renormalize if updates are not monotonic or PD
11RK3 PD/monotonic limiter
12RK3 PD limiter examples
24 h accumulated precip, valid 12 UTC 5 June
2005 blue gt 12 mm
ARW forecast, no PD adv.
Stage 4 analysis
Skamarock and Weisman 2009 (thanks to Wei Wang
and Kevin Manning)
13RK3 PD limiter examples
24 h accumulated precip, valid 12 UTC 5 June
2005 blue gt 12 mm
ARW forecast, PD adv.
ARW forecast, no PD adv.
14RK3 PD limiter examples
24 h accumulated precip, valid 12 UTC 14 April
2007 blue gt 12 mm
15RK3 PD limiter examples
14 April 2007
5 June 2005
16RK3 PD limiter examples
Moisture budgets from the 5 June 2005 and 14
April 2007 cases.
Seasonal biases from 2005 and 2007
17RK3 monotonic limiter examples
Wang, Skamarock and Feingold (2009)
250 m grid Diagonal transport of a
cube Horizontal cross section T10 minutes
18RK3 monotonic limiter examples
Marine stratocumulus (DYCOMS II)
2 hours
4 hours
RK3 positive definite
RK3 monotonic
Wang et al. 2009
19RK3 monotonic limiter examples
Marine stratocumulus (DYCOMS II)
RK3 positive definite
RK3 monotonic
Wang et al. 2009
20 Global ARW - Latitude-Longitude Grid
- Map factors - mx and my
- Polar boundary conditions
- Polar filtering
Converging gridlines severely limit timestep. The
polar filter removes this limitation.
- Filter procedure - Along a grid latitude circle
- Fourier transform variable.
- Filter Fourier coefficients.
- Transform back to physical space.
- Problems for PD and monotonic schemes
- Large Courant numbers near poles invalidates the
limiters. - Fourier filtering is not monotonic or PD.
21 Global ARW - Latitude-Longitude Grid
- Problems for PD and monotonic schemes
- Large Courant numbers near poles invalidates the
limiters. - Fourier filtering is not monotonic or PD.
- Possible solutions
- Perform transport along latitude circles as part
of the filtering process, using Large-Cr stable
schemes with modified limiters. - Use multiple applications of local filters for
polar filters.
- Drawbacks
- Expense.
- Lack of filter control.
- Positive-definite (PD) and monotonic transport
options released with WRFV3.1 - PD transport decreases positive precipitation
bias observed in convection-permitting scale
forecasts. - Monotonic transport improves moist LES
simulations, and in chemistry/air quality
applications. - The PD and monotonic options do not work for
global WRF (latitude-longitude grid). Other
PD/monotonic approaches have problems.