Title: Translation from Braille Music Markup Language to DaisyXML
1Translation from Braille Music Mark-up Language
to DaisyXML
- Javier Asensio Cubero
- Nadine Baptiste Jessel
- IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier
- 118 Route de Narbonne
- Contrapunctus
- Talking music
- Braille music
- BMML Braille Music Markup Language
- An exemple of translation from BMML to DaisyXML
- Conclusion
3Contrapunctus consortium
- Biblioteca Italiana Per I Ciechi "Regina
Margherita" - Onlus (Italy) BIC - Dedicon (Holland) DEDICON
- Organización Nacional De Ciegos Españoles. Cidat
(Spain) ONCE - Royal National Institute of the Blind (UK) RNIB
- European Blind Union (France) EBU
- Unione Italiana Ciechi (Italy) UIC
- Le Centre de Transcription Et d'édition en
Braille (France) CTEB - Veia Progetti Srl (Italy) VEIA
- Arca Progetti S.R.L. (Italy) ARCA
- Université Paul Sabatier Irit-Tobia (France) UPS
- Conservatorio musicale di Padova (Italy) CP
- www.punctus.org
4Contrapunctus products
- Braille Music Markup Language
- Resonare
- BMR Braille Music Reader
5Talking music definition and existing products
- Spoken music or talking score is the speech
representation of music score contents - Products
- The description of the solution which come from
RNIB - The product talking music for DEDICON
- No-C-Notes
6Talking music some questions
- Who the talking music users are ?
- Which kind of music is involved in these products
- Which is the information delivered
- How the information is delivered
- How synchronizations are done with the sound or
with Braille - Which the navigation possibilities are
7Braille Music
1 braille character name and duration
.b measure C gt/l "defghij x G key
octave C D E F G A B rest
8Braille music contraction rules
Braille point reduction
Braille character reduction
9BMML and metadata XBMML
- BMML has been designed to
- Encode Braille music notation
- Facilitate conversion from and to other music
encoding - Be extended to Braille music variants
- Metadata
- Dublin core, Marc
- Specific metadata number of character by line,
number of line by page
10A graphic score
11BMML code
- lt?xml version"1.0" ?gt
- ltscoregt
- ltscore_header /gt
- ltscore_datagt
- ltmeasure id"bmml-Measure-0"gt
- ltclef line"2" name"G"gt???lt/clefgt
- ltkey_signature cancel"False"
id"bmml-KeySignature-0" value"-6"gt???lt/key_signa
turegt - ltnote id"bmml-Note-0"gt
- ltoctave value"4"gt?lt/octavegt
- ltnote_datagt
- ltpitchgt33lt/pitchgt
- ltdurationgt1024lt/durationgt
- lt/note_datagt
- ltnote_type name"A" value"quarter"gt?lt/note_type
gt - lt/notegt
- lt/measuregt
- lt/score_datagt
- lt/scoregt
12Transformation exemple
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"utf-8" ?gt
- ltxslstylesheet xmlnsxsl"http//www.w3.org/1999/
XSL/Transform" version"1.0"gt - ltxsltemplate match"/"gt
- ltdtbook version"2005-3" xmllang"en"gt
- ltbookgt
- ltbodymattergt
- ltxslapply-templates /gt
- lt/bodymattergt
- lt/bookgt
- lt/dtbookgt
- lt/xsltemplategt
- .
- lt/xslstylesheetgt
ltxsltemplate match"note"gt ltxslapply-template
s select"octave" /gt ltxslvalue-of
select"note_type/_at_name" /gt ltxslvalue-of
select"note_type/_at_value" /gt lt/xsltemplategt -
ltxsltemplate match"octave"gt octave
ltxslvalue-of select"_at_value" /gt
13DTBook of the previous score
- lt?xml version"1.0" ?gt
- ltdtbook version"2005-3" xmllang"en"gt
- ltbookgt
- ltbodymattergt
- ltp id"bmml-Measure-0"gtclef G octave 4
- A quarterlt/pgt
- lt/bodymattergt
- lt/bookgt
- lt/dtbookgt
14Conclusion and perspective
- Automatic transcription using XSLT is possible
- Work to do
- Metadata xBMML BMML metadata
- Design the possible synchronisation with sound
and Braille - Design the navigation