Title: 7th Grade Life ScienceHealth 6th Grade Garden Service Wheel
17th Grade Life Science/Health6th Grade Garden
Service Wheel
- mjones_at_pleasanton.k12.ca.us
3WebsiteI am linked to the Harvest Park web page.
- http//www.cyberlessons.com
- I am on my own server. If the school server is
down I am up. Try reaching me directly.
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8 Consequences for incomplete homework
- ?7th graders traditionally do well in 6th grade
then drop in 7th grade due to missing
assignments. This happens across the board with
all students. With parent notification in mind, I
will be posting an assignment completion score on
Zangle. A completed unit packet will be due on
test day. Students have the opportunity receive
points for including missing assignments that
have been corrected in their packet when due. - ?I encourage all my students to email me or come
in before school with assignment problems or
questions. Homework that is incomplete when due
will receive a missing grade on Zangle. The work
will not receive a stamp for completion unless a
homework pass in used on the assignment. - ?Laptop students who have technology problems
should bring in a parent note. To allow for an
extension on the assignment due date. - ?All 7th grade science students receive two
homework passes each semester. Unused passes may
be turned in for extra credit at the end of the
semester. - ?I may assign homework detention if homework is
not attempted. I want the students to understand
my routines and expectations from the beginning
of the semester. This will ultimately relive
stress when we begin to learn new science. Right
now we are reviewing information they have been
introduced to at least once in 6th grade. The
detention is not one that involves the office,
does not affect the students ability to attend
school events
9Consequences For Misbehavior
- In order to make the classroom a safe and
effective place for all students to learn, the
following will be expected Students are given
two free warnings per period for rule
infractions. All school Rules will be enforced
(see organizer) - Note gum chewers will automatically earn a gum
scraping consequence. - 1. Behave in a manner that allows everyone to
learn. - 2. Use the Patriot Path as your behavior guide.
- 3. Follow established classroom routines.
- Consequence After the second rule infraction
(in the same period) a Patriot Path Learning Life
skills form will be sent home listing the
problem. The student and the parent should
discuss the situation and fill in the Patriot
Path Learning Life skills form. The parent must
sign the form before returning it to me.
Participation points will be zero for the week.
Trash duty at lunch will be assigned every day
until the form is returned. Students with
reoccurring behavior problems will be referred to
the administrators.Â
10Life Science Curriculum
11Introduction to Science
- Analyzing data
- Thinking like a scientist
- Scientific inquiry
- Lab safety
12Light Energy
- Visible Light
- Refraction and Reflection
- Optical Tools, using the microscope!
- The eye
13Cell Structure and Function
- Types of cells, differentiate between Plant and
animal cells, cellular structures. - Hanging Cell Model Project.
- Chemical compounds in cells, protein,
carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids - Cellular environment diffusion osmosis, active
14Cell Processes and Function
- Photosynthesis and Respiration
- Cell Division/Reproduction
15Genetics The Science of Heredity
- Mendels work
- Probability and Heredity
- The cell and inheritance chromosomes, Meiosis,
- Genes, DNA, RNA and protein production, mutations
16Modern Genetics
- Human inheritance
- Genetic disorders
- Advances in genetics
- Changes Over Time
17Structure and Function in Living Systems
- Connections between anatomy and physiology of
living organisms - Fast Plants
18Health Science Curriculum
19Human Body Systems
- Study of human body systems structure and
function - Chicken foot dissection
- Rat dissection
20Wellness Mental Health
- Overview of wellness
- Anorexia video (as example of poor mental
health) - Suicide prevention speaker (ACCSS)
21Nutrition Fitness
- Food pyramids (esp. Harvard pyramid)
- Balance of calories out/in
- 5 Areas of fitness
- Diet analysis
- Fitness lab
22Alcohol, Tobacco other Drugs
- Drinking driving NOT
- Tobacco trial
23Immune System Disease
- Study of communicable and non communicable
diseases - Immune System Comic Strip
- Bacteria Lab
24Endocrine System, Human Growth Development
(sex ed.)
- We will have an optional parent information night
about our Human Growth and Reproduction Unit on
Wednesday April 21st at 630 pm. Please mark
your calendar now.
25Human Growth Development (sex ed.)
- Anatomy of male female body
- Menstruation Pregnancy
- Decision making
- Sexually transmitted disease (HIV/ AIDS
focus) - Sexual Harassment Predator avoidance