Title: Aaron DeWahl,
1The Coriolis Effect
- Presented by
- Aaron DeWahl,
- Frank McGuire,
- And your
- Student Activity Fee.
2The Coriolis Effect
Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis
3True Or False?
The Direction the water in your toilet bowl spins
is governed by the Coriolis Effect(CW in the
Northern Hemisphere, CCW in Southern).
False. While the Coriolis Effect determines the
spin in long-term vortices, such as hurricanes,
the vortex in the toilet is too small and short
lived for Coriolis to have any noticeable effect.
4What It Is
Coriolis effect is an inertial force described
by the 19th-century French engineer-mathematician
Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis in 18354.
States that in a rotating reference frame,
Newtonian mechanics still apply, but an inertial
force must be included in equations defining
This force, commonly referred to as the
Coriolis Force acts to the right of motion for
CCW rotation and to the left for CW rotation.
5How It Works
- ? angular velocity
- of the coordinate system
- v velocity of the object
- in the coordinate system
- the latitude of the
- object
- The subscripts x, y, z
- refer to the Cartesian
- coordinate system in 3-D
- f the Coriolis
- Parameter
- FC Coriolis force
- aC Coriolis acceleration
- m mass of object
aC -2 (? x v)
f 2 ? sin( ? )
FC (m aC) -2 (? x v) m
For an object on a sphere,
v (
? ? (
aC 2 ? (
f (
vy sin(?) - vz cos(?) -vx sin(?) vx cos(?)
vy -vx
? For atmospheric or oceanic systems
Letters in bold denote vectors
6What It Does
- Changes the direction of projectiles
- Affects the spin of hurricanes and typhoons
- Creates Jet Stream and other major atmospheric
- Creates/affects oceanic currents
7What It Does Continued
If the velocity is parallel to the rotation axis,
the Coriolis acceleration is zero
If the velocity is straight inward to the axis,
the acceleration is in the direction of local
If the velocity is in the direction of local
rotation, the acceleration is outward from the
If the velocity is against the direction of local
rotation, the acceleration is inward to the axis
If the velocity is straight outward from the
axis, the acceleration is against the direction
of local rotation7
8Why We Care
- An understanding of the Coriolis Effect is
nescessary for Air travel
- Ballistic missiles and and other projectiles are
- Tracking/estimating the path of tropical storms
- Nautical Navigation is dependent upon it
9How It Can Be Useful
Anti-Gravity in space stations
Quantum Mechanics
Interstellar Flight
10Works Cited
- 1http//ww2010.atmos.uiuc.edu/(Gh)/guides/mtr/fw
/crls.rxml - 2http//ww2010.atmos.uiuc.edu/(Gh)/guides/mtr/fw
/gifs/coriolis.mov - 3http//www.ems.psu.edu/fraser/Bad/BadCoriolis.
html - 4http//abyss.uoregon.edu/js/glossary/coriolis
_effect.html - 5//www.infoplease.com/ce6/weather/A0813558.html
- 6http//www.phy6.org/stargaze/Srotfram.htm
- 7http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriolis_effect
- 8http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriolis_effect
- Images
- http//apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap040915.html
- http//abyss.uoregon.edu/js/glossary/coriolis_ef
fect.html - http//www.wiley.com/college/strahler/0471480533/a
nimations/ch07_animations/animation2.html - http//www.mountwashington.org/education/center/ar
cade/coriolis/Coriolis.jpeg - http//oceanmotion.org/guides/cf_2/n_teacher_1_fil
es/image018.png - http//oceanmotion.org/guides/cf_2/n_teacher_1_fil