Title: Phase Change Materials in wall integrated systems
1Phase Change Materials in wall integrated systems
Thomas Haussmann, Dr. Hans-Martin Henning, Peter
Schossig Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare
Energiesysteme ISE Annex 17, 2.
Workshop Ljubljana 4-5. April 2002
2The project is supported by the german ministry
for economic affairs (BMWi). Partners are
- general concept of PCM in construction materials
- assessment of the potential by building
simulation - measurements with wall test samples
- measurements in real buildings (ISE)
- measurements of test-rooms
- summary outlook
4General structure
- Possible products
- paints
- plasters
- boards
- pasteuse products
6Potential of PCM layers on internal walls
Fraction of heavy concrete wall thickness to
PCM-wall thickness with the same thermal
mass assumed ?T 4 K
7Parameters for building simulation
- climate
- building thermal mass (light/heavy)
- building component properties (insulation,
windows, shading, ...) - load profile (internal loads, ventilation regime,
...) - properties of the phase change material
- amount
- melting point
- enthalpy of melting solidification
8Scheme of the simulated office segment (ESP)
9Example of simulation results (wall temperature)
10Example of simulation results (operational
11Results of the parameter study
- promising application seems
- light weight buildings
- reduction of overheating during summer
- correct selection of melting point is sensible
- reasonable effects are seen with technically
feasible approaches - important discharge of the storage during
night (ventilation)
12Experimental setup
13Experimental setup (2)
14Experimental result (constant heat flux)
15Enthalpy function resulting from experiments
16Experimental investigation of real application
- 2 test cells with windows and ventilation
- 3 offices in new Fraunhofer ISE building
17Mounting of pcm-plaster in offices at ISE
18First results at ISE
19Measurements of test cells
- micro-encapsulated phase change materials
integrated into building components have the
potential for energy savings and increased indoor
comfort - to date reduction overheating in summer seems
most feasible - to take effect storage discharge during night by
ventilation is very important - our work comprises
- Material testing (DSC, SEM)
- accelerated aging
- measurements of wall samples
- measurements of test cells
- measurements of real buildings
- building simulation (ESP-r, ColSim)
- further steps
- experimental studies in real applications
- validation of simulation-models with test-cell
data - further improvement of material properties
(higher enthalpy) - development of new applications
- other PCM-activities at ISE
- PCM-Slurries (EU-Project PAMELA)