Title: The Bears On Hemlock Mountain
1The Bears On Hemlock Mountain
Author Alice Dalgliesh
Genre Realistic fiction
By Wilson
Theme Better safe than sorry
The book is about Jonathans first trip across
Hemlock Mountain by himself. Jonathan is an 8
year old boy who his mom thinks is big enough to
cross the mountain alone. There are going to be a
lot of people at Jonathans house and his mom
doesnt have a pot big enough to cook a stew for
that many people. She asks Jonathan to cross the
mountain and borrow the large iron pot from his
Aunt Emma. Jonathan was worried because he had
heard that there were bears Hemlock Mountain, but
his mom said Stuff an nonsense. He went across
the mountain to get the pot. When he got to his
aunts house, he ate cookies, drank milk, and
then fell asleep. He was late heading home and it
was getting dark, so when he saw 2 large dark
objects in the trees, he turned the pot upside
down and hid under it because he still believed
there were bears on Hemlock Mountain . His father
and uncles had come looking for him and as they
were walking and shouting, the bears were
walking. They scared the bears away from the pot,
but they left behind their footprints. When
Jonathan heard them he crawled out and showed
them the footprints. Now everybody knows there
are bears on Hemlock Mountain.
The story takes place at the end of winter near
Hemlock Mountain, which is really a big hill that
the people started calling Hemlock Mountain and
the name stuck. The book doesnt say when the
story takes place but in the picture it was
probably the 17 or 1800s .
4Main Character
Jonathan is the main character he is an 8 year
old boy that is big for his age he likes all
kinds of animals and know what kind of tracks
they make. He is nervous about going over Hemlock
Mountain alone because there may be bears.
I think the book teaches a lesson about being
cautious. If you think theres something to
worry about even though everyone else says
theres not, its ok to be careful.