Title: The Five Pillars of Islam
1The Five Pillars of Islam
- Shahada
- Salat
- Zakat
- Ramadan
- Hajj
2Shahada There is no God except Allah
Muhammad is the Prophet of God
Daily Prayer performed by Muslims five times per
day Dawn, Noon, Mid-Afternoon, Sunset Night
4Muslims are called to prayer by a Muezzin who
recites the Athan.
5The Minbar (below) is a raised platform for the
leader of Muslim prayer, known as an Imam to give
Friday Sermons
The Imam leads prayer from the Mihrab (above and
right) which is placed in the Qibla wall
indicating the direction of the Kaaba
6If Bill Gates converted to Islam he would pay
1,320,000,000 each year in Zakat as 2 1/2 of
his wealth!
The Holy month of Fasting. Muslims fast, or Saum,
from dawn until sunset. This is the month that
Muhammad spent on Mt. Hira and was visited by the
Angel Gabriel. The 27th Night of Ramadan The
Night of Destiny marks Allahs revelation to
8The Hajj
All Muslims are required to make a
pilgrimage to Mecca once in their life if
the are physically and financially able
to. The form of the Hajj was set
down by Muhammad shortly
before his death. A key point in
the pilgrimage is the circling of
the Kabba seven times.
9Major points of Muhammads public teaching
- ? There is only one God (Allah)
- and all should submit to Him.
- ? All believers in God are equal.
- ? The Rich should share with the
- Poor.
- ? People should live righteously.
- ? All people will be subjected to
- Judgment Day.