Title: A ConsortiumLevel Perspective
1A Consortium-Level Perspective
- Clifford J. Roblee, Ph.D., P.E.
- NEESinc Executive Director
- NEES 4th Annual Meeting
- Washington, D.C.
- June 22, 2006
2NEES Experimental Infrastructure
3Organization of NEES Pieces
4Earthquakes Affect Our Homes, Work, Commerce,
Economy, Social Fabric, National Prestige
5Earthquake Risk Mitigation
- Engineering/Construction of Resilient
Infrastructure is Best Mitigation Strategy - Complements Land Use, (Potential) Early Warning,
and Emergency Response - 100 Effectiveness May Be Technically Feasible
Issues Surround Cost-Effectiveness - Success Requires
- Effective Design Tools for Hazard Identification
(Applied Earth Science) - Cost-Effective Engineering Solutions for Varied
- Performance Objectives (Life Safety, Post-EQ
Functionality, Life-Cycle Costs, etc.) - Hazard Types (Shaking, Fault Offset,
Liquefaction, Landslide, Tsunami) Levels of
Hazard - Infrastructure Types (Buildings, Bridges,
Lifelines, Dams, etc.) - Construction Materials (Steel, Concrete, Timber,
Soil, etc.) - Construction Methods Systems (Cast-in-Place,
Pre-Fabricated Components, etc.) - Political Skill Will
- Public-Interest Policies Decisions (Market
Alone Insufficient) - Smart Codes Design Practices Applied by
Knowledgeable Workforce - Good Construction Maintenance Practices
NEES Partner
6NEESinc Roles 1 Consortium Leadership
of 3
- Broadly Representative Governance
- Fair/Equitable Policies and Procedures
- National and International Partnerships
- Connections with Engineering Practice and Risk
Stakeholders - Connections to Broader Expertise within Other
7NEESinc Roles 2 Resource Management
- Professional Financial Practices Business
Management - Thorough, Fair Subawardee Performance Tracking
Budget Review - Uniform Standards, Procedures, and Best Practices
for Site Ops - Integrated Reporting to Sponsor
8NEESinc Roles 3 Researcher Support
- Fair Open Access To NEES Infrastructure
- Convenient Access to IT Tools Data Archives
- Training on Safe Effective Use of Equipment
Cyber-Tools - Centralized Coordination of Dispersed EOT
9The NEES Community Cliffs Sailing Analogy
Rigging NEES IT
Crew Researchers
Wind NEESR Sponsors
Taken for Granted, But Always There Keeps ALL
Boats Afloat Connection to Rest of the World
10NEES Consortium HQ Open for Business