Title: Export Champagne
1(No Transcript)
2- Because every day is a celebration
4I/ Marketing Section
51. The Project
6(No Transcript)
72. The Market
82. The Market
92. The Market
103. The Marketing Mix
11Champagne Ardennes
- Our office is located in the heart of the
Champagne-Ardennes region, in the small town of
12Luxury Champagne
Moët et Chandon Price B to B 50 370 Kn
Champagne Mumm Price B to B 50 370 Kn
13Regular ChampagnePrice B to B 30 220 Kn
Champagne Rémy Massin
Champagne Ruffin
Champagne Gaillot
Champagne Larmandier
14Organic Champagne
Champagne Françoise Bedel et Fils Price B to B 35
260 Kn
Champagne Leclerc Briant Price B to B 35 260
153. The Marketing Mix
16Logo and slogan
- Because every day is a celebration !
17Commercial Brochure
18Commercial Brochure
19B to B prospecting
Business Cards
Producers in France
Customers in Croatia
20After-Sales Service
214.The SWOT analysis
224.The SWOT analysis
235. The 5 Porter Forces
246. The PESTEL Analysis
. Parliamentary Democracy . Not a EU member
. Industries . Tourism . Developing countries
. Amount of tax 0 kuna for alcohol in wine
. Tourists . Wealthy/elderly people
. Profitable locations . No damage . Recycling
. Lack of high technology but developping quickly
25II/ Financial Section
261. Financial Strategy
- Initial Capital 20,000
- Loan 10,000
- Grant 5,000
272. Overhead Expenses
- Starting Expenses
- Creation
- Furniture
- Computer Equipment
- Forklift
- Car Leasing
- Rentals
- Warehouse, office, car
- Utility Expenses
- Telephone, electricity/water, petrol...
- Wage Expenses
- Salesperson Warehouseperson in Croatia
- Salesperson office in France
- Communication
- Business cards, brochure, website creation
283. Operating Expenses
- Champagne purchasing
- Average unit price 15
- Purchase every 3 months (around 3000 bottles)
- Stock strategy always have 1000 bottles in our
stock - Transportation from France to Croatia
- Average cost per year 50,000
294. Sales Forecast
- Aim 1.000 bottles per month
- Best periods before the summer and before end of
year - Creation of the company in June to be ready for
this period - Sales forecast
305. Profitability forecast
32So, are you ready to invest in our business?
- Please, feel free to ask questions.
33Thank you for your attention!