Language and Communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Language and Communication


For more information on Alan Garnham's part of the Language and ... Measure how long people take to categorise a word ('apple' is a fruit) Some Other Measures ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Language and Communication

For more information on Alan Garnhams part of
the Language and Communication course see the
following web page, and the links from
it http//
Language and Communication - 2002
  • Word Identification - Introduction and Written
    Word Identification

General Issue
  • The listener or reader hears or sees a perceptual
    pattern that is meaningless in itself (think of
    hearing or seeing a word in a language you dont
  • The pattern conveys meaning because in learning a
    language a person learns to associate sounds (and
    visual patterns in reading) with meanings (by
    creating a store of knowledge about the words of
    the language - the mental lexicon)
  • How does a particular occurrence of a perceptual
    pattern (e.g this instance of the word pattern)
    get associated with the right meaning?
  • Once the words have been identified, more complex
    meanings can be built up from them (see later

Spoken Word Identification (Listening)
  • Actually rather complicated because
  • Word boundaries may be clearly perceived but are
    not usually marked by breaks in the speech stream
  • Although we dont usually notice it, sounds
    change with context
  • E.g. what sounds do you actually make when you
    say green man
  • Something like greeman

Written Word Identification (Reading)
  • In principle easier, because
  • In print
  • Word boundaries are clear (spaces/new lines)
  • Letter forms are clear
  • And even in writing
  • Word boundaries are usually clear
  • Letter forms may or may not be clear

Studying Word Identification
  • Generally people ask what makes word
    identification easy or difficult?
  • Time spent identifying a word can be a measure of
  • Measures of identification time are usually

Some Identification Time Measures
  • Measure how long people actually spend looking at
    a word when READING (using eye movement
    monitoring techniques)
  • Measure how long people take to start saying a
    word (naming or pronunciation time)
  • Measure how long people take to say a string of
    letters is (or is not) a word (lexical decision)
  • Measure how long people take to categorise a word
    (apple is a fruit)

Some Other Measures
  • Measure how accurately people identify a briefly
    presented word (tachistoscopic recognition)
  • Measure how much of a (spoken) word people need
    to hear to recognise it (gating)

Factors Affecting Identification
  • Perceptual Clarity
  • Length
  • Frequency (how common the word is)
  • Familiarity? Age of Acquisition?
  • Priming (by prior, related, material)
  • Repetition
  • Form-based
  • Associative
  • Semantic (words, sentences, discourse)
  • Attentional (Neely)

Factors Affecting Identification
  • Neighbourhood Effects
  • Are there other similar words in the language?
  • If there are, identification can be speeded,
    especially for uncommon words
  • Regularity and Consistency
  • Imageability/Concreteness
  • Part of Speech (Noun vs. Verb)
  • Morphological Complexity

Models of Written Word Identification
  • Serial (search) models
  • Forsters autonomous serial search model
  • Parallel (detector) models
  • Mortons Logogen model - various versions
  • Connectionist Models
  • Interactive Activation
  • Mixed Models
  • Beckers Verification Model
  • Norriss Checking Model

Serial versus Parallel Models
  • Serial search model - analogy of looking through
    a dictionary
  • Parallel/direct access model - perceptual
    properties of a word can directly access a
    lexical item (by activating its detector), and
    multiple lexical entries are activated
    simultaneously, i.e. in parallel.

Accessing a normal dictionary
  • speculum(sp?kj?l?m) n., pl. -la (-l?) or -lums.
    1. a mirror, esp. one made of polished
  • sped(sp?d) vb. a past tense and past participle
    of speed.
  • speech(spit?) n. 1. the act or faculty of
  • speechless(spit?lIs) adj. 1. not able to speak.
    2. temporarily deprived of speech. 3. not
  • speed(spid) n. 1. The act or quality of acting
    or moving fast rapidity. 2. the rate......

Forsters (1976) Autonomous Search Model
Forsters (1976) Autonomous Search Model
  • Library analogy, a word (book) is found in only
    one place in the mental lexicon (library) but can
    be located by using various resources
  • Access files Orthographic - words are accessed
    via visual features (for visual word
  • Phonological - sound (for spoken word
  • Syntactic/semantic - meaning and grammatical
    class (for production)
  • Master lexicon where all linguistic information
    about words are stored pronunciation, spelling,
    grammatical class, meaning, etc.

Forsters (1976) autonomous search model
  • Frequency Effects can be explained by model as
    the access files are organised into binsin which
    the most frequent words are stored at the top,
    and hence searched first.
  • Non-Word Effects in Lexical Decision Tasks -
    strings such as xzpqr are known to be rejected
    very quickly (no search?) but model predicts
    non-words should take longer to reject than it a
    takes to accept a word, since a whole bin (at
    least) must be searched.
  • Semantic priming - Not fully explained by
    Forsters model, though he suggests that the
    master lexicon has connections between
    semantically associated words which can be used
    to create a supplementary access file.
  • Neighbourhood effects - Serial search might
    appear to predict that words with many neighbours
    will take longer to access than those with few
    neighbours because more entries must be
    examined. However, the exact predictions would
    depend on details of organisation into bins,

Adapted from Morton, 1979, facilitation on word
recognition experiments causing change in the
logogen model, in P Kolers, et al. (eds)
Processing of visible language vol. 1.
  • Original logogen model

Visual analysis
Auditory analysis
Cognitive system
Logogen system
Response buffer
Mortons (1969) Logogen model
  • Each word has its own Logogen an evidence
    detector or scoreboard for a word
  • Heated light bulb analogy once word activated
    the bulb is lit and warm, when word is no longer
    activated the bulb does not cool straight away,
    so if the word is present again, it will take
    less time to be activated.

Individual threshold
  • Frequency effects explained as increased
    experience of a word resulting in a higher
    resting activation for high frequency relative to
    low frequency words.

Individual threshold
Semantic priming Because of the bi-directional
flow of information between the cognitive system
and logogen system, activation from one logogen
spreads (indirectly) to those for related words.
Because activated logogens do not return to their
resting level immediately, the primed target will
require less perceptual input to be activated to
its individual threshold, and hence less time
than an unrelated target. Neighbourhood effects
original model proposed before such findings were
discovered, therefore not developed to account
for this finding. Logogens gather evidence
independently of one another
Morton, 1979, was not able to find cross modal
priming, hence he changed the model so that
information from across modalities entered
separate logogen systems.
The lexicon
Visual logogens
Auditory logogens
Output logogens
Auditory analysis
Visual analysis
Response buffer
Grapheme Phoneme conversion
  • Adapted from Morton, 1979, Facilitation in word
    recognition experiments causing change in the
    logogen model, in P Kolers, et al. (eds)
    Processing of visible language vol. 1.

  • Cross modal priming is now a well-established
  • E.g. Zwitserlood, 1989.

c a p t i ve
auditory prime
c a p t ai n
visual probe
  • Priming found to both alternatives in early
    condition only
  • More priming found to ship a frequency effect

Mixed Models
  • Beckers (1976) verification model - a small
    number of candidates, activated in parallel, are
    subject to a (serial) verification process
  • Norriss (1986) checking model - partial matches
    with the input as analysed so far are checked to
    see if they fit with context

Connectionist models
  • McClelland and Rumelhart, 1981, 1982, Interactive
    activation model.

Nodes (visual) feature, (positional) letter, and
word detectors which have Inhibitory and
excitatory connections between them.
Interactive Activation Model
  • Inhibitory connections within levels
  • If the first letter of a word is a, it isnt
    b or c or
  • Inhibitory and excitatory connections between
    levels (bottom-up and top-down)
  • If the first letter is a the word could be
    apple or ant or ., but not book or
    church or
  • If there is growing evidence that the word is
    apple that evidence confirms that the first
    letter is a, and not b..

Interactive Activation Model
  • The model was originally developed to explain the
    Reicher-Wheeler (word superiority) effect - it is
    easier to recognise a letter in a word than in a
    non word or a string of xs.
  • Top-down (word?letter) excitatory connections
    assist letter identification in word, but not in
  • It is a localist model - features, letters and
    words are represented by individual nodes - their
    representations are not distributed across the

  • Frequency effects - not originally accounted for,
    but high frequency words could have stronger
    connections to lower level nodes than low
    frequency words. Therefore L would have a
    stronger connection with the word LOVE compared
    to LOATHE. Or they could have higher resting
    levels of activation (as in the logogen model)
  • Priming and context effects - again, not
    originally accounted for
  • Neighbourhood effects - as neighbours are words
    represented by similar patterns in the feature
    and letter layers, these will all be activated.
    But one word has to win - the activation of many
    similar words could facilitate recognition of the
    correct word but if a high frequency word is
    competing with a lower frequency word, its
    stronger activation may interfere with the
    process of accessing the lower frequency word.

  • Both serial and parallel models have pros and
    cons, but there is a general consensus towards
    accepting the parallel processing models of
    lexical access.
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