Title: Searches for MSSM Higgs at the Tevatron
1Searches for MSSM Higgs at the Tevatron
Amy Connolly/ UC Berkeley For the CDF and DØ
- Motivation
- A/H-gttt
- Run I Run II (CDF)
- A/Hbb -gt bbbb
- Run 1 Search CDF
- Run II
- DØ
- Conclusions
2Why Higgs? Why MSSM?
- an EWSB mechanism in SM
- Gives mass to particles through H couplings
- Current data points to light Higgs
- MHiggs lt 170 GeV _at_ 95, Osaka00
- Higgs has not been definitively observed
- LEP2 gt 114 GeV 95 CL exclusion
- a solution to hierarchy problem
- mH2 receives corrections mPlanck2
- Needs fine-tuned parameters for mH100 GeV
- Supersymmetry symmetry between fermions, bosons
-gt cancellations occur naturally - Two Higgs doublets are needed
3MSSM Higgs
- In the MSSM scenario
- Two Higgs doublets lead to 5 Higgs particles
- Two neutral CP-even h,H
- One neutral CP-odd A
- Two charged H ,H-
- Masses governed by two parameters, for ex
- Tree level mass relations
- M(h)ltM(Z)ltM(H)
- M(A) ltM(H)
- M(H)ltM(W)
- M(ho)lt130 GeV after radiative corrections
(top,stop etc.)
mA (GeV)
mA (GeV)
- High tanb
- A nearly degenerate with
- h (mAlt130 GeV)
- or H (mAgt130 GeV)
4MSSM Higgs production _at_ Tevatron
- H/h/A can have SM-like x-sections at small tan b
- For processes such as HW and HZ
- Some production processes such as
- gg-gtA/H
- gg,qq-gt Hbb/hbb/Abb
- can have
- large x-sections at
- large tan b !!!
Mh/H (GeV)
MA (GeV)
g 1/cosb tanb
? h,H,A
Mh/H (GeV)
MA (GeV)
5MSSM Higgs Branching Ratios
tan b 50
In the same high tanb region, BR(-gtfermions)
stays high even at large mass.
For all practical purposes ??bb 90 ??tt
mA (GeV)
- Searches for Higgs in high tanb region at
Tevatron - gg-gtA/h-gttt
- gg,qq-gtA/hbb-gtbbbb
6 A/H-gtttTau ID in Run I (CDF)
- Tau Properties
- Collimated decay products
- Opening angle
- q lt mt/ET(t) lt 0.2 rad 10
- Low multiplicity tracks, photons in 10
- Visible energy reconstructs low mass
- Cuts
- Jet with high visible ET containing high pT track
- Isolated in 10-30 annulus
- Low track, photon multiplicity in 10 cone
- mtlt1.8 GeV
- Q1
Achieved fake rates 1.2-0.7 for jet ET 20-200
Photons detected in wire chambers at shower-max
in the EM Calorimeter 2D info, s(x),s(z)2cm
Jet ET (GeV)
7A/H-gtttDitau Mass Reconstruction (CDF)
- Full mass of the ditau system may be
reconstructed if - Assume ns in same direction as visible decay
products - Taus are not back-to-back in azimuthal
- -gtrequire Dflt160
Exmeas Ext1 Ext2 Eymeas Eyt1 Eyt2
mA95 GeV mean93.7 RMS24.1
Require En1,2gt0 ? Lose 50 Higgs signal, Reject
97 Wjets
Ditau Mass (GeV)
8 A/H-gttt (CDF)
- Trigger
- No t trigger in Run I ? use pTgt18 GeV lepton
trigger-gt - Backgrounds
- Z ? tt (irred.), QCD, Z ? ee, Wjets non-irred.
backgrounds rejected through tau ID cuts and mass
reconstruction -
One leptonic t One hadronic t
Use mA95 GeV, tanb40 as benchmark s(A/H ?
Z-gttt A-gttt
- Z ? tt irred. backgnd, but
- Branching Ratio
- Z?tt 3.7
- A/H ? tt 9
- PT Distributions
- Stiffer A/H pT distributions than Z pT
distributions - Dflt160 cut pTgt15 GeV cut ?
- 30 more efficient for Higgs than Z
pT (GeV)
s(A/H) falls fast! Drops by factor of 4 from 95
120 GeV, 1 RMS (mtt) 24 GeV -gt Need as high a
rate as possible! -gt
9 Taus in Run II (CDF,DØ)
- Triggers designed for t physics will greatly
increase the acceptance for this search - Lower pT thresholds
- All-hadronic modes open up (1/2 of branching
ratio) - Tau Triggers in Run II
- Lepton track triggers (DØ, CDF)
- tMET Trigger (DØ,CDF)
- 2 hadronic ts
- Calorimeter-based (CDF)
- Track-based (DØ)
CDF already sees W?tn events from new tMET
Run I A/H-gttt search sill work in progress, Run
II analysis in the works as well
10 pp -gt bbA/h/H -gt bbbb Run I (CDF)
? h,H,A
- Event selection
- 4- jets ?ETgt125 GeV trigger
- ? 3 b-tag (displaced vertex)
- ??bb gt 1.9
- mj dependent cuts optimized for max. expected
signif. - gt ET cuts on jets
- gt mass window 1-3s
- BR x Accept 0.2 0.6 (70ltmjlt300 GeV)
mA (GeV/c2)
Backgrounds QCD, Z/Wjets,tt
- For mj 70 GeV hypothesis, observe
- 5 events, expect 4.6 1.4
- Only these 5 events appear in higher mass
windows - No excess above predicted is
11Tools for pp -gt A/h/Hbb -gt bbbb Run II (CDF)
Dijet Invariant Mass (GeV)
Dijet Invariant Mass (GeV)
- Z-gtbb studies -gt improved resolution
- - correcting for m, ET, jet charged fraction
- Studies of QCD jets
- - 30 improvement in jet res.
- - uses tracking, shower-max detectors and
- B-tagging
- 3D silicon
- ? lt 2
- Improved lepton acceptance
- New specific triggers to recover acceptance
(displaced track trigger, multijet)
12Tools for pp -gt A/h/Hbb -gt bbbb Run II (DØ)
- Obtain fractional resolution s/M 12
- No jet calibration applied
- Consider all jet permutations for mass
reconstruction - Predicted rates normalized to SM prediction (3.7
fb) - Started recently to look at gb?bh channel which
has an order of magnitude larger cross section
- Multijet trigger 4 jets, ETgt15 GeV, hlt2
- Leading jets mj dependent cuts
- mj120 ET1gt55 GeV, ET2gt40 GeV
- SET of jets 3 and 4 gt 30 GeV
- At least 3 b tags
- plot all mass combinations, look in mass window
13Projected Reach in Run II(CDF, DØ)
- Both experiments study expected Run II
sensitivity from bbbb analysis - similar results
2fb-1 -gt160 GeV (tanb40) 95 CL -gt115
GeV (tanb40) 5s discovery
- A/H-gttt
- Run I results to be completed soon
- First glimpse of Run II data also on the way
- A/Hbb-gtbbbb
- Run I result excludes -gt 115 GeV at tanb60
- Run II with both experiments
- Set to exclude (discover) significant region of
MSSM parameter space - Optimistic about improvements from
- Triggers
- Jet resolution
- b-tagging