Title: Budgeting and Accounting with Strategic Planning in Mind
1Budgeting and Accounting with Strategic Planning
in Mind
- Bruce Hanni, Controller Fluor Daniel Hanford
- Some basic premises
- The role of the financial professional
- Strategic planning process
- Practical examples
3Basic Premises
- The single common denominator of any enterprise
is financial data - We (Finance) own the data
- We see things executive management doesnt
- We can be key players in the planning process
4Role of the Financial Professional
- Look at the data
- Understand what the data is telling you
- Look beyond the data to the driver(s)
- Dont be timid
- Remember, the data tells the story
- Think like an executive
- Know their strategic thinking
5Strategic Planning
- Establish goals and objectives
- Sustained increase in shareholder value
- Identify critical measures
- Net Operating Profit (growth over time)
- Earnings Per Share (growth over time)
- Revenues (growth over time)
6Strategic Planning
- Develop strategies to meet those goals and
objectives - Cost containment
- Market expansion
- Acquisition
- Divestiture
7Practical Example - Overtime
8Practical Example - Overtime
- Before
- 11 of total payroll
- 27 million/year
- gt17,000 hours/week
- Controller approved all extended workweek
requests - 60 requests/week w/12 workers/ request
9Practical Example - Overtime
- Action
- Collect/graph weekly overtime
10Practical Example - Overtime
11Practical Example - Overtime
- Action
- Collect/graph weekly overtime
- Present data w/recommendations to Sr. Mgmt.
12Practical Example - Overtime
13Practical Example - Overtime
- Action
- Collect/graph weekly overtime
- Present data w/recommendations to Sr. Mgmt
- Establish weekly reporting capability
14Practical Example - Overtime
15Practical Example - Overtime
- After (6 months)
- 4.5 of total payroll
- 14 million/year
- lt8,500 hours/week
- Line mgmt. approved all overtime
- Sr. Mgmt. established clear expectations
16Practical Example - Banking
17Practical Example - Banking
- Action
- Analyze the financial statements
18Practical Example - Banking
19Practical Example - Banking
- Before
- Bank Accounts
- 1200
- Annual fees 5 million
- Driven by
- Historical standard contract terms and conditions
- Local customs
20Practical Example - Banking
- Action
- Present data w/recommendations to Sr. Mgmt.
- Close inactive accounts
- Modify Ts Cs
- Educate business development/marketing groups
21Practical Example - Banking
- After (1 year)
- Bank Accounts
- lt500
- Annual fees lt2.5 million
- Modified Ts Cs - all new proposals
22Practical Example - Taxes
23Practical Example - Taxes
- Action
- Analyze the financial statements
24Practical Example - Taxes
25Practical Example - Taxes
- Before
- Work performed at corporate or in country of
construction - International tax laws not considered
26Practical Example - Taxes
- Action
- Present data w/recommendations to Sr. Mgmt.
- Examine international tax laws
- Deploy work to optimize tax treatment
- Exploit technology
- Modify Ts Cs
- Educate business development/marketing groups
27Practical Example - Taxes
- After
- Effective tax rate reduced to 32
28Practical Example - Taxes
29Practical Example - Pricing
30Practical Example - Pricing
- Strategic Objective
- Identify in-roads to increasing work with the
National Labs
31Practical Example - Pricing
- Before
- Cost/pricing model charged all infrastructure
burdens regardless of where work was performed
32Practical Example - Pricing
33Practical Example - Pricing
- Action
- Revise cost model to more precisely align
allocations with cost drivers - Stratify infrastructure to only those benefiting
cost objectives - Realign cost elements between infrastructure and
GA to ensure consistency - Apply resulting rates
34Practical Example - Pricing
35Practical Example - Pricing
- After
- Pricing strategy consistent with Strategic
- Look at the data
- Understand what the data is telling you
- Look beyond the data to the driver(s)
- Dont be timid
- Remember, the data tells the story
- Think like an executive
- Know their strategic thinking