Title: Cross Platform Development using Software Matrix
1Cross Platform Development using Software Matrix
- Vijay Appadurai
- Advisor
- Dr. James Fawcett
- Mar 23rd 2007
- Cross-platform software consists of applications
which work on multiple system platforms (eg.
Linux/Unix, Mac OS, Windows) - This may mean supporting all common platforms or
simply more than one - eg. standard libraries, game development,
developer toolkits etc.
3Research Overview
- Our work mainly centers on simplifying
cross-platform development - We develop a framework to help facilitate the
process of cross-platform programming - We show how the Software Matrix can be used for
the development of such frameworks - We demonstrate that simple XML Messaging is
effective in developing cross-platform software
4Need for Cross-Platform Software
- Software Industry works in an environment with
many different operating systems and processors - The software has to be built, tested and deployed
on all platforms of interest - Cross-platform software can be run everywhere and
it can be proposed as a standard
5Software Matrix The Framework
- Simple XML Messaging Interface
- Cross-platform messaging protocol
- Sync and Async Message Passing
- Pluggable service-oriented architecture
6A Closer Look at Matrix Cells
- Message Queues for communication with other cells
- Unique Cell ID
- Capability List for Advertising services
- Functionality which is the processing for the
services provided
7Improvements to the Software Matrix Efficiency
- In previous models, messages were passed to the
Mediator for every cell to cell communication - We use a light-weigth Mediator, providing only
discovery services for other cells in the Matrix - Cells now query the Mediator using a Matrix
Query message - Once the location of a destination cell is known,
messages are sent directly
8Repository Testbed System
- Weve developed the RTB framework for supporting
cross-platform development - Repository is the system component which contains
source code for all platforms - Testbed consists of a build process specific to
each platform - RTClient is an integrated user interface to both
the Repository and the Testbed
9Repository Testbed Framework
- Single code base
- One Test-bed Server for every platform
- RTClient is the UI to interact with the servers
10Software Matrix and RTB system
- RTB consists of parts that reside on different
machines with different platforms - Software Matrix technology used for communication
between the different parts - XML is cross-platform and the Software Matrix
messaging protocol is lightweight - Repository and Testbed were developed using C
in windows and linux whereas RTClient was
developed using C in windows - We seamlessly integrate parts on different
platforms written in different programming
languages effectively using Software Matrix
- Contains the source code for all the platforms of
interest - Uses XML meta-data to store information and
organize the various items in the Repository in a
dependency hierarchy - Provides source-code control services such as
check-in, check-out, extract and versioning - Supports browsing of all items and their
dependencies in the Repository
12Repository Definitions
- Version A version is a number generated in
sequence by the Repository Server that is
assigned to a file. This number is encoded in the
file specification using the convention
filename.VersionNumber.Extension - Item An item is a named, versioned XML metadata
and all the files on which it holds references,
excluding references to other items. Each item
refers directly to one or more source code files
and configuration files associated with the
source code files. - XML Manifest A named, versioned XML file that
groups together items with the same name but
which may be intended for different platforms.
All items within the manifest have the same name
and the same version.
- Component A component is one root item and all
the items it references, either directly or
indirectly. That is, a component is a top-level
item and the closure of all its references. - Check-In The process of storing all the files of
an item in the repository and providing sequenced
version numbers as described above is called a
check-in. On check-in, the item is given a unique
name for a given platform and a version number. - Check-Out The process of transferring files of
an item from the Repository Server to the
RTClient for the purpose of modification is
called a check-out. Items checked out can be
checked back in to create newer versions.
14More Definitions . . .
- Extraction The process of transferring a
components files from the Repository Server to
the RTClient and/or Testbed Server is called
Extraction. - Browsing The process of viewing the items and
components in the Repository Server and their
dependencies is called Browsing. Browsing an item
shows all the files it is dependent on and their
relationships with other items.
15Version Control
- M1 and M2 are items which can run on multiple
platforms - M1 is dependent on M2
- M1 contains different implementations for windows
and linux - M2 contains the same implementation for both
windows and linux
16XML Metadata of an Item
ltmanifestgt ltplatformgt ltpinfogt
ltnamegtThreadslt/namegt ltversiongt1lt/versiongt
ltdescriptiongtThread classlt/descriptiongt
ltcompilergtVClt/compilergt ltstatusgtclosedlt/statu
sgt ltpnamegtwin32lt/pnamegt ltoutputTypegtexelt/out
putTypegt ltoutputFilenamegtthreads.exelt/outputFil
enamegt ltcheckedoutgtnolt/checkedoutgt
ltmiscCompilerOptions /gt ltmiscLinkerOptions /gt
lt/pinfogt lt/platformgt lt/manifestgt
- Every item in the Repository has metadata
associated with it - The combination of name platform in unique in
the Repository - Metadata contains information about item name,
version, checked-out status, build information
and references to other items - Also references the source files, documentation
files and related configuration files for the
17TestBed Server
- Dedicated server running in each platform the
application has to be deployed on - Accepts test requests from the RTClient
- Uses the services of the Repository to extract
components - Testbed Server consists of a Builder and a Test
- Builds test libraries and executables from the
source code files in the Repository - Each item has a specification for its build in
its meta-data - This meta-data is used by builder to generate
compiler command on-the-fly for each item - This compiler command is executed on the command
line and produces output files as requested
19Test Harness
- Contains a test-aggregator that loads the
libraries built by the builder - Each test library is required to support a ITest
interface, so the aggregator creates instances of
each test it loads - Executes the test by invoking test() function
declared in the interface and implemented by each
of the test libraries - Test results are sent back to the RTClient
- Integrated user-interface to access the services
of the Repository Server and the Testbed Server - Used for check-in, check-out and insert of code
into the Repository - Items in Repository can be shown as a tree view
and browsed comfortably - Also used to issue test requests to the Testbed
21RTClient Check-In
22RTClient Repository Browsing
23Test Application Process and Port Sniffer
- Truly cross-platform client-server application
with the user interface written using Java and
the server written using C - We demonstrate development of the server module
written using C. The client and server
communicate using XML and sockets - The server monitors the running processes and the
open ports in the target machine and reports the
client which displays the information in the
user-interface - Parts of the server application can run on both
windows and linux while part of the application
runs only on one platform
24Design Process and Port Sniffer
- SnifferServer Executive module listening to
client requests on a socket. - ProcessSniffer Monitors running processes in a
system OS specific implementation - Port Sniffer Gets port information OS
specific - FileIO Basic Directory and FileIO services for
linux - Threads Thread class for both win32 and Posix
runs on all platforms - Locks Sync primitives for win32 and Posix runs
on all platforms
25Windows Build
- Extracts the Sniffer Server from the Repository
- Builds the Sniffer Server Component for the Win32
26Linux Build
- Extracts the Sniffer Server from the Repository
- Builds the Sniffer Server for the Linux Platform
27Execution of Sniffer Application on WinXP
- Shows Java client displaying running processes
and open ports in a listview - Server application displaying XML messages with
these information on the console
28Execution Of Sniffer Application on RHEL 4.0
- Shows Java client displaying running processes
and open ports in a listview - Server application displaying XML messages with
this information on the console
- Cross-platform development is important and we
have developed a framework to support it - The Software Matrix was effective in developing
and tying together a large heterogeneous
application - Simple XML Messaging is the most-effective
solution for cross-platform applications - Simplifying cross-platform development in this
way will help improve productivity in the
software industry
30Thank You