Title: Networking the Land Battlespace
1Networking the Land Battlespace
- Lieutenant Colonel Martin Griffiths
- Deputy Director - Integration
2Presentation Outline
- Definitions
- Theory
- Networking in the Land Environment
- The Land Approach
- High Payoff Areas
- Industry Opportunities
3Land Networking Definition
- The method of operation in which the automatic
and rapid transfer of information enables the
most effective use of combat power. NCW takes
place when the force operates as a federated
network. - Objective Force C2 Paper May 2003
4Land Definition of NCW (draft)
- Is the ability of the Land Force to execute more
complex operations at the same or lower risk
through enhanced decision making enabled by
shared SA, under-pinned by robust networks,
professional mastery and mission command.
5(No Transcript)
6NCW Theory
- Key Tenets
- A robustly networked force improves information
sharing. - Information sharing and collaboration enhance the
quality of information and shared Situational
Awareness. - Shared Situational Awareness enables self
synchronisation. - Provides increased mission effectiveness through
enhanced lethality, improved survivability, and
7Networking in the Land Environment
- Sharing information to achieve a warfighting
advantage - Three primary dimensions
- Network
- Human
- Information Management
8Networking Premises for Land
- Mission Command is an effective philosophy
- Able to share information if C2, ISR and
Engagement nets are connected - Professional Mastery is essential
- Robust networks and professional mastery allow
the ADF to collaborate and share SA - Shared SA enables self synchronisation
9Command and Control
- If we embrace Mission Command
- More information to lower levels
- Knowledge edge
- Empowerment to act
- Opportunity for command functions to be focused
on orchestrating / planning - Opportunity for control functions to be focused
on self-synchronisation - Impact on Headquarters structures
10Armys Broad Approach
- Joint Focus with an eye on coalition partners
- Digitise the Network
- Land 125
- Land 75
- JP2072
- Automation of processes
- Learn by Doing
11NCW Roadmap
- Launched at Land Warfare Conference 2005
- Declared Milestones
- 2009 Interim Networked Land Combat Force
- 2012 First Networked Brigade
- 2014 Second Networked Brigade
- 2015 Networked Joint Task Force
12NCW Generations
Current Force
Interim Force
NCW Enabled
NCW Transformed
Gen 1
Gen 2
Gen 3
Gen 0
- Manual COP
- Extant doctrine structures
- Voice only C2 systemintegration
- Limited C2 Grid(analogue) no BMS
- Voice only Engagement Network (No BMS for Fires)
- Limited, stove piped Log system
- Semi auto COP
- BG structures doctrine revised
- Limited C2 systemintegration (BMS BCSS)
- Limited C2 Network(digital)
- Limited Engagement Network (incl of BMS Fires)
- Limited log system
- Seamless joint and coalition COP
- BG structures doctrine transformed
- C2, Fires and Log systems fully integrated (incl
joint coalition) - C2, Engagement and Log transformed
- Auto COP
- BG structures doctrine evolved
- C2 systemsintegrated (incl limited joint
coalition) - C2 Network (digital) fully implemented
- Engagement Network BMS Fires implemented
- Log and C2 Integrated
13Land NCW Development Methodology
- Three Development Blocks
- Block 1 - 2006-2010
- Block 2 - 2008-2013
- Block 3 - 2011-2016
- Four NCW Milestones
- Milestone 1 (2009) - Networked Battle Group
- Milestone 2 (2012) - Networked Brigade 1
- Milestone 3 (2014) - Networked Brigade 2
- Milestone 4 (2015) - Networked JTF
14Land NCW Generations, Development Blocks
Milestone 1 BG Eagle Gen 1
Gen 0 Current Force
Milestone 3 3 Bde Spt Elm Gen 2
Milestone 2 1 Bde Gen 2
Milestone 4 JTF DIV Spt Gen 2
Force elements capable of more complex
tasks at less risk
NCW Dev Block 1
NCW Dev Block 2
NCW Dev Block 3
Gen 0
Gen 1
Gen 2
Army in Being
15 NCW Development Block 1
- Timeline 2006 - 2010
- Milestone Cavalry Battle Group from 1 Bde
- Generation Goal Gen 1 force
- Key Projects
- Land 75
- JP 2072
- Land 125
- Land 907
16High Payoff Areas
- C3
- Digital Backbone - Section to Brigade (Voice
Data) - Analytical tools - commanders decision aids with
real-time updates - Combat ID for Land Forces within a Joint
environment - Automated information and resource management
- Network planning and management tools
- Distribution of sensor data
- Geospatial data integration
- Geospatial dissemination systems
17High Pay Off Areas
- Engagement
- Automated digital C2 for Joint Fires
- Logistics
- Load tracking
- Logistic management efficiency
- Automated logistic information flows
- Fuel / ammunition states
- Vehicle health usage and monitoring
18Industry Opportunities
- Many of the major projects are functional options
which are largely equipment independent - Significant focus on
- Integration of legacy platforms and networks
- Support contracts
- Training
- Doctrine development
19Networking the Land Battlespace
- Lieutenant Colonel Martin Griffiths
- Deputy Director - Integration