Title: Department of Public Service EH
1Department of Public ServiceEHW and DM
Indaba21-23 October 2007COMMISSION 5
2Input by Resource Person Mr. Benny
Palime(OSDP, The Presidency)
- How is reasonable accommodation achieved?
- Through having a Legislation
- Through putting in place a policy
- By ensuring practical measures are designed and
put in place
3International Perspective
- Defined in the UN Convention on the Rights of
People with Disabilities
4South African Perspective
- The Constitution, Act 108 of 1996
- The Employment Equity Act, No 55 of 1998
- Technical Assistance Guidelines on Employment of
People with Disabilities Dept of Labour - Code of Good Practice on the Employment of People
with Disabilities Dept of Labour - The JobACCESS Strategic Framework and the
Implementation Guidelines DPSA - The Handbook on Reasonable Accommodation for
People with Disabilities in the Public Service
Workplace DPSA - - Necessary adjustments provision for
Braille material, signage, etc - Setting reasonable targets to make workplace
compliant - Public Sector to lead by example and therefore
best practice - Look at Public Service critically how do we
assist to implement - Amending HR Policies e.g. retention strategies,
conditions of employment (such as sick leave
5Challenges and Opportunities
- Can we increase out intake while making
adjustments - Whether we are able to provide assistive devices
and care and assistance - Can we make compliant adjustments which are
sustainable - Make necessary policy adjustments e.g. transport
6Discussions from the Commission
- What is the employers obligation in providing
reasonable accommodation for employees with
disabilities - As employers we need to find out the needs of
employees - Practicalize the budget employer to budget
for number of persons targeted for makes it
easier when recruitment occurs - The Commission finds it unacceptable that the
commission venue was on the second floor which
actually provides barriers to effective
participation. Delegates with disabilities were
inconvenienced by the venue location. People
needed to be informed that a lift was available
which many delegates did not know was there. We
need to avoid the back door approach which is
usual practice - Burden for making provisions for the reasonable
accommodation for employees with disabilities
lies with employer it is simple that is to
enable people with disabilities to live DECENT
7How do we balance reasonable accommodation
without causing undue hardship to the employer,
yet making facilities and devices available for
persons with disabilities?
- Can assistive devices move with an employee
across departments or within the Public Service?
we need to look at this issue. - We need to look at the issue of employees being
able to use their assistive devices for private
use - Each department need to budget for purchasing
assistive - Should ensure that in making our built
environment accessible, the employer is not
unduly put through unreasonable hardships but
that rather when we build such facilities in the
first instance, we need to make such buildings
accessible, particularly within the design plans
- All employees deserve equal treatment and
equality to opportunities at the workplace
change the way we look at people with
disabilities as being different from employees
that are able bodied and - We require zero budgeting in government
- Disabilities incurred on duty may result in not
being able to continue in the same employment
e.g. department of defence we need to decide how
to handle this. - Problems with assistive devices do not
necessarily translate into sick leave education
needed. - Some disabilities require special accommodation
in terms of time we need to look at flexibility
in this regard - Structural design of government used buildings
may not
9Current practices regarding reasonable
accommodation in the Public Service and
recommendations to the Public service as the
- Practice is not uniform across PS in terms of
official transport of / for people with
disabilities (use of official vehicle,
particularly regarding if the person with
disabilities is unlicensed but cannot get someone
else to drive for them, etc). - HR Practices
- Managers tool Kit for managing disability in the
workplace - Rebate on assistive devices
- Does GEMS look at the issue of assistive devices
within their medical aid scheme - Public Service must go back to decided cases (in
courts) and ensure that we comply with these
cases to meet reasonable accommodation. - We need to look at the issue of stereotypes and
remove these barriers. - Use the case management approach to looking at
each reasonable accommodation can be enhanced
if we as government depts change our attitudes. - Include organised labour into these processes.