Title: RCS High School TAM Teacher Assistant Module Training
1RCS High SchoolTAM (Teacher Assistant Module
- What is TAM?
- TAM Training Site
- Logon
- Security
- Teacher Assistant Screens
- Attendance
- Class Changes
- Grades
- Reports if time allows (no handouts)
- We will NOT create a grade book today.
- (This training will be in the Spring 2009)
4Navigating to TAM Training Site
Located at each Computer Station
5You will receive a login and password from your
Data Manager (aka Sims Manager)
You will need to change your password right away
from the default one given.
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9Attendance Jan 19, 2009
- Choose your class by clicking on it
- Click on LIST
Note that student who were absent from the prior
class period will appear in purple text
10When you get to this screen, Press F8 on your
keyboard to populate your class
11Class Populated
- Check A for Absent
- Check L for Late
- Automatic default for no entry-Students present
- Check Attendance Entry Completed
Exit at the Door
12Please note that whenever you do something in NC
Wise, your feedback shows up in the bottom
left-hand side of the screen.
13(No Transcript)
14(Jan 26 27, 2009)
- You will need to enter your 3rd six-weeks grades
into NC Wise - You will need to enter Exam Grades
- You will need to enter your Final Semester Grade
15- Choose Class
- Click Grade Entry from main screen
16Choose reporting period
Click Students
17- Put numeric grade under MARK
- Comment choose from options
- Check Mark Entry is complete