Title: CPSC333 SENG 311: Foundations Principles of SE
1CPSC333 / SENG 311 Foundations / Principles of SE
- Use Case Diagram Examples
2Example Ski resort information system
- Users should be able to query weather and snow
condition forecasts for a date they enter. - The system should allow to book single or double
rooms at the resort hotel Skiers Luck online
(with credit card). - Visitors should be able to book one-day beginners
courses on snowboards. - There is only one course a day.
- The max. size of a course is 8 persons.
- The resort offers special courses for kids. In
order to built courses with kids of same age, the
customer has to enter the kids age. - Canceling of course or room bookings are only
possible up to 10 days ahead.
3(No Transcript)
4Errors you should prevent (1)!
includes stereotype in actor associations
5Errors you should prevent (2)!
- Associations between actors
- Unnamed associations between use cases
6Errors you should prevent (3)!
- System not use case!
- Name relations!
7Errors you should prevent (4)!
Wrong understanding of the extends stereotype
8Errors you should prevent (5)!
- Diagram moves main functionality outside the
9Errors you should prevent (6)!
- Data structures instead of functions as use
cases, e.g. date, age, database - relations not named
10Example Use Case Diagram
Query weathersnow forecast
Book room
Enter personal info
Book SB course
Extension points Enter participants age
Cancel course
Book kids SB course
Cancel room
11Use Case (1)
- Use Case Query weather snow forecast
- Actor(s) Visitor
- Precondition -
- Main flow
- Visitor enters date
- Weather snow forecast for local region is
displayed for specified date - Postcondition The system is unchanged.
12Use Case (2)
- Use Case Book SB course
- Actor(s) Visitor
- Precondition -
- Main flow
- Visitor enters date
- Include (Enter personal info)
- (Enter participants age)
- Store reservation
- Confirm reservation to Visitor
- Exceptional flow
- If number of course participants for specified
date gt 8, then tell Visitor so and let him/her
choose another date - Postcondition Course is booked for specified date
13Use Case (3)
- Use Case Book kids SB course
- Precondition Extends Book SB course at (Enter
participants age) - Main flow
- Enter childs age
- Exceptional flow
- If course for specified date is adult course,
then tell visitor so and let him/her choose
another date. - Exceptional flow
- If course for specified date is kids course, and
the specified age is outside the courses age
range, then tell visitor so and let him/her
choose another date. - Postcondition The age of the participant is
valid for the course. Book SB course is
14Example literature reference management system
- Storage and retrieval of references, e.g.
Title The Unified Modeling Language User
Guide Authors G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, I
Jacobson Publisher Addison-Wesley Publication
year 1998
- Small exercise
- Draw a Use Case Diagram (at least two use cases)
- Describe use cases (at least one)
Title Software Engineering in the Internet
Age Authors F. Maurer, G. Kaiser Publisher
IEEE Publication year 1998 Journal IEEE
Internet Computing Magazine Volume 2 Issue 5
15Use Case Diagram literature reference management
Literature Reference Mgmt.
Add reference
Remove reference
Search for reference
List references
16Event flow List references
- Precondition user has selected list references
functionality. - The system prompts the user to select the device
printer or file. - The system prompts the user to select the print
order by name or by title. - Postcondition The use case finishes with the
system printing the list on the requested device.
17Event flow Add reference
- Precondition The user has selected add new
reference functionality. - The system prompts the user to select if he/she
wants to add a normal reference or a book. - The system prompts the user to enter title,
author, and publisher of the reference - (Add journal paper)
- Postcondition The user is notified that the
reference has been successfully added. - Except-1 The reference already exists. The user
can re-enter the data or terminate the use case.
18Use case Add journal paper
- Add journal paper If the paper is a journal,
then the system additionally asks for the
journals name, the volume number and the issue
Add journal paper
Add reference
- Develop use case diagram and textual use case
descriptions for - an elevator (1 elevator, n floors)
- a telephone (with number memory)
- an e-mail system
20Elevator -- Use Case
1 elevator, n floors
press an elevator button
press a floor button
enter and exit through a door
21Small TestBank account manager
- System has to run on an automated teller machine.
- User must be able to deposit checks into the
account. - User must be able to draw money from the account.
- User should be able to query the balance of
his/her account. - The user should get a receipt for a transaction
on request. The transaction type (withdrawal or
deposit), the transaction date, the account
number, the amount, and the new balance should be
visible on the receipt. - After each transaction the new balance should be
displayed to the user.
22Example bank account manager
- Use case for withdrawal
- Use case for depositing
- Use case for balance query
- Small Test
- Draw a Use Case Diagram (Organize use cases)
- Describe use cases
23Were Available!
- Questions?
- if you have any questions about contents of this
lecture or other course-related issues, please
come by during our office hours, or send us email - Dr. Joshua MTW, 12-1pm, ICT 548
- joshuar_at_cpsc.ucalgary.ca
- Dr. Walker WF, 1-2pm, ICT 546
- rwalker_at_cpsc.ucalgary.ca