Title: Ingen diastitel
1An introduction to data assimilation Xiang-Yu
Huang Danish Meteorological Institute, Denmark
2Outline of the presentation
- Operational NWP activities
- Observations and preprocessing
- There are still many observations we are not able
to assimilate. - We have to prepare for new observations to come.
- Observation operators H
- Error covariances B and R
- They determine the assimilation quality.
- We can only guess what they should be.
- Data impact
- It can take decades of hard work just to
assimilate one data type. - How to assess data impact is application
dependent. - Summary and our near future plan.
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4Numerical Weather Prediction models and initial
5DMI-HIRLAM The operational system consists of
three nested models named "G", "E" and "D".
6Data assimilation cycles
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11Comments (I)Observations alone are not enough.
- Observations only cover part of the model domain
(for limited area models they could also be
outside of the model domain). - Some observations provide incomplete model state
at given locations (e.g. only wind). - Some observations are not NWP model variables
(e.g. radiance). - NWP is not the only purpose of making
12Quality control Observing systems have problems.
- Bad reporting practice check
- Blacklist check
- Gross check (against some limits)
- Background (short-range forecasts) check
- Buddy check (against nearby observations)
- Redundancy check
- Analysis check OI check or VarQC
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16Comments (II)We are far from using all the
- Data quality dependent.
- Observing system dependent.
- NWP model (resolution) dependent.
- Assimilation method dependent.
At the same time, we have to prepare for the new
data like RO to come.
17Routine monitoring
Short-range forecasts - observations
18Analysis methods
- Empirical methods
- Successive Correction Method (SCM)
- Nudging
- Physical Initialisation (PI), Latent Heat Nudging
(LHN) - Statistical methods
- Optimal Interpolation (OI)
- 3-Dimensional VARiational data assimilation
(3DVAR) - 4-Dimensional VARiational data assimilation
(4DVAR) - Advanced methods
- Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
- Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnFK)
19Variational methods
(initial condition for NWP)
(old forecast)
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21Important issues
- H observation operator, including the tangent
linear operator H and the adjoint operator HT. - M forecast model, including the tangent linear
model M and adjoint model MT. - B background error covariance (NxN matrix).
- R observation error covariance which includes the
representative error (MxM matrix).
22This is mainly for conventional point
observations. Horizontal and vertical integration
(not interpolation) may be needed for most remote
sensing data.
23Examples of specific observation operators
- For direct model variable observations, Hspec
I. - Radial winds
- Integrated water vapour
- Refractivity
- For radiance data, RTTOV-7 (a complicated
24Level of preprocessing and the observation
Raw data
Phase and amplitude
Frequency relations
Ionosphere corrected observables
Bending angle profiles
Abel trasform or ray tracing
Refractivity profiles
Hydrostatic equlibrium and equation of state
Temperature profiles
25Basic assumptions
- Observations are unbiased. (Bias removed.)
- Background is unbiased. (Bias removed?)
- Observation error covariance matrix is known. R
- Background error covariance matrix is known. B
- Observation errors and background errors are not
26Observation errors, computed for GPS/MET
geopotential data (using ECMWF analyses as
27Estimate B without TRUTH
- The NMC method
- Background error covariances are proportional to
correlations of differences between 48 h and 24 h
forecasts valid at the same time. - The analysis ensemble method
- Several analyses are performed with perturbed
observations. Differences between background
fields are used to estimate background error
28The Hollingsworth-Lönnberg method. (Estimate both
B and R without TRUTH)
29Horizontal multivariate correlation spread the
30Vertical correlation (spread the information) for
the temperature at 500 hPa
Pressure (hPa)
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32Comments (III)We need to estimate observation
errors now and then.
- Observation errors include representative errors.
- Observation errors should be estimated for each
model system. - Observation errors may need to be re-estimated
for each model refinement and instrument
improvement. - (It is believed that it is more important to get
?o /?b right than to estimate ?o and ?b.)
33Comments (IV)We need to estimate the background
errors again and again.
- Spread information (but could also cause
problems) - horizontally
- vertically
- to other variables
- Impose balances to the analysis.
- Background errors should be estimated for each
model system and be re-estimated for each model
improvement. - (It is believed that it is more important to get
?o /?b right than to estimate ?o and ?b.)
34From research to operations
- Development and simple checks
- Coding
- Analysis increments
- Case studies
- Extensive experiments (e.g. one month for each
season) - Standard scores bias, rms, correlation, etc.
- Special scores precipitation, surface fluxes,
etc. - Special aspects noise, spin-up, etc.
- Pre-operational tests
- Operational use (feedback to further research)
35Observation verification against EWGLAM station
list Jan 2003 NOA (No ATOVS) WIA (With ATOVS)
ATOVS into DMI OPR since 2002. (A) TOVS work
started in 1988 (Gustafsson and Svensson)
Without ZTD
With ZTD
37Recent HIRLAM impact studies
- 1. EWP minor positive impact blacklisting and
bias correction may be needed. - 2. MODIS wind slightly negative obs errors,
screening procedures and level assignment need to
be investigated. - 3. MODIS IWV neutral obsver, but positive on
heavy precip cases. - 4. GPS ZTD neutral impact on most meteorological
parameters, but positive impact on heavy
precipitation cases. - 5. AMSU-A positive impact for the recent
two-month experiment. The firstguess check is
important. - 6. Quikscat positive impact
38Comments (V)We need to assess data impact
- It can take years and decades for an observing
system to reach the operational status. - An observing system in operational use may also
become redundant due to advances in assimilation
techniques, new observing systems and
improvements in other components. - Continuous monitoring and further tuning are
necessary to keep an observing system in the
operational use.
39Other important aspects
- Balanced motion
- Adjustment and initialisation
- Flow dependent B
- Non-Gaussian statistics
- Observations alone are not enough.
- We are far from using all the available
observations, and at the same time we have to
prepare for the new data to come. - The statistics is evolving
- Observational errors
- Background errors
- It is getting more difficult for a new observing
system to have a positive impact, as - NWP models become better
- Other existing observing systems become better
41Assimilating Radio Occultation data
- Global data coverage.
- Good vertical resolution (in contrast to most
other satellite data). - Insensitive to cloud and precipitation.
- Positive impact from real data collected from a
single LEO has already been found on one of the
most advanced data assimilation systems. - We will start soon after this workshop - next