Title: Brent Leary, CRM Essentials
1Using Social Media to Attract Customers
- Brent Leary, CRM Essentials
2(No Transcript)
3Growth of Social Media
4Relevance Matters
5Whats Happened Since 2004?
- 200M Users
- 3.5B minutes a day spent on FB
- 850M photos uploaded monthly
- 8M videos uploaded monthly
- 1B pieces of content shared each week
- 30M active members access FB from mobile devices
8 CRM Community Relationship Management?
Source Nielsen Online, Global Index, December
2007 December 2008. E.g. In Dec 08 the Search
sector reached 1.9 (points) more of the worlds
online population than it did in Dec 07 1
Global refers to AU, BR, CH, DE, ES, FR, IT, UK
USA only
9These werent around either
10Customers say business should be social
- 93 of Americans believe a company should have a
presence in social media - 85 believe a company should not only be present
but also interact with its consumers via social
media - 56 of American consumers feel both a stronger
connection with and better served by companies
when they can interact with them in a social
media environment.
2008 Cone Business in Social Media Study
11The Numbers
- comScore MediaMetrix (August 2008)
- Blogs 77.7 million unique visitors in the US
- Facebook 41.0 million MySpace 75.1 million
- Total internet audience 188.9 million
- eMarketer (May 2008)
- 94.1 million US blog readers in 2007 (50 of
Internet users) - 22.6 million US bloggers in 2007 (12)
- Universal McCann (March 2008)
- 184 million WW have started a blog 26.4 US
- 346 million WW read blogs 60.3 US
- 77 of active Internet users read blogs
12Social Customers In Action
Source Forrester Research, Inc.
13Social CRM Basics More or Less
- More listening, sharing and participating
Less talking 1.0, selling 1.0 and marketing 1.0
14Social CRM, Twitter Biscuits
15The Impact of 140 Characters
- I replied
- I followed
- I blogged
- I podcasted
- I ateand ate
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19The Three A's Of Social CRMKeys to keeping and
growing good relationships
- Automation of content creation and distribution
- Analysis capturing social and web-based data
- Audacity focus on captivating people
20Blogging for Business
Corporate bloggers 69 are also personal
bloggers 65 are professional bloggers
Professional bloggers 59 are also personal
bloggers 17 are corporate bloggers
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22Automating Content Creation Distribution
- A Blog
- A Tweet
- A Comment
- A Phone
- A Webcam
- User-generated
- Co-created
- Syndicated
- Repurposed
23Automating Content Distribution Tweet This
24From content to conversation
25Automating Content Distribution TubeMogul.com
26Analysis The New Metric System
WebAnalyticsDemystified.com 2008
27Measuring Random Acts of Web Socialism
- Brand driven sessions
- Either originating directly or from branded
search terms - brent leary, crm blog, social crm, etc.
- anyone coming directly or searching for my name
is already fairly engaged - Measured events
- Pre-determined non-commerce events
- Email me, comment on my blog, download a PDF,
Digg me, StumbleUpon me, Mixx me, etc.
28Whos Liking your Links?
29Whos Favoring Your Tweets?
30Analyze This.
32Benefits of Social Media on Customer Relationship
Avanade June 2008
33Thank You!
- Brent Leary
- Blog
- Twitter
- Barack 2.0
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