Title: Network Literacies Tute W2
1Network Literacies Tute W2
- Synchronising your SIMS password
- Go to My Swinburne from the Swinburne Homepage
and Click on SIMS Password Change - You can now set a password that will apply to all
of your accounts -
2Network Literacies Tute W2
- Activating your WWW account on OPAX
- The simplest way to get to the OPAX server is
through TELNET. To do this follow the
instructions below. - 1. Open Firefox
- 2. Go to the Swin homepage and Click on Index
- 3. Go to O for OPAX
- 4. Click on OPAX (Telnet Link)
- A new program will open that looks like this
3Network Literacies Tute W2
- Activating your WWW account on OPAX
- Type in your SIMS username and password.
- You may get a Message of the Day screen.
- Press q on the keyboard to go to the menu which
looks like this -
4Network Literacies Tute W2
- Activating your WWW account on OPAX
- REMEMBER - this program is completely keyboard
command driven - you can't use your mouse! Follow
the commands on the bottom of the screen. - You need to select
- Option 7. More Menu Options
- Followed by
- Option 6. Activate your www directory
- You can then shut the program.
- To view the homepage on opax, type
- http//opax.swin.edu.au/yournumber/
- (This is called a tilda and is located on the
top left of your keyboard) - into the address line of IE or Firefox
- Your homepage URL is then
- http//opax.swin.edu.au/yournumber/
5Network Literacies Tute W2
Creating a Basic HTML document ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt
ltTITLEgtlt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBODYgt lt/BODYgt
lt/HTMLgt ltOpening taggt lt/Closing taggt
6Network Literacies Tute W2
Creating a Basic HTML document Attributes Tags
can also have attributes, which are extra bits of
information. Attributes appear inside the opening
tag and their value is always inside quotation
marks. They look something like lttag
attribute"value"gtMargarinelt/taggt. We will come
across tags with attributes later. Elements Tags
tend not to do much more than mark the beginning
and end of an element. Elements are the bits that
make up web pages. You would say, for example,
that everything that is in-between and includes
the ltbodygt and lt/bodygt tags is the body element.
As another example, whereas 'lttitlegt' and
'lt/titlegt' are tags, 'lttitlegtRumple
Stiltskinlt/titlegt' is a title element
ltTITLEgtMy Pagelt/TITLEgt ltBODY bgcolorpinkgt ltPgtlt/P
gt ltBgtlt/Bgt ltIgtlt/Igt ltbrgt lth1gtltH2gtltH3gt and so
on ltfont facearial size4 colorwhitegt
lt/fontgt http//www.pageresource.com/html/fonthelp.
7Network Literacies Tute W2
Making Links Absolute and relative Links What is
a link? What is an anchor? lta hreflink.htmlgtThi
s is the anchoring elementlt/agt What else can you
use as an anchoring element?
Inserting Images Find an image on the web Right
click and Save Image as (REMEMBER TO TAKE NOTE OF
WHERE YOU SAVE IT) ltimg srcfilename.jpggt Some
image attributes Width Height Border Alt Align