Title: Principal Fellows
1Principal Fellows
- Agenda
- Philosophical tenets of model
- Overview of ISS Model
- Process Management
- Change Management
- QA
2Philosophical Tenets
- Focus on learning not teaching
- Focus on learning for ALL not the few
- Inquiry into best practice collective not
individual - Learning by doing action research
- Commitment to continuous improvement
- Focus on Results
3How we work in ISS
- Systems Perspective
- Continuous Improvement Focus
- Quality Assurance
4Systems Focus
- Every system (process) is carefully designed to
achieve the results it is currently achieving - Insanity keep doing the same thing weve always
done and expect different results
Workbook page 4
Improving the Classroom Learning System
Strategic Above the Line
Strategic Planning
Performance Results Strategic Operational
Student/ Stakeholder Focus
Human Resource Focus
Process Management
Measurement, Analysis Knowledge Management
Operational Below the Line
Adapted from BiE IN Baldrige Model
6The ISS Model to Raise Achievement and Close
Predictive Assessments
Lead Teacher Support
- What do students need to learn?
- How will they learn it?
- How will we know if theyve learned it?
- What will we do if they dont learn it?
- What will we do if they already know it?
Instructional Guides
Professional Learning Communities
Continuous Improvement through the use of PDSA,
Systems Check III, SACS, and Quality tools
7Workbook page 17
Assessing the Classroom Learning System
6 Steps to Improvement
- Validate the need for improvement
- Clarify purpose, goals, and measures
- Adopt and deploy an approach to continual
improvement - Translate the approach to aligned action
- Analyze results
- Make improvements
Repeat the cycle
8Key Questions to Understand Process Plan Phase
- Who owns the process?
- What are process requirements?
- Is there a data system in place to track the
performance of process against requirements? - Do we report on the results from the process?
- Have we identified a performance gap?
9Key Questions to Understand Process Plan Phase
- Have we identified the key steps in the process
and key in-process measures? - Have we identified a specific step in process
that is not producing expected results? - Have we double checked the process for clear
alignment to goals, mission, and vision of school
or system? - Have we identified a research based best practice
to improve the process?
10Key Questions to Understand Process Do Phase
- Have we developed a deployment plan that clearly
identifies - Person(s) responsible
- Resources
- Timeline
- Stakeholder involvement
- Evaluation
- Did we deploy the process as planned?
11Key Questions to Understand Process
- Study Phase
- Review evaluation indicators as planned in
deployment plan - Act Phase
- Make improvements in process
- Share best practices with other schools or units
12Mapping the Process
13Mapping the Process
Process Mapping Basic Symbols
Process step or operation Process begins or
ends Decision point Output Direction of Flow
14Mapping the Process
- Relationship Map Text book example
Central Warehouse
School Main Office
Classroom Teacher
15Mapping the Process
Linear Process Map - Mapping Example
Select the process
Get the right people together
Establish process boundaries
List steps, activities and decisions
Map the as-is process
Is the process stable?
Map and implement the new process
Is it capable?
Simplify the process
Collect Data
Perform root cause analysis
Collect Data
Is the process stable?
Benchmark the process
Institutionalize the process
Perform root cause analysis
Is it capable?
16Mapping the Process
- Cross-functional Map- Report Card Example
Grade sheets generated
Grades filled out
Review Report Cards
Grades recorded electronically
Make corrections
Make Corrections
Print Report Cards
Sign and return report card
Print final report cards
Mail out report cards
17Defining Performance Excellence
Workbook Page 12
Awareness ? Alignment ? Refinement Improvement
Unconsciously Under Performing
Adapted from Wm. F. Gordons Competency Ladder
18ISS Triangle
- Is it working?
- Highest academic achievement in history of school
system - Closed Achievement Gaps by over 50
- Passed bond referendum for facilities first
since 1947 requiring a tax increase - Achieved SACS District Accreditation
recommendation in April, 2006
- Terry Holliday
- tholliday_at_iss.k12.nc.us
- www.iss.k12.nc.us