Title: History and Visions
2History and Visions
- The book of Daniel naturally divides itself into
two parts... - Personal history of Daniel 11-628
- Visions and prophecies of Daniel - 71-1213
3Introduction To Visions
- The second half of the book contains four visions
seen by Daniel... - The vision of the four beasts - 71-28
- The vision of the ram and the goat - 81-27
- The vision of the seventy weeks - 91-27
- The vision of the time of the end - 101-1213
- In these visions God reveals many things about
His purpose and plan in history, specifically
about the nation of Israel and the everlasting
kingdom to come.
4Vision of the 4 Beasts Date
- Received by Daniel in the first year of
Belshazzar king of Babylon (71). - This would be about 550 B.C., when Belshazzar
became co-regent with his father Nabonidus.
5The Book of Daniel
A Nation In Captivity
The Time In Which He Lived...
Some key dates to remember
612 B.C. - Fall of Nineveh, capital of Assyria
605 B.C. - Battle of Carchemish (Neco of
Egypt), establishes Babylonian domination
597 B.C. - A second remnant taken to Babylon
586 B.C. - Fall of Jerusalem, temple destroyed
539 B.C. - Babylon falls, first remnant returns
to Jerusalem shortly
thereafter 457 B.C. - A second remnant returns
to Jerusalem 444 B.C. - A third remnant returns
to Jerusalem
6Vision of the 4 Beasts
- Four winds stir up great sea (2)
- 1. The sea probably symbolizes the mass of
humanity (cf. Isa. 1712 Rev. 1715) - 2. The four winds of heaven probably symbolize
the forces God uses to control and even destroy
(cf. Jer. 4936 511)
7 These great beasts, which are four in
number, are four kings who will arise from
the earth Daniel 717
8 Babylon Medo-Persia Greece Rome
9Vision of the 4 Beasts
- The four beasts (3-8)
- Lion with eagles wings (BABYLON)
- Babylon is like a lion (Jer. 47 4048
4919,22 5017,44) and like an eagle (Lam. 419
Eze. 173 and Hab. 18) - wings are plucked off
- made to stand on two feet like a man and a mans
heart given to it. - May refer to how God humbled Nebuchadnezzar and
then returned him to power after he repented.
10Vision of the 4 Beasts
- The four beasts (3-8)
- Bear raised on 1 side (MEDO-PERSIA)
- may refer to Persian dominance.
- 3 ribs probably refer to three major conquests of
the Medo-Persians Lydia (546), Babylon (539),
Egypt (524) - Daniels prophetic accuracy fascinates the
believer, but critics discount it by saying that
a writer in B.C. 160 would have known about these
three major conquests.
11Vision of the 4 Beasts
- The four beasts (3-8)
- 4-winged, 4-headed leopard (GREECE)
- four wings rapid conquest by Alexander the
Great - four heads kingdom divided by four generals
after Alexander (cf. chap. 8) - Daniels prophetic accuracy continues to
fascinate the believer, but the critics will
again argue for a B.C. 160 date of writing.
12Vision of the 4 Beasts
- The four beasts (3-8)
- Fourth beast unlike the others (ROME)
- dreadful, terrifying, extremely strong large
iron teeth, devours, crushes, tramples (Dan.
240). - ten horns ten kings (Dan. 724)
- little horn comes up among them three horns are
pulled out before him eyes like a man speaking
great boasts. - This beast is strikingly similar to the beast of
Rev. 131-10 and 177-18.
13Vision of the 4 Beasts
- The judgment scene (9-14)
- Ancient of Days takes His seat
- books are opened (LIKE final judgment scene in
Rev. 2012, but NOT FINAL) - 4th beast (with little horn) is slain and burned
other beasts lose dominion - With the judgment against Rome, the world
empires are put to an end. No world empire arose
again after the destruction of the Roman Empire.
I believe this is what John sees in Revelation
14Vision of the 4 Beasts
- The judgment scene (9-14)
- Son of Man receives kingdom
- ascension of Jesus seen from a heavenly view (cf.
Acts 19) - dominion (authority) over all peoples (cf. Matt.
2818 Eph. 120-23) - everlasting kingdom will never be destroyed
(cf. Heb. 1228) - Remember, this everlasting kingdom is
established in the days of these kings (Dan.
15Vision of the 4 Beasts
- The vision explained (15-28)
- The overall meaning (15-18)
- the beasts are four kings
- the saints will be delivered from persecutions
and possess the everlasting kingdom forever - This is the primary interpretation all other
details are secondary.
16Vision of the 4 Beasts
- The vision explained (15-28)
- The details (19-28)
- v. 23 fourth beast will devour whole earth
(ROME) - v. 24 ten horns are ten kings, and another horn
will arise after them - vs. 24-25 little horn is different subdues 3
kings, speaks out against Most High, wears down
saints, tries to change times and laws, saints
given into his hand for time, times, and half a
17(No Transcript)
- Emperor worship began under Augustus in the
eastern part of the Roman empire, but no record
exists of him promoting the practice. - Although Caligula was the first emperor to
encourage people to worship him as a god,
Domitian was the first to actively demand that
his subjects worship him.
- The little horn would try to change the set
times and the laws (v. 25). - Domitian had the names of two months changed from
September and October to Germanicus (his surname)
and Domitianus (months of his accession and
birth). - The calendar went back to the old names
immediately after Domitians death.
- Domitian also changed many laws. He even changed
the law about the election of senators, giving
himself the right to choose every senator. - His tyrannical and cruel reign was so resented
that upon his assassination, all his laws and
decrees were declared void, and all images of him
were destroyed.
21God, The Revealer of The Future
The Book of Daniel - Chapter 7
To Him Was Given Glory And A Kingdom
- This Kingdom Involves Those In The Church
- The Christians at Colossae - Col 112-13
- The seven churches in Asia - Rev 16,9
- All Christians - Heb 1228
- The Nature of Jesus Kingdom
- His kingdom not of this world - Jn 1836
- Is not a physical kingdom Rom 1417 Lk 1721
Christians are citizens of the kingdom foretold
by Daniel.
22Will You Become A Christian?
Hear the Gospel (Rom. 1017) Believe in Jesus
as the Son of God (Mark 1616) Repent of Your
Sins (Acts 1730) Confess Jesus as Lord (Romans
109-10) Be Baptized for Forgiveness of Sins
(Acts 238) Live Faithfully until You Die (Rev.