Title: So thats alright isnt it
1(No Transcript)
2What are we covering?
The Childrens Plan
Funding 2008/9
A new Secondary Curriculum
3 The Childrens Plan
- Department for Children, Schools and Families
(DCSF) 10 year strategy - published on 11 December
- national consultation through Time to Talk
- 1 billion through to 2010/11
- Delivery of Every Child Matters
4The main proposals within the Plan are to
- Strengthen support for all families during the
early years of their childrens lives - Achieve world class schools and an excellent
education for every child - Involve parents and carers fully in their
childrens learning - Ensure young people have interesting and exciting
things to do outside of school and - Provide more places for children to play safely.
5 More joined up approaches
- The DCSF and Department of Health will
- launch a review of CAMHS
- produce a child health strategy in Spring 2008
- assess the impact of the commercial world on
childrens wellbeing - examine support for young carers
- target support at young people most at risk of
getting into crime
6 Outcome Enjoy and Achieve
- 169 million to fund at primary age
- Every Child a Writer
- Every Child a Reader
- Every Child Counts
- Implement stage not age testing if the Making
Good Progress trials are successful
7 Outcome Enjoy and Achieve
- 44 million over the three years to
- enable all new teachers to study for a
Masters-level qualification - The Government will ensure that every
- child has a personal tutor throughout secondary
school - parents receives up-to-date information about
their childs progress, attendance and behaviour - secondary school will have a Parents Council
8 The Childrens Plan Secondary Strategy
- Making Good Progress
- APP (assessing pupil progress)
- Assessment for Learning
- Unrelenting focus on English and mathematics
- SEAL and Behaviour for Learning
- Gifted and Talented
- Persistent Absenteeism
- Functional Skills Pilot
- Diplomas, apprenticeships, foundation learning
9- http//curriculum.qca.org.uk/
- The curriculum should enable all young people to
become - successful learners who enjoy learning, make
progress and achieve - confident individuals who are able to live safe,
healthy and fulfilling lives - responsible citizens who make a positive
contribution to society.
10- sharon.carden_at_liverpool.gov.uk
- Making Good Progress Pilot Leader
11Secondary SEAL The Secondary Pilot Tony
Packwood Liverpool City Council National
Strategy Behaviour and Attendance Consultant
12Intelligence is.
- . knowing what to do when you dont know what
to do- Piaget - If you think you can do a thing, or think you
cant do a thing, youre probably right - Henry
13Perhaps its not working
- Lesson structure
- Target- Setting
- Ability Sets
- Questioning
- Communication routines
- Hot-housing
- Homework
14Inspectors want
- Starters
- Pupil Voice
- Discussion
- Innovation
- Group tasks
- Plenary
15SEAL is the.
- Social and
- Emotional
- Aspects of
- Learning
16Whats wrong with our kids?
- Respect Agenda
- Bullying
- Anxiety
- Low self-esteem
- Peer Pressure
- Poor response to Challenge
17Pass data
18What do we teach?
- Managing feelings
- Motivation
- Empathy
- Self-Awareness
- Social Skills
19Managing feelings
- Shouting out / Answering back
- Tantrums / Sulking
- Inability to concentrate
- Discussion
- Giving up under challenge
- Exam stress
- Bullying
- Absence / Late to class
- Cant be bothered
- Pupils Off-task
- Disruption
- Homework not done
- Lack of revision
- Battling with challenges
- Not sympathy
- Teacher baiting
- Bullying
- Laughing at failure
- Lack of understanding
- Im not sitting by her
22Social skills
- Put Downs / Bullying / ASB
- Lack of perseverance
- Shouting out
- Ineffective group-work
- Not waiting your turn
- Lack of Assertiveness
- Inability to change / accept targets look at
faults and strengths/ accept consequences of
actions - Assessment for Learning
- Defeatism
- Failure to move on
24I Cant do culture
- Primary school - Triangle table?
- SATs / CATs / Sets
- Aspirational targets for staff and pupils
- Failing with 15 different teachers
- Constant Intensity level
- Anxiety
- Poor response to challenge
- Spoon feeding
- Year 8 -9 dip
25Curriculum changes
Making good Progress
Persistent Absence
Mind friendly Learning
Personalised Learning
26Is it P.S.E?
- Scripts
- 40 minutes a week
- Whole school
- All staff
- Major changes
27Primary Experience
- better academic results for all pupils and
schools - more effective learning higher motivation
- better behaviour higher school attendance
- more responsible pupils, who are better citizens
and more able to contribute to society - lower levels of stress and anxiety more positive
school ethos - higher morale, performance and retention of staff
28I can do
29Key SEAL concepts
30School audit
31Successful strategies
32SEAL Objectives in lessons
- Maths / Science / Technology how do you cope
with challenge strategies for stuckness - English / History / Geog / RE Developing empathy
with the characters - PE / Technology developing effective teamwork
- MFL discussing emotions
- All Peer and Self Assessment / Coaching
33The Classroom
- Communication routines
- Thinking time
- Behaviour System
- Class charter
- Rewards and Sanctions
- Posters
- Seating plan
34Teaching Methods
- Hands up
- Group work
- Discussion
- Challenge
- Personalised learning
- Peer and Self Assessment
- Kagan
Behaviour Policy
Rewards and Sanctions
Policy and practice
SEAL in the school vision
Teaching and Learning
Target setting
- Summary of full GCSE by Subject
- Relative Performance Indicator (RPI) by Subject
- Exceptions report
- Ks2-3 CVA Pupil List
37 STUDY PLUS Getting there
School Strategy Managers briefing
Head Teachers briefing
Subject Leaders
School Strategy Managers Planning
Teachers Delivering SP
School Strategy Managers briefing
September 08 Schools have their model
of Study Plus up and running
38 STUDY PLUS Almost there !
15 schools represented at meeting in December
7 schools reply to questionnaire
Some schools are waiting and seeing
Study Plus but not as we know it !
Support for leaders, departments and teachers
39Study Plus WHAT WORKS
Close links to the main English and maths lessons
Small groups 15 or less
Targeting the right pupils For the right reasons
A timetabled option -Two lessons a week
Communicating with pupils, parents and teachers
TA classroom support
Establishing links between Study Plus and other
A planned sequence of lessons- About 20 units
each lasting 3-4 weeks
Giving Study Plus status
Effective use of ICT
Progression Maps used to identify the curricular
Display / celebrate success
Opportunities to plan collaboratively
Support through training and materials
40 STUDY PLUS Whats on the disk ?
ENGLISH and MATHS handbooks and resources STUDY
41 STUDY PLUS Intervention website
www. standards.dfes.gov.uk/intervention Or Google
ENGLISH and MATHS handbooks and resources STUDY
42 STUDY PLUS Teachers and TAs
Planning opportunity
Teachers and TAs Delivering SP
Training at Croxteth Hall Friday 4th April
2008 12.00 - 3.00 with lunch
Gap tasks and follow up sessions
English and Maths
43- There are gifted and talented pupils in every
school, but schools define their own populations - We believe that ability is evenly distributed
throughout the population, so a school's gifted
and talented cohort should be broadly
representative of its whole school population -
44- The Government's aims are
- To improve gifted and talented pupils' outcomes
(particularly for the most disadvantaged) - - Attainment, aspirations, motivation, self-esteem
- To improve the quality of identification,
teaching and support in all class rooms - To improve the coherence and quality of
- Out of school learning opportunities and support
for pupils - Support for parents, educators and schools at
local, - regional and national levels
- A trained 'leading' teacher for GT education in
every secondary school clusters of primary - Improved tracking of GT pupils' attainment and
performance via a new National Register. - A new national programme of extended day
non-residential summer schools developed with the
LA, higher education institutions and specialist
schools - Up to 1 million (plus match funding) to be
targeted towards vulnerable GT learners, for
example BME learners and looked after children - Development of tools and guidance to help schools
to more effectively identify, teach and support
gifted and talented learners from black and
minority ethnic backgrounds.
46Secondary Strategy for School Improvement
Liverpool Teaching and Learning Provision for
Gifted Talented - recovery plan
- The loss of central co-ordination funding for
GT has inhibited progress with development of
GT education such as National Strategies
training and building of GT clusters - Stakeholder group now established from secondary,
primary, networks LA strategy teams - Jacqui Price - GT regional adviser can train
Liverpool trainers
47School GT lead teachers access National
Strategies training
- twenty trainers for GT identified and trained
(April 11th) encompassing both primary and
secondary phases and drawing from school-based
(AST, GT leads, TL Champion) and LA-based
(consultants, learning network co-ordinators)
professionals - 100 of mainstream secondary schools and 75 of
primary schools access training for GT lead
teachers - all schools have access to a GT Lead Teacher
through their Learning Networks
48- Self-sustaining networks for GT Lead Teachers
promote effective practices - learning network based sharing good practice -
case studies presented on EdNet - School self-evaluations and development plans
demonstrate well informed actions to raise
standards amongst GT pupils - schools undertake systematic evaluation of GT
provision against Quality Standards - SEFs evaluate impact of GT provision
- monitoring of GT provision incorporated into SIP
49- GT children are those who have one or more
abilities developed to a level significantly
ahead of their year group (or with the potential
to develop these abilities) - GT pupils need better stretch and challenge in
every classroom and in every school with
opportunities to further their particular talents
outside school at a local and national level - They have a right to an education that is suited
to their particular needs and abilities. They
need to be presented with work that challenges,
stretches and excites them on a daily basis, in
an environment that celebrates excellence and is
supportive of those who may, in years to come,
break the boundaries of what we know and
understand today
50Funding 2008/9
- Targeted for
- Below floor targets at KS3 KS4
- Persistent Absenteeism
- Assessment for Learning
- Increasing two levels progress in core subjects
- Subject leadership in the core subjects
- Modern Foreign Languages
- 1,535,553
51It IS about 5A-C including EN MA
52What are we covering?
The Childrens Plan
Funding 2008/9
A new Secondary Curriculum