Title: Voice over IP (VoIP)
1 Voice over IP (VoIP) background and
regulatory aspects
Background for discussions at ERG meeting
Olli Mattila Finnish Communications Regulatory
Authority ( Chairman of the IRG FN WG / VoIP
- Technical concept of VoIP vs PSTN phone
- Comments on market development / impact on
PSTN - Comments on regulatory issuers
- Ficoras decision on VoIP service
- IRG FN WG / VoIP subgroup
3Technical concept of VoIP vs PSTN
4Next Generation Networks (NGN) / IP-architecture
All services and applications ( voice, data,
Internet protocol (IP)
All network technologies
5Voice is one service inside NGN-communication
6Concept of IP Communication
- Protocols split transmitted data into packets,
add necessary addressing information to the
packets and transmit them and assemble again data
in receiving end
7PSTN telephony vs VoIP
- PSTN telephony VoIP
- - Circuit switched - Packet switched
- E.164 numbering - URL SIP names, E.164, IP
addr, - Intelligent network / - Dumb network /
- dumb terminal intelligent terminal
- Charging bases - Charging bases
- location, distance, min - more limited
- Closed system - Open system
- inherited security - security vital issue
- Tech quality - Tech quality
- standardised transmission - depend mainly
on delays - characteristics and delay variations
8Co-existance of IP phone and PSTN phone
Today and long in the future publicly offered
VoIP has to co-operate with PSTN (terminated,
originated at PSTN)
This reflect to questions, like - numering
9- Nature of VoIP service creates problems with
several consumer protection issues, like - Location independence (nomadicity)
- customer is able to register at any access point
in any country - service provision can be controlled from any
point world wide - Active terminals
- requires electric power
- Open network ( compared with closed PSTN
network) - security questions
10Comments on market development / impact on PSTN
11- VoIP market trends
- At present at its infancy, estimated in
September 2003 - less than 200 000 VoIP users world wide
- less than 20 000 VoIP users in Europe
- But expected to grow rapidly because
- reduced capital and operating costs
- voice services with a number of new features
- new revenue opportunities for access providers
through triple play, - that means voice, data and broadband
internet - Growing number of broadband internet access will
accelerate - the use of VoIP
- Public VoIP service is at least on plan/ trial
basis in most of EU countries
12Estimations of VoIP switch over varies
- Today 10 15 of international voice traffic
is based on VoIP - Optimistic estimations suggest that 50 of
worlds telephone traffic will be based on VoIP
by 2006. More pessimistic estimates refer to year
IP based
2006 -2015
13Comments on regulatory issues
14Regulatory discussions have started
- FCC published a proposed rulemaking in March 2004
- several state regulators are considering the
issue. New York Public - Service Commission issued decision (in May 21)
on Vonages VoiP - EU
- Ficora made regulatory decision on TeliaSoneras
VoIP service - in October 2003
- Several EU countries are establishing national
working groups or about - to launch national consultations on the issue
- EU Commission plans to put document on VoIP
regulatory aspects - for public consultation
15Categories of VoIP services from regulators
point of view
- Outside of regulatory concern
- Corporate internal use on business LAN/WAN
- IP phone IP phone, self provided
- 2. In principle under regulation (end user
services) - Carrier internal use
- 3. Inside regulatory concern
- IP phone to PSTN phone
- PSTN phone to IP phone
- IP phone IP phone service provided by operator
16- Dimensions of regulatory issues on VoIP
- a) Consumer protection
- USO directive PATS definition / obligations?
- b) Market / competition control, for example
- Relationship with relevant markets substitute
to - PSTN voice telephony?
- Interconnection / termination - regulatory
costing? - Retail prices location / distance
independent? -
17Definitions in the USO Directive
- Electronic communications service (ECS) A
service normally provided for remuneration which
consists wholly or mainly in the conveyance of
signals on electronic communications networks - Publicly available telephone service (PATS) a
service available to the public for originating
and receiving national and international calls
and access to emergency services through a number
or numbers in a national or international
telephone numbering plan
18Basic regulatory questions
Are VoIP (which of VoIP services) classified as
publicly available telephone services (PATS) and
thus regulations set for traditional telephone
service apply ? If yes, can the obligations be
obeyed ( due to technical restrictions) in
practice ? Note see as an example list of
obligations set in the Ficoras VoIP decision
19Emergency calls
- Emergency arrangements do not fit calls over
internet, - because the nature of internet
- customer is able to register at any access point
in any country - service provision can be controlled from any
point world wide - Basic problems
- problem with reach the emergency centre
- problem with wrong or lack of callers location
20VoIP quality
- Mainly affected by transmission delays,
- delay variations, packet losses (and bandwith)
- Quality classes defined by ETSI/TIPHON for
- end to end quality
- ITU has technically standardised 5 QoS classes.
Two first are regarded acceptable for VoIP
service - Current international VoIP is mainly based on
Best Effort
21- Legal interception
- Difficult to administrate due to (international)
location - independence of IP
- VoIP also makes use of encryption more easy
- ETSI is working on the issue concerning
technical arrangement - Communication security
- Network integrity /service availability (power
failures, terminal closing due to spam and
network overloading) - Communication confidentality
22- Numbering issues
- VoIP numbers in national numbering plans
- Is there reasons to aim specific number series
for VoIp service ? - Is there need in future for common URL to
identify for emergency services (for example
SIPSOS_at_ home-domain) ? - Universal service issues
- review USO models including VoIP ?
- Extra territorial issues ( services coming
outside Europe) - influence of possible unsymmetric regulation ?
- obligations for services coming outside of EU ?
23Ficoras decision on Soneras VoIP service in
24VoIP regulation in Finland
- TeliaSoneras VoIP Service (Sonera Puhekaista)
- service is offered only to TeliaSoneras broad
band users - offered as a subsitute for PSTN connection
- FICORAs decision in October 2003
- www.ficora.fi/englanti/document/SoneraPuhekaista.
pdf - TeliaSoneras VoIP service was considered to be
PATS because - the service is available to the public
- the service is offered through a number in the
Finnish numbering plan - users can originate and receive national and
international calls and use emergency services - the service was also considered to be offered at
a fixed location -
25- TeliaSoneras VoIP service has to comply with
- the obligations set for PATS in the national
regulation, - main obligations beeing (1)
- ensure that users are able to make international
calls - using access code 00
- ensure that users are able to access the
emergency call - number 112 and other special emergency number
free of charge - on request of user , free of cost, arrange a
categorised - barring service
- free of charge provide itemized bills
- ensure that users nme, address and telephone
number is - collected and published in telephone directory
26TeliaSoneras VoIP service has to comply with the
obligations set for PATS in the national
regulation, main obligations beeing (2)
- equip its communications network and
communications service - with technical facilities that allows legal
interception - service that recipient can see calling number
(CLI) - ensure that its activities can continue under
exceptional circumtances - ensure that network and service satisfies the
quality requirement of the Act - follow provision of the Act on protection and
Data Security in Telecommunications (for example
regulation how to treat , store and use call
27IRG / FN WG / VoIP subgroup
- Just starting the work, first meeting on Monday
June 21th -
- Co-operation with
- Commission
- IRG End User group
- CEPT / ECC / TRIS group
- Follow
- National regulatory development in Europe
- USA (and Japan) regulatory development
- Work of other organisations (OECD, ECTA, etc)
- Standardisation work (ETSI, IETF, etc)