Title: This is an example presentation title
1Individual Budgets Programme Steve
Strong Individual Budgets Implementation Team
2The basic mandate for the Pilots
- The government said it would pilot individual
budgets in - Improving the Life Chances of Disabled People
- Opportunity Age
- Independence, Well-being and Choice
If the pilots show the anticipated benefits, we
will begin rolling out individual budgets
nationally within the lifetime of the next
Parliament (Opportunity Age)
3Choice and control
move from a system where people have to take
what is offered to one where people have greater
control over identifying the type of support or
help they want and more choice about and
influence over the services on offer. Independenc
e Well-being and choice
4Why? Because people want different things than
we are giving them at the moment
5Through having control over the money
6About the pilot programme
13 Local Authorities Will run for between 18
months and 2 years Will be fully evaluated Will
be supported by a team from CSIP (Care Services
Improvement Partnership) Draws heavily on
learning from In Control, and from barriers to
Direct Payment take-up
7Which councils were chosen?
West Sussex County Council Lincolnshire County
Council Leicester City Council Essex County
Council Norfolk County Council Barnsley
Metropolitan Borough Council Coventry City
Council Bath and North East Somerset Council
Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council London
Borough of Barking and Dagenham Gateshead
Council Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council
Manchester City Council
8How can we make it work for people?
- A quick assessment that takes account of your
needs, and streamlines the processes between
different funding streams so you dont need to
be asked the same thing multiple times and so - You get told early on and up front how much money
is available for your support from a range of
income streams - Social Care Money
- Independent Living Fund
- Supporting People
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Access to Work
9- You will then be in a good position to
- Plan realistically and flexibly the best way to
meet your needs, with help from support planners,
brokers, information agencies, your family and
friends to suit you so that you can - Be creative and flexible about how to meet your
needs making best use of resources which
include the money available to you, the family
and community resources around you that you can
build on. This will unlock a whole range of
possibilities to you that the current system
cannot offer. And then - Monitoring and accountability arrangements that
are proportionate
10Some quotes from the first Individual Budget
The most important thing for me is keeping out
of hospital. I wanted to put air conditioning in
one room downstairs, Ive got it now and its
great. I wouldnt have happened if I hadnt
thought about whats possible through Individual
Budgets. I am now making my house accessible so I
can get in and out and this means I can also have
my disabled friends to visit. Lifes going to
change for the better for my husband too now.
Personally I have had a great mistrust of social
services, my goal is to be as independent as
possible. I found the whole experience fulfilling
the people I thought were in control were
suddenly with me. There was less of a feeling of
them and us, this time it was like we are in it
11www.individualbudgets.csip.org.uk www.in-control.o
12Individual Budgets and Capacity Building for the
- Carol Bailey
- Head of Capacity Building and Project Management
- Housing Strategy Support Directorate
- Communities Local Government
13Supporting People Programme
- CLG recently published a Supporting People
Strategy - In the strategy we said -
- Across Government we want people to have
services which are appropriate and responsive to
their individual needs and expectations - One of the ways that we will look to deliver on
this is by using the learning from the Individual
Budget pilots and other choice led personal
funding mechanisms
14Supporting People - Issues
- Supporting people have recently appointed a
consultant work with the IB pilot sites to
identify good practice and to disseminate
information. - The individual budget pilots are currently only
looking at a small number of the client groups
that SP supports.
15SP funding in IBs
- Agreed levels of SP funding in IBs vary from site
to - site
- CLG ministers allow some flexibility for pilot
sites to include up to 10 of their Supporting
People budget within IBs. - However, Ministers have recently approved
Oldham's business case to include up to 40 of
their Supporting People budget in the IB pilot.
16Individual Budgets case study 1
17Individual Budgets- Case study 2
- Case Study 2
- There was a couple who has been married for 60
years. The wife was diagnosed with dementia.
Husband refused to allow the wife to go into care
as he wanted to look after her himself. - The Authority worked with the husband to identify
friends and neighbours that could provide breaks
and support. He used his Individual Budget to
pay for them. - As a result his wife was able to remain at home
with her husband for a further 4 months.
Eventually the struggle became too much for the
husband and he agreed that his wife could go into
care and he decided to go with her. Although
they only need the IB for 4 months the husband
did make the point of saying how much it had
meant to him to be able to have his wife with him
for that time.
18Contacting Communities and Local Government
- Queries? Best practice to share?
- supporting.people
- _at_communities.gsi.gov.uk
- 020 7944 2556
- www.spkweb.org.uk