Title: The Ten Minute Presentation
1The Ten Minute Presentation
- Bill Reimer and Frances Shaver
- Concordia University
- Objectives
- Organizing your presentation
- Communicating with text
- Communicating with tables
- Communicating with graphics
- Preparing for your presentation
- The presentation
3Objectives of the Presentation
- Provide information
- Make an argument
- Motivate
NOTE The current slide is formulated in an
active form The previous slide is formulated in a
passive form
4Organizing your Presentation
- Identify the problem
- Why is it important?
- How others have dealt with it
- How you will deal with it
- Describe what you did
- Identify the important results
- answer the research question
- Discuss the implications
5Communicating with text
- Make it large (at least 24 point)
- No more than 7 lines
- No more than 7 words per line
- Only include relevant information
- Use the words on the overhead - but dont simply
read them aloud
6Communicating with quotes
- Be clear about your objectives
- Provide a flavour of the situation or language
7Communicating with quotes
I was walking down main street... and I looked
at the skies and...the colours, and I was just
sobbing, I was crying and I could not believe
that this was my community and it was going up in
flames. (Resident, 2003)
8Communicating with quotes
9Communicating with quotes
- Be clear about your objectives
- Provide a flavour of the situation or language
- Give specific (local) example of more general or
theoretical concept
10Social cohesion and exclusion
...with the people that have lived here all
their lives, yeah for sure, there is a sense of
belonging and no problem, but when theres new
people that come in, you are naturally on guard,
you dont know these people. (Respondent 5,
11Communicating with quotes
- Be clear about your objectives
- Provide a flavour of the situation or language
- Give specific (local) example of more general or
theoretical concept - Illustrate classification or coding scheme
12Classifying the classifieds
- Instrumental
- should be tall
- nice-looking
- lasting relationship
- professional
- successful
- athletic
- Emotional
- warm
- affectionate
- loves life
- romantic
- caring
- sensual
- sense of humour
13Communicating with quotes
- Be clear about your objectives
- Provide a flavour of the situation or language
- Give specific (local) example of more general or
theoretical concept - Illustrate classification or coding scheme
- Will it enhance your message?
14Communicating with images
15Four types of social norms
Market-based Contractual, short-term, supply and
demand E.g. commerce, labour, housing, trade
Bureaucratic-based Rationalized roles,
principles E.g. government, law, corporations
Associative-based Shared interests E.g.
recreation, charity, religious groups
Communal-based Generalized reciprocity,
identity, birth E.g. families, cultural groups,
16The Sample Frame may not match the Population
Sample Frame
Units in the SF but not the P
Units in the P but not the SF
but try to get them close
17Communicating with images
- Keep them large
- Keep text large
- Describe each element
- Interpret the image and its relationships
18Communicating with Tables
19Couples Reporting Sex 3 Times a Week or More
Keep it simple
20Couples Reporting Sex 3 Times a Week or More
Describe the title, variables, categories, and
contents first
21Couples Reporting Sex 3 Times a Week or More
If misogyny married most, lesbian gay least
Identify what you expect to find, then what you
22Couples Reporting Sex 3 Times a Week or More
23Couples Reporting Sex 3 Times a Week or More
- Topic Titles
- Couples Reporting Sex 3 Times a Week or More
- Thematic Title
- Cohabiting and Gay Couples Report More Sex
- Assertive Title
- Women are Less Interested in Sex
25Communicating with tables
- Keep it simple
- Describe the title, variables, categories, and
content first - Identify what you expect to find, then what you
find - Give the audience time to understand it
26Communicating with Graphs
- The same principles apply
- Simplicity
- Describe the layout
- Identify expectations
- Point to the results
- Give the audience time
- Plus put comparisons together
27Couples Reporting Sex 3 or MoreTimes per Week
28Communicating with graphics
- Keep it simple
- Describe the title, variables, categories, and
content first - Identify what you expect to find, then what you
find - Give the audience time to understand it
- Put comparisons together
29Preparing for your presentation
- Identify your audience
- Limit your points
- Practice
- Prepare for stress
- Check your equipment
- Practice
30The Presentation
- Keep to your time
- Use a clear, strong voice
- Breathe
- Face the audience not the screen
- Maintain eye contact
- Smile
31The Ten Minute Presentation
- Bill Reimer and Frances Shaver
- Concordia University
- http//reimer.concordia.ca/Teaching/