Title: Microarrays can be used to monitor gene expression
1Microarrays can be used to monitor gene expression
2From Structural Genomics to Proteomics
Finding out what our proteins do
3Devising a computational modeling system
to look at protein active sites
- The inadequacies of structure-function
- relationships
- Where do water molecules stick?
- Crystal structures of protein complexes
- (in concert with structural genomic
studies) - Moonlighting proteins
- (in concert with functional genomic
4The fickle nature of enzymes
5Using a proteome to understand physiology
6Protein identification methods
Edman degradation
7Mass spectroscopy offers immense precision
and sensitivity
8and versatility
9Utility of Protein Chips
- High-throughput assays for
- Biochemical activities
- Protein interactions
10Human proteome turning to bio-panning
Produce a antibody reporter for each gene product
First step Clone each gene and express gene
product using Gateway technology Second step
Make high affinity anti-sera Third step Screen
protein chip Although steps one and two appear
cost prohibitive, it is actually step three that
has required the most time and research.
11Surface chemistry is the biggest obstacle
- Some solutions
- Microfabricated polyacrylamide gel pads
- Aldehyde-containing silane coating (amino
reactive) - Nickel-coated slides
- For the human proteome Currently use a 20-step
reaction to - provide a covalent capture surface which reduces
non-specific - binding and holds 70 fmole of peptide for four
12Other high throughput ways of looking at proteins
- Protein chips
- Protein Quantitation measuring
antibody-antigen - genome-www.stanford.edu/proteinarrays/proteinarray
s.pdf - http//bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/e-print/protchip-natge
n/text.pdf - Drug discovery - Microarrays of receptor targets
- or immobilized receptors
- http//www.clontech.com/whatsnew/announcements/AbA
rray.shtml - Two-hybrid system
- http//cmmg.biosci.wayne.edu/finlab/YTHnetworks.ht
ml - Phage and yeast display
- http//www.niddk.nih.gov/fund/other/genoproteo/w
ang.pdf - http//www.invitrogen.com80/Content/Tech-Online/m
olecular_biology/manuals_pps/pyd1_man.pdf - http//web.mit.edu/cheme/kdw-lab/presentations/Yea