Title: Reflections on GIS
1Reflections on GIS Early Philadelphia
Historyor Why Benjamin Franklin Loved GIS
History Shmistry (GIS SchmIS!)
2Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790 First American Hero
There never was a good war or a bad peace --Ben
3Arrives in Philadelphia (1723)
4(No Transcript)
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6Thus I went up Market-street as far as
Fourth-street, passing by the door of Mr. Read,
my future wife's father when she, standing at
the door, saw me, and thought I made, as I
certainly did, a most awkward, ridiculous
7Scenes Along Franklins Walk
London Coffee House
8Scenes Along Franklins Walk
Court House
9Butchers Shambles and Market Stalls
Food Market
City Prison
11GIS Historical Issues
- What the Hell do Historians Want to Know?
- Every Damned Thing about Life!
12Taverns in Philadelphia 1735
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to
prosper --Ben Franklin
Taverns in Philadelphia 1780
13GIS Historical IssuesCharacteristics Changes
over Time
- Economic Commercial Patterns
- Markets
- stores
- Shipbuilders
- Coopers
- Tailors
- Cultural Patterns
- Hospitals
- Churches
- Schools
- Libraries
Pennsylvania Hospital
14GIS Historical Issues(New Orleans Prelude)
- Disease Patterns
- Yellow Fever
- Cholera
Poor People
Yellow Fever
15GIS Historical IssuesCharacteristics Changes
over Time
- Architectural Patterns
- Demographic Patterns
- Household Size composition
- Daily Life
- Water Supply
- Sewers Toilets
Workers House
16GIS Historical IssuesCharacteristics Changes
over Time
- Residential Patterns
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- Occupations
- Class
- Race
God plays with GIS
17Philadelphia Athens of America1790 - 1800
Sources City Directories (entire decade) U.S.
Census (1790, 1800) City Tax Lists (entire
decade) Federal Tax List 1798 Fire Insurance
Policies Inventories of Estate Pennsylvania
18Philadelphia City Directory 1791 Sorted by Street
Thomas Morgan, grocer
19Philadelphia City Directory 1801 By Street
Thomas Pecan, grocer
20Census 1800
21Philadelphia Tax List 1789
Moses Nathan, Merchant Dwelling Lot 855 40
oz. Plate 16 1 Negro 50
David Lapsley, Shopkeeper 13 oz. Plate 5 1
bound servant 15 Personal 75
22Federal Tax 1798
John Harper, foundry 1 story, brick wood, 12 x
18 Value 425
John Harper
23Location of William Birch Engravings of
Philadelphia 1800
24Comparative Historical Views
View from Market Street along North Second
(towards Christ Church)
25Fire Insurance Policies
26Household Items Inventories of Estate
Laborer, Philadelphia
27Household Items from Inventories of Estate (St.
Marys County, Maryland)
of Households
28Richard Allen
Absalom Jones
29(No Transcript)
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31(No Transcript)
32Walnut Street Jail
33Ben Franklin GIS is Made for History
"They that can give up essential liberty to
obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither
liberty nor safety"