Title: A New Nation
1A New Nation
3Delegates from each state met at the
__________________ ________________ in
Constitutional Convention
- A _________________ is when two people have
different opinions but are able to reach an
agreement by both sides giving in a little.
5James Madison
6What title did James Madison earn?
"Father of the Constitution"
7Who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights?
George Mason
8The Bill of Rights lists the rights held by all
citizens of the United States such as
freedom of religion
freedom of the press
9Who provided the strong leadership needed to help
the young country and provided a model of
leadership for future presidents?
George Washington
10Father of Our Country
11After the American Revolution, why did many
Virginians move west and to the deep south?
12Where were the settlers able to cross the
Appalachian Mountains as they migrated to new
Cumberland Gap
14Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army
George Washington
15Father of the Constitution
James Madison
16Wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights
George Mason
17Fifth president
James Monroe
18First president
George Washington
19Founded the University of Virginia
Thomas Jefferson
20Father of Our Country
George Washington
21Wrote the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
22Third president
Thomas Jefferson
23Fourth president
James Madison
24Wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
Thomas Jefferson