Title: School Census Autumn 2006 Demo
1(No Transcript)
2Autumn 2006 (September)School Census Demo
- Secondary and Middle deemed Secondary Schools only
- The New statutory attendance codes must be
populated in school prior to commencing the
return Failure to do so will result in a failed
validation check of the return. These should have
been in place for the 1st September 2006. - Upgrade to the summer release of SIMS .net
There are some validation fixes in this release
relating to excluded students attendance data.
4Autumn Census 06
- Thursday 21st September
- Secondary and Middle Schools only need to provide
this return. - Similar to the summer return
- Larger Attendance return
New item
5Changes to data Items and date criteria's
- Exclusions - All data for pupils that were
subject to any exclusion with a start date during
the period 1/01/2006 and 16/04/2006 inclusive and
for which Exclusion Appeal Result is not equal to
R or O.
6Changes to data Items and date criteria's
- Termly attendance data covering the period
- 17/04/2006 to 26/05/2006 inclusive
- And.
- Annual attendance data covering the period from
the start of the previous (2005) Autumn term
(Academic year) to 26/05/2006 inclusive
7The Autumn (September) Return is available from
the same route as the Spring and Summer Returns
8The term defaults to Spring, so well use the
drop down to change this to Autumn
9Click New to create a new Autumn Return file
10In this Return, the Age at Date is used to
calculate which pupils should be included for
attendance information for the previous academic
year so the default of 31/08/2005 is correct.
Further notes regarding this date have been
released to clarify that this should be 05.
Selected Period is not used for this census so we
can set it to period 1 or 2 etc..
You should choose a name that will help you
identify the file
11Once satisfied with the Census details, Click
Save before moving on to the School Information
12This is the same panel we saw for the Spring and
Summer Returns
Check the details displayed are correct for your
school, ensure any new services or specialisms
have been added. You can click the School Detail
button to access the section of SIMS .net where
these details can be changed.
13Once your satisfied with the school details
information, Click to Calculate All Details
This process will gather all the data required
from your SIMS .Net database.
14When you are creating the file from new it makes
sense to agree to the calculation overwriting
existing data. If you were editing an existing
file you may click No so that any previous edits
are preserved.
15Once calculated, the attendance panel will be
populated with data from your Attendance module.
There are changes to this display for this
particular terms return. Using the scroll bar at
the bottom, your notice there are six columns of
attendance data for each student. This is because
the autumn return collects attendance figure for
the previous year and the previous term. For
example T Poss sessions Term A Poss sessions
16Attendance is the only calculated item for this
return, so the Recalculate button achieves
exactly the same result as the Calculate All
Details in the previous panel
You must remember to Recalculate if You want any
changes made in Attendance to be fed through to
these totals
17Check the figures for each student. You can
change the order the display is group by.
18There are only three panels for this Return, so
we can now Save and then click Validate to create
and validate the Return file
19The results of the validation will be displayed.
All the errors must be resolved and the warnings
checking that they are correct for your school.
Failure to resolve errors will result in the file
being return by County or and the DfES. A
document with all known errors and warnings will
be published on the Census section of the grid
20Click to view the summary file.
21Check all the information as this is the
information which is included in your
return. Print or save a copy for future
22When you are happy with the Validation and
Summary reports you can Authorise the return
ready for dispatch
Clicking Authorise will provide the official
format XML file Return can no longer be edited
unless a copy is made.
23Sending the Census Return
- Once the return has been generated it can be
transferred using the normal AnyComms procedure. - If this is unfamiliar to you, notes for sending
files via Anycomms can be downloaded form our
24School Census Guidance
- All documents relating to the School Census can
be located on the School Census section of the
grid website. - The school Census area is divided into several
sections, one for each term and a general area
where the information would relate to all the
returns. We endeavour to populate these areas
with regular updates, so please do check during
the census periods.
- Help and support is available via either of the
following routes - Helpdesk 01582 830310, option 5
- E-mail sitss.mis_at_lea.herts.sch.uk
- Fax 01582 830219