Title: Automatic Structures
1Automatic Structures
- Bakhadyr Khoussainov
- Computer Science Department
- The University of Auckland,
- New Zealand
- Lecture 1
- 1. Motivation.
- 2. Finite Automata. Examples.
- 3. Building Automata.
- 4. Automatic Structures. Definition.
- 5. Examples.
- 6. Decidability Theorems I and II.
- 7. Definability Theorems.
- Lecture 2
- 1. Automatic Boolean Algebras.
- 2. Automatic Linear Orders and Ranks.
- 3. Automatic Trees and Ranks.
- 4. Automatic Versions of Konigs Lemma.
- 5. Definability and Intrinsic Regularity
- a) Decidability Theorem III.
- b) Example Intrinsic Regularity in (?, S).
- Lecture 3
- 1. Fraisse Limits and Their Automaticity
- a. Random Graphs.
- b. Universal Partial Order.
- 2. The Isomorphism Problem for Automatic
- Structures is S11-complete.
- 3. Conclusion What is Next?
- Refinement of the theory of computable structures
- A part of feasible mathematics
- Generalization of the theory of finite models
- A natural generalization of automata theory
- Automatic groups
- Infinite state systems.
- Roots go back to the late 50s and the 60s to
early - developments of automata theory by Buchi, Elgot,
- Eilenberg, Kleene, Rabin, Sheperdson.
6Finite Automata
- Fix an alphabet S. An automaton consists of
- A finite set S of states.
- A subset I of S. States in I are initial states.
- A transition diagram ? SxS ? P(S)
- A subset F of S. States in F are called final
states. - Automata can be represented as directed
- labeled graphs.
7Finite Automata
- Let w a0 .an be a word. The word is
- accepted by the automaton if there exists an
- accepting run of the automaton on the
- word.
- L(A)w w is accepted by A
- Language L is FA recognizable if LL(A) for
- some automaton A.
8Examples and Some Results
- 0w1 w is a word.
- u101v u,v are words.
- u0a1an each ai is 0 or 1, u is a word.
- w101 w does not contain 101.
- w the length of w is a multiple of 3.
- Keenes theorem.
- The star height hierarchy.
- NFA and DFA are equivalent (a few words).
9Building Automata
- Let L1 and L2 be FA recognizable. Then the
- following languages are FA recognizable
- The union of L1 and L2.
- The intersection of L1 and L2.
- The complement of L1.
10Building Automata
- Projection Operation
- Let S S1x S2 be an alphabet. Let L be a
- language over S.
- Pr1(L)w ? u ((w,u) belongs to L)
- If L is regular then so is Pr1(L).
11Regular Relations
- Consider a binary relation R on the set S.
- Thus, R? S x S. We want to define what
- it means that R is FA recognizable.
- There are several ways to define FA
- recognizable relations. There are research
- schools that study questions of this type.
- We follow Buchis original definition
- published in1960.
12Regular Relations
- We define the convolution of R. Take words
- u and v Say, u11001,v1010100110.
- Write them one below the other
- 11001
- 1010100110 and form the word c(u,v)
13Regular Relations
- c(u,v) is called the convolution of (u,v).
- Consider c(R)c(u,v) (u,v) belongs to R.
- Note, c(R) is a language over new finite
- alphabet.
- Definition (Buchi and Elgot, 1960,1961).
- The relation R is FA recognizable
- (equivalently, regular) if its convolution c(R)
- is FA recognizable.
- A structure is a tuple
- (A P0, P1,,Pn, F0, F1,Fm),
- where
- each P is a predicate symbol, and
- each F is a functional symbol.
- Assumptions a) A is a countable set.
- b) Consider relational structures in which each
- function F is replaced by its graph.
- Examples
- a) Graphs (V E).
- b) Partial orders (P ?).
- c) Linear orders (L ?).
- d) Trees (T ?).
- e) Groups (G ).
- f) Boolean algebras (B ?, n, /, 0,1).
- g) Rings (R , x, 0,1).
16Definition Automatic Structure (Hodgson 1976,
Khoussainov and Nerode 1994)
- A structure A(A, P0, P1,,Pn) is
- automatic if
- The domain A is a FA recognizable language, and
- each predicate Pi is a FA recognizable language.
17Definition Automatic Structure
- To describe an automatic structure one
- needs to explicitly specify
- The alphabet.
- A finite automaton that recognizes the domain of
the structure. - Finite automata recognizing all the predicates of
the structure.
- The successor structure (1 S), where S(w)w1
- The 2 successors structure (0,1 L, R), where
L(w)w0 and R(w)w1. - The linear order (1 lt), where wltu iff the
length of w is less than that of u. - The binary tree (0,1 ?prefix), where
- x ?prefix y iff x is a prefix of y.
- 5. The word structure
- (0,1 L, R, ltpref, EqL),
- where EqL(x,y) iff xy.
- 6. The structure (N ), where numbers are
- represented as binary words with least
- significant digits written from left to right and
- rightmost digit not being 0.
- 7. The Presburger arithmetic (N S, , ?), where
numbers are represented in binary. - 8. Arithmetic with weak division
- (N S, , ?, 2 ),
- where x 2 y iff x is a power of two and y is a
- multiple of x.
- 9. Let T be a Turing machine. Consider the graph
(Conf(T), E), where Conf(T) is the space of all
configurations of T, and E(x,y) if there is a
one-step transition from configuration x into y
via T. - 10. The structure
- (0,11 ?lex ).
- This is a dense linearly ordered set.
22Decidability Theorem I (Hodgson 1976,
Khoussainov and Nerode, 1994)
- Let A be an automatic structure. There exists
- an algorithm that, given a FO formula F(x1,,xn),
builds an automaton that recognizes the set - (a1,,an) A satisfies F(a1,,an).
- Proof. By induction on the length of the
- formula F. The disjunction corresponds to the
- union, negation to the complementation, and
- ? to projection operations.
- The first order theory, that is, the set of
- all first order sentences true in any given
- automatic structure is decidable.
- 2. The first order theory of Presburger
- arithmetic (N S, 0, lt, ) is decidable.
24Decidability Theorem II (Gradel and Blumensath,
in LICS 2000)
- Let A be an automatic structure. There
- exists an algorithm that, given a formula
- F(x1,,xn) in FO?? , builds an automaton
- for the set
- (a1,,an) A satisfies F(x1,,xn).
- Proof. Extend A to (A, ltllex ). Now, any formula
- ?? x F(x,z) is equivalent to
- ?y ?x (yltllexx F(x,z) ).
- 4. Let (T lt) be an automatic finitely
- branching infinite tree. Then it has a regular
- infinite path.
- Proof. Consider (Tlt, ltllex ). Here is a FO ??
- definition of an infinite path. Good(x) if any
- y below or equal to x is the ltllex-first
- immediate successor of its parent such that
- there are infinitely many z above y.
- Consider e1(n)2n, et(n)the tower of 2s of
- length t to the power of n.
- The ? quantifier brings non-determinism.
- The negation which follows ? brings
- exponential blow up in the number of states.
- So, the t blocks of the negation symbol
- followed by ? in a formula yields an
- automaton with et(n) number of states.
- If A is automatic then the time complexity of
the algorithm - deciding the theory of A is non-elementary.
- Theorem (Blumensath, Gradel, LICS 2000).
- The time complexity of the first order theory of
- (N S, , lt, 2 ) is non-elementary.
- M. Lohrey (2003) The theory of any automatic
finitely - branching graph is double exponential.
- F. Fleadtke (2003) The known lower bound for
- Presburger arithmetic is matched via automata.
28Definition Automatic Presentations (Khoussainov
and Nerode 1994)
- Let A be a structure.
- An automatic presentation of A, or equivalently,
automatic copy of A, is any automatic structure
isomorphic to A. - If A has an automatic presentation then A is
called FA presentable.
29Automata Presentable Structures Examples
- 1. The group (Z ). More generally, finitely
- generated Abelian groups.
- 2. Boolean Algebras Bi?
- 3. Linear Orders S(?2n)
- 4. Graphs.
- 5. Equivalence Structures.
30Definability Theorem I (Buchi 1960, Elgot 1961,
Eilenberg, Elgot and Sheperdson 1969, Bruere et
al. 1994, Blumensath and Gradel 1999)
- A structure A has an automatic presentation
- iff A is isomorphic to a structure definable in
- (0,1 L, R, ?prefix, EqL).
- Proof. One direction is clear.
- The other direction Let A be an automatic.
- Fact We can assume that the alphabet is 0,1.
31Definability Theorem I (Proof)
- It suffices to show that any regular relation R
- over 0,1 is definable. Say, for simplicity, R
- is unary. Assume M accepts R
- 1. 1,.,m are the states of M 1 is the initial
state - 2. ? is the transition table.
- 3. F is the set of all accepting states.
32Definability Theorem I (Proof)
- Want to build F(x) such that for all w in 0,1
- the word w is in R iff F(w) is true. The
- formula needs to say the following
- There exist words s1,., sm such that the word si
simulates state i. - The word si is a binary sequence such that the
jth component is 1 iff the jth component of the
run on x is i. - The run should be accepting.
33Definability Theorem I (Proof)
- More formally, F(x) says ?s1?s2.?sm
- 1. The first digit of s1 is 1.
- 2. For any position p only one of words si has 1.
- 3. If pth digit of si is 1 and the pth digit of x
is s then (p1)th digit of sj is 1, where - ?(i, s)j.
- 4. If the (x1)th digit of sk is 1 then k is in
F. - All these can be expressed in the FO logic.
34Definability Theorem II (Gradel Blumeansath,
- The following are equivalent
- 1. A is automatic over binary alphabet.
- 2. A is definable in
- (0,1 L, R, ?prefix, EqL).
- 3. A is definable in (N S, , ?, 2 ).
35Definability Theorem III (Nabebin 1976,
Blumensath 1999)
- A structure A has an automatic presentation
- over a unary alphabet if and only if it is
- isomorphic to a structure definable in
- (? ?, mod(2), mod(3), mod(4),)